AI: Artificial Intelligence
AdSCFT: AdS/CFT-соответствие
AMS-02: Миссия AMS-02.
APH: Общая астрофизика
APHM: Астрофизика - магнитные поля
ASTROBIOL: Астробиология
ATIC: Эксперимент ATIC
BHI: Черные дыры (информация - в том числе, но не только)
CASIMIR: Эффект Казимира
CONST: Константы: вариации и прочее
COMP: Вычислительные методы и пакеты (аналитика в том числе)
CR: Космические лучи (преимущественно адроны)
CRA: Космические лучи - ускорение
CRANIS: Космические лучи - анизотропия
CRCAL: Космические лучи - калориметрические прямые измерения
CRE-EXP: Электроны в космических лучах - эксперимент
CRE-EXP-POS: Позитроны в космических лучах - эксперимент
CRE-THEOR: Электроны в космических лучах - теория
CREDM: Электроны в космических лучах и темная материя
CREDM-GAMMA: Ограничения на темную материю от гамма-спектроскопии и электроны в космических лучах
CRGAMMA: Гамма-астрономия и гамма-фон
CREMULS: Эмульсионные прямые эксперименты в космических лучах
CREXTRA: Экстрагалактические космические лучи
CRISOT: Изотопы в космических лучах.
CRMAGNET: Космические лучи - магнитные спектрометры
CRMOON: Космические лучи - регистрация с использованием Луны
CRNUCL: Космические лучи - ядра тяжелее гелия
CRPROP: Космические лучи - распространение и ускорение
CRSECT: Космические лучи - сечения фрагментации и прочее
CRUHN: Космические лучи - ядра тяжелее железа
CS: Космология
CSCMB: Cosmic Microvave Background and Cosmology
CSEXP: Космология - эксперимент
CSQ: Квантовая космология
CSQL: Петлевая квантовая космология
DMEXP: Темная материя: прямые эксперименты, теория и др.
DMS: Звезды из темной материи
EPP: (Experimental Plank Physics) Экспериментальная физика планковских энергий и квантовой гравитации
FTNST: Нестандартные и обобщенные теории поля: групповые, топологические...
GEN: Общая физика
GR: ОТО (и обобщения)
GRBIMETRIC: Биметрические и массивные теории гравитации
GRCARTAN: ОТО Эйнштейна-Картана
GRCARTAN-EXP: ОТО Эйнштейна-Картана, эксперимент
GREQU: Принцип эквивалентности
GREQUCONTR: Нарушение принципа эквивалентности
GRHL: Horava-Lifshiz theory
GRG: ОТО как калибровочная теория (см. также GRCARTAN)
GRMAGN: Гравитомагнетизм
GRSHD: Shape dynamics
GRSPIN: Взаимодействие спина с гравитационным полем, здесь же геометрическая оптика в гравитационном поле
GRWAVE: Гравитационные волны
GRENIER: к докладу Grenier
HIGGS: Хигсовский бозон и обсуждение стандартной модели
HOLOG: Голографические модели
icrc32, OG1 секция
INFO: Информация
PHYSHIST: История и философия физики
LIFEOR: Происхождение жизни
LHC: Результаты LHC
LOR: Лоренц-инваринтность и другие эксперименты квантовой гравитации
MARS: Марс: радиационная безопасность и др.
MATH: Математика (категории, топосы, спиноры и обобщения, вычисления...)
NEGMASS: Отрицательные массы
NEUTRINO: Нейтрино (осцилляции и прочее), мюоны
NUCLINT: Ядерные взаимодействия
OUTOFNOWHERE: Главы из книги
OPERA: Эксперимент OPERA: превышение скорости света и прочее
PART2004: Particle Physics Survey: Phys.Lett.B V.592 (2004) 1-1109
PLANETS: Exoplatens
PULS: Пульсары
RELHYD: Релятивистская гидродинамика
QC: Quantum computers
QG: Квантовая гравитация
QGCS: Квантовая гравитация - причинные множества
QGHOL: Квантовая гравитация и голография
QGL: Петлевая квантовая гравитация
QGLIGHT: Непостоянство скорости света и квантовая гравитация
QLOG: Квантовая логика
QT: Квантовая теория вообще
SETI, астробиология, универсальная эволюция, антропный принцип, планетология
SN1987A: Сверхновая 1987А
STR: Теория струн
SUSY: Суперсимметрия
SYK теория
TACH: Тахионы
TD: Дополнительные временные размерности
TL: Time-less physics, проблема времени, стрела
TQG: Время в квантовой гравитации (геометродинамика Уилера-ДеВитта и др.)
WH: Worm holes, кротовые норы
Artificial Intelligence
- AI-BRINGSJORD2000. Selmer Bringsjord and Hong Xiao.
A refutation of Penrose's Godelian case adanst artificial intelligence.
J. Expt. Theor. Artif. Intell. 12(2000)307-329
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- AI-SEARLE1982. John Searle.
Minds, Brains and Programs.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (3): 417-427
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- AI-SHAKIROV2016. Vladimir Shakirov.
Review of state-of-the-arts in artificial intelligence. Present and future of AI.
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- AI-ZHELTIKOV2018. А.М. Жёлтиков.
Критика квантового разума: измерение, сознание, отложенный выбор и утраченная когерентность.
УФН, т.188(2018), No 10, С.1119-1129
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Миссия AMS-02.
- AMS-02-2008-NIM.
Roberto Battiston, on behalf of the AMS-02 Collaboration.
The antimatter spectrometer (AMS-02): A particle physics detector in space. [Сверхпроводящий магнит]
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 588 (2008) 227-234.
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- AMS-02-2012-JModPhysE.
Andrei Kounine, on behalf of the AMS-02 Collaboration.
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station. [Постоянный магнит]
International Journal of Modern Physics E Vol. 21, No. 8 (2012) 1230005 (31 pages).
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Manuel Aguilar, on behalf of the AMS collaboration..
AMS-02 provides a precise measure of cosmic rays.
CERN Courier, 2013, V. 53, No 8, P. 22-26.
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- AMS-02-2013-PRL-PosToEl.
AMS-02 Collaboration: M. Aguilar, G. Alberti, B. Alpat, et al.
First Result from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station:
Precision Measurement of the Positron Fraction in Primary Cosmic Rays of 0.5–350 GeV.
PRL 110, 141102 (2013).
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- AMS-02-2013-Rio-1257.
S. Schael, for the AMS Collaboration.
Precision measurements of the electron spectrum and the positron spectrum with AMS.
33th ICRC, Rio-de-Janeiro, ID-1257.
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- AMS-02-2013-Rio-1261.
J. Casaus, on behalf of the AMS Collaboration.
Determination of the positron anisotropy with AMS.
33th ICRC, Rio-de-Janeiro, ID-1261.
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- AMS-02-2013-Rio-1262.
V. Choutko, on behalf of the AMS Collaboration.
Precision Measurement of the Cosmic Ray Helium Flux with AMS Experiment.
33th ICRC, Rio-de-Janeiro, ID-1262.
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- AMS-02-2013-Rio-1264.
A. Kounine, on behalf of the AMS Collaboration.
Precision measurement of the positron fraction in primary cosmic rays of 0.5−350 GeV.
33th ICRC, Rio-de-Janeiro, ID-1264.
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- AMS-02-2013-Rio-1265.
S. Haino, on behalf of the AMS Collaboration.
Precision measurement of the proton flux with AMS.
33th ICRC, Rio-de-Janeiro, ID-1265.
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Презентации нет.
- AMS-02-2013-Rio-1266.
A. Oliva, on behalf of the AMS Collaboration.
Precision Measurement of the Cosmic Ray Boron-to-Carbon Ratio with AMS.
33th ICRC, Rio-de-Janeiro, ID-1266.
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- AMS-02-2013-Rio-1267.
B.Bertucci, on behalf of the AMS Collaboration.
Precision measurement of the e$^+$ + e$^−$ spectrum with AMS.
33th ICRC, Rio-de-Janeiro, ID-1267.
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- AMS-02-2014-arXiv-ElecAndPos.
Claudio Corti, for the AMS collaboration.
The cosmic ray electron and positron spectra measured by AMS-02.
arXiv:1402.0437 [physics.ins-det].
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- AMS-02-2014-arXiv-p.
C. Consolandi, on Behalf of the AMS-02 Collaboration.
Primary Cosmic Ray Proton Flux Measured by AMS-02.
arXiv:1402.0467 [astro-ph.HE].
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- AMS-02-2014-PDU.
Roberto Battiston, on behalf of the AMS Collaboration.
Precision measurements of $e^+$ $e^−$ in Cosmic Ray with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the ISS.
Physics of the Dark Universe 4 (2014) 6-9.
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- AMS-02-2014-PRL1.
L. Accardo, M. Aguilar, D. Aisa, et al (AMS collaboration)
High Statistics Measurement of the Positron Fraction in Primary Cosmic Rays of 0.5–500 GeV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station.
PRL 113, 121101 (2014).
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- AMS-02-2014-PRL2.
M. Aguilar, D. Aisa, A. Alvino, et al (AMS collaboration)
Electron and Positron Fluxes in Primary Cosmic Rays Measured with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station.
PRL 113, 121102 (2014).
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- AMS-02-2014-arXiv-TRD.
Andreas Obermeier, Michael Korsmeier
Cross-calibration of the Transition Radiation Detector of AMS-02 for an Energy Measurement of Cosmic-Ray Ions.
arXiv:1411.3329 [astro-ph.IM].
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- AMS-02-2014-PRL2.
M. Aguilar, D. Aisa, B. Alpat, et al (AMS collaboration).
Precision Measurement of the (e+ + e-) Flux in Primary Cosmic Rays from 0.5 GeV to 1 TeV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station.
PRL 113, 221102 (2014).
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- AMS-02-2015-PRL-p.
M. Aguilar, D. Aisa, B. Alpat, A. Alvino et al. (AMS-02 Collaboration).
Precision Measurement of the Proton Flux in Primary Cosmic Rays from Rigidity 1 GV to 1.8 TV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station .
PRL 114, 171103 (2015).
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- AMS-02-2015-PRL-He.
M. Aguilar, D. Aisa, B. Alpat, A. Alvino et al. (AMS-02 Collaboration).
Precision Measurement of the Helium Flux in Primary Cosmic Rays of Rigidities
1.9 GV to 3 TV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station .
PRL 115, 211101 (2015).
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- AMS-02-2016-PRL-AntP-P.
M. Aguilar, D. Aisa, B. Alpat, A. Alvino et al. (AMS-02 Collaboration).
Antiproton Flux, Antiproton-to-Proton Flux Ratio, and Properties of Elementary Particle Fluxes in Primary Cosmic Rays Measured with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station.
PRL 117, 091103 (2016).
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- AMS-02-2016-PRL-BtoC.
M. Aguilar, D. Aisa, B. Alpat, A. Alvino et al. (AMS-02 Collaboration).
Precision Measurement of the Boron to Carbon Flux Ratio in Cosmic Rays from 1.9 GV to 2.6 TV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station.
PRL 117, 231102 (2016).
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- AMS-02-2015-TOMASETTI.
Nicola Tomassetti.
AMS-02 in Space: Physics Results.
J. Phys. Conf. 650 (2015) 012001 [arXiv:1511.05890 [astro-ph.HE]]
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- AMS-02-2015-JIN-WU-ZHOU.
Hong-Bo Jin, Yue-Liang Wu, Yu-Feng Zhou.
Cosmic ray propagation and dark matter in light of the latest AMS-02 data.
2015JCAP...09..049J [arXiv:1410.0171 [hep-ph]]
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Общая астрофизика
- APH-BAHCALL1982. John N. Bahcall, Walter F. Huebner, Stephen H. Lubow, Peter D. Parker, Roger K Ulrich.
Standard solar models and the uncertainties in predicted capture rates of solar neutrinos.
Reviews of Modern Physics, Volume 54, Issue 3, July 1982, pp.767-799
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- APH-BALL2009. Nicholas M. Ball, Robert J. Brunner
Data Mining and Machine Learning in Astronomy.
arXiv:0906.2173v2 [astro-ph.IM]
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- APH-BERGHOEFER2002. T. W. Berghoefer, D. Breitschwerdt.
"The origin of the young stellar population in the solar neighborhood - a link to the formation of the Local Bubble?.
Astronomy and Astrophysics 390 (1): 299-306 (arXiv:astro-ph/0205128v2)
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- APP-FERRIERE2001. Katia M. Ferriere
The Interstellar Environment of our Galaxy.
Rev.Mod.Phys.73:1031-1066,2001, arXiv:astro-ph/0106359v1
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- APH-FRISCH1983. P.C. Frisch, D.G. York.
Synthesis maps of ultraviolet observations of neutral interstellar gas.
Astrophysical Journal, Part 2 - Letters to the Editor (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 271, Aug. 15, 1983, p. L59-L63
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- APH-GREEN2009. D. A. Green
A revised Galactic supernova remnant catalogue.
2009, BASI, 37, 45-61, arXiv:0905.3699v2 [astro-ph.HE]
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- APH-PORTER2005. T. A. Porter, A. W. Strong
A new estimate of the Galactic interstellar radiation field between 0.1 microns and 1000 microns.
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- APH-VAZQUEZ2008. R.A. Vázquez, Jorge May, Giovanni Carraro, Leonardo Bronfman, André Moitinho, Gustavo Baume.
Spiral Structure in the Outer Galactic Disk. I. The Third Galactic Quadrant. [см. также http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orion–Cygnus_Arm]
The Astrophysical Journal, 2008, Volume 672, Issue 2, pp. 930-939.
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- APH-WANG2013. Shuang Wang, Yun-He Li, Xin Zhang.
Exploring the evolution of color-luminosity parameter β and its effects on parameter estimation.
arXiv:1310.6109 [astro-ph.CO]
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Астрофизика - магнитные поля
- APHM-BECK2008. Rainer Beck
Measuring interstellar magnetic fields by radio synchrotron emission.
arXiv:0812.4925v1 [astro-ph]
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- APHM-FRISCH1996. P.C. Frisch.
LISM structure — Fragmented superbubble shell?
Space Science Reviews, Volume 78, Issue 1-2, pp. 213-222
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- APHM-BECK1996. Rainer Beck,Axel Brandenburg,David Moss,Anvar Shukurov,Dmitry Sokoloff.
GALACTIC MAGNETISM: Recent Developments and Perspectives.
Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 1996. 34:155–206
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- APHM-FERRIERE2009. Katia Ferriere
Interstellar magnetic fields in the Galactic center region.
arXiv:0908.2037v1 [astro-ph.GA]
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- APHM-JANSSON2012. Ronnie Jansson, Glennys R. Farrar
A New Model of the Galactic Magnetic Field.
arXiv:1204.3662v1 [astro-ph.GA]
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- APHM-OPHER2007. M. Opher, E. C. Stone, T. I. Gombosi.
The Orientation of the Local Interstellar Magnetic Field.
SCIENCE VOL. 316, 2007, p.875-878
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- APHM-ZIRKER. J.B. Zirker
The Magnetic Universe.
- AdSCFT-JANIK2010. Romuald A. Janik
The dynamics of quark-gluon plasma and AdS/CFT.
arXiv:1003.3291v1 [hep-th]
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- AdSCFT-HUBENY2015. Veronika E. Hubeny
The AdS/CFT Correspondence.
arXiv:1501.00007 [gr-qc]
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- AdSCFT-KOCH2009. Robert de Mello Koch, Jeff Murugan
Emergent Spacetime [We give an introductory account of the AdS/CFT correspondence in the 1/2-BPS sector of ${\cal N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory.Six of the dimensions of the string theory are emergent in the Yang-Mills theory. In this article we suggest how these dimensions and local physics in these dimensions emerge. The discussion is aimed at non-experts.].
arXiv:0911.4817v2 [hep-th]
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- AdSCFT-NATSUUME2014. Makoto Natsuume
AdS/CFT Duality User Guide.
arXiv:1409.3575 [hep-th]
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- ASTROBIOL-MELLOT2007. Mikhail V. Medvedev, Adrian L. Melott
Do extragalactic cosmic rays induce cycles in fossil diversity?
Astrophys.J.664:879-889,2007 (arXiv:astro-ph/0602092v3)
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- ASTROBIOL-PETIGURA2013. Erik A. Petigura, Andrew W. Howard, and Geoffrey W. Marcy.
Prevalence of Earth-size planets orbiting Sun-like stars.
PNAS 2013 ; published ahead of print November 4, 2013, doi:10.1073/pnas.1319909110
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Загрузить доп. информацию
- ASTROBIOL-WESSON2010. P. S. Wesson
Panspermia, Past and Present: Astrophysical and Biophysical Conditions for the Dissemination of Life in Space.
Space Science Reviews, 2010, DOI 10.1007/s11214-010-9671-x, http://www.springerlink.com/content/a382784v43773553
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Эксперимент ATIC
- ATIC-1995-ISBERT-ICRC. J. Isbert, T.G. Guzik, R. Lockwood, F.B. McDonald, E.S. Seo, J.P. Wefel.
Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter (ATIC).
24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol. 3, held August 28-September 8, 1995 in Rome, Italy. Edited by N. Iucci and E. Lamanna. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, 1995., p.718.
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- ATIC-1996-GUZIK-SPIE-122. T.G. Guzik, J.H. Adams, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, A.V. Dudnik, S.B. Ellison, A.R. Fazely, L. Garcia,
N.L. Grigorov, S.E. Inderhees, J. Isbert, H.C. Jung, L. Khein, S.-K. Kim, R.A. Kroeger, R. Lockwood, F.B. McDonald, M.I. Panasyuk,
C.-S. Park, B. Price, W.K. Schmidt, C. Dion-Schwartz, V.G. Senchishin, E.-S. Seo, J.P. Wefel, J.Z. Wang, V.I. Zatsepin, S.Y. Zinn.
Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter (ATIC) balloon experiment: instrumentation.
Proc. SPIE Vol. 2806, p. 122-133, Gamma-Ray and Cosmic-Ray Detectors, Techniques, and Missions, Brian D. Ramsey; Thomas A. Parnell;
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- ATIC-1996-SEO-SPIE-134. E.-S. Seo, J.H. Adams, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, A.V. Dudnik, A.R. Fazely, L. Garcia, N.L. Grigorov, T.G. Guzik,
S.E. Inderhees, J. Isbert, H.C. Jung, L. Khein, S.-K. Kim, R.A. Kroeger, F.B. McDonald, M.I. Panasyuk, C.-S. Park, W.K. Schmidt,
C. Dion-Schwartz, V.G. Senchishin, J.Z. Wang, J.P. Wefel, V.I. Zatsepin, S.Y. Zinn.
Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter (ATIC) balloon experiment: expected performance.
Proc. SPIE Vol. 2806, p. 134-144, Gamma-Ray and Cosmic-Ray Detectors, Techniques, and Missions, Brian D. Ramsey; Thomas A. Parnell;
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- ATIC-1997-WANG-ICRC. J.Z. Wang, E.S. Seo, J.H.,Jr.. Adams, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, O.V. Dudnik, A.R. Fazely, N.L. Grigorov, T.G. Guzik, S.E. Inderhees, J. Isbert, L. Khein, S.K. Kim, R.A. Kroeger, F.B. McDonald, M.I. Panasyuk, C.S. Park, W.K.H. Schmidt, C. Dion-Schwarx, V.G. Senchishin, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, V.I. Zatsepin.
Cosmic Ray Shower Simulation and Reconstruction for the ATIC Experiment.
25th International Cosmic Ray Conference (held 30 July - 6 August, 1997 in Durban, South Africa), Edited by M. S. Potgieter, C. Raubenheimer, and D. J. van der Walt, Transvaal, South Africa: Potchefstroom University, 1997, Vol. 5, p.5.
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- ATIC-1997-SEO-AdvSpRes. Eun-Suk Seo, J.H. Adams, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, O.V. Dudnik, A.R. Fazely, L. Garcia, N.L. Grigorov, T.G. Guzik, S. Inderhees, J. Isbert, H.C. Jung, L. Khein, S.K. Kim, R.A. Kroeger, F.B. McDonald, M.I. Panasyuk, C.S. Park, W.K.H. Schmidt, C. Dion-Schwarz, V.G. Senchishin, J.Z. Wang, J.P. Wefel, V.I. Zatsepin, S.Y. Zinn.
Advanced thin ionization calorimeter to measure ultrahigh energy cosmic rays.
Advances in Space Research, Volume 19, Issue 5, p. 711-718.
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- ATIC-1999-GUZIK-ICRC. T.G. Guzik, J, Adams Jr, J. Ampe, G. Bashindzhagyan, P. Boberg, G. Case, J. Chang, S. Ellison, A. Fazely,
G.A. Samsonov, O. Ganel, R. Gould, D. Granger, R. Gunasingha, I. Isbert, L. Khein, M. Kher, D. Khettry, H.J. Kim, K.C. Kim, I.M. Koo,
Y. Kwon, L. Mommmajasyula, R. Kroeger, R. Lockwood, R. Mohan, M. Panasyuk, B. Price, W. Schmidt, C. Schwarz, M. Sen, E.S. Seo, R. Sina,
M. Stewart, A. Voronon, D. Wagner, J.Z. Wang, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, V. Zatsepin.
The Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter (ATIC) for Studies of High Energy Cosmic Rays.
26th International Cosmic Ray Conference. August 17-25, 1999. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Volume 5. p.09
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- ATIC-1999-KIM-ICRC. H.J. Kim, S.K. Kim, T.Y. Kim, I.M. Koo, Y. Kwon, Y.J. Han, S.H. Lee, E.I. Won, O. Ganel, E.S. Seo, J.Z. Wang.
Simulation of the ion interactions for the ATIC experiment.
26th International Cosmic Ray Conference. August 17-25, 1999. Salt Lake City, Volume 1. p.17
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- ATIC-1999-SCHMIDT-ICRC. W.K.H. Schmidt, J. Chang, O. Ganel, E.S. Seo, R. Sina, J.Z. Wang.
On the Identification of High Energy Cosmic Ray Electrons in the Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter (ATIC).
26th International Cosmic Ray Conference. August 17-25, 1999. Salt Lake City, Volume 5. p.41
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- ATIC-1999-GANEL-ICRC. O. Ganel, J.H. Adams Jr, J. Chang, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, H.J. Kim, S.K. Kim, I.M. Koo, Y. Kwon, P. Price, W. Schmidt, E.S. SEo, R. Sina, J.Z. Wang, J.P. Wefel, E.I. Won, J. Wu.
Data Processing and Event Reconstruction for the ATIC Balloon Payload.
26th International Cosmic Ray Conference. August 17-25, 1999. Salt Lake City, Volume 5. p.453
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- ATIC-2001-ADAMS-InstrExpTech. J. H. Adams Jr, G. L. Bashindzhagyan, V. I. Zatsepin, M. M. Merkin, M. I. Panasyuk, G. A. Samsonov,
N. V. Sokol'skaya, L. A. Khein
The Silicon Matrix as a Charge Detector for the ATIC Experiment.
Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 2001, Volume 44, Issue 4, pp 455-461
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Приборы и техника эксперимента Т.44 (4), С.38 (2001)
- ATIC-2001-ZATSEPIN-IzvRAN. В.И. Зацепин, Дж.Х. Адамс-мл., Х.С. Ан, Дж. Ампе, Г.Л. Башинджагян, Д. Вагнер, Дж.З. Ванг,
Дж.П. Вефель, А.Г. Воронин, Дж. Ву, О. Ганел,
Р. Гоулд, Д. Гранжер, Р. Гунасингха, Т.Г. Гузик, А. Зигура, Дж. Изберт, Г. Кейс, Т. Кара, Х.Дж. Ким, К.Ц. Ким, С.К. Ким, Е.Н. Кузнецов,
И. Квон, Т. Лемчик, М.И. Панасюк, А.Д. Панов, Б. Прайс, Г.А. Самсонов, Н.В. Сокольская, М. Сен, Э.С. Сио, Р. Сина, М. Стюарт,
А. Топтыгин, С. Убре, А. Фазели, И.Дж. Хан, Дж. Чанг, В.К.Х. Шмидт, С. Эллисон.
Статус эксперимента АТИК.
Известия Академии Наук; серия физическая, Т.65, No.3, 2001, С.426-429.
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- ATIC-2001-SEO-ICRC. E.S. Seo, The Atic Collaboration.
Preliminary results from the first flight of ATIC.
27th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2001. Hamburg, P.~1601--1604.
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- ATIC-2001-WEFEL-ICRC. J.P. Wefel, ATIC Collaboration.
The ATIC experiment: first balloon flight.
27th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2001. Hamburg, P.~2111--2114.
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- ATIC-2001-ZATSEPIN-ICRC. V.I. Zatsepin for the ATIC Collaboration.
The first flight of ATIC: preliminary results on Li, Be, B nuclei.
27th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2001. Hamburg, P.~1605--1607
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- ATIC-2001-ADAMS-ICRC. J.H. Adams, Jr., ATIC Collaboration.
Preliminary results from the first flight of ATIC: the silicon matrix.
27th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2001. Hamburg, p.2127-2130
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- ATIC-2001-ISBERT-ICRC. J. Isbert, ATIC Collaboration.
The ATIC experiment: performance of the scintillator hodoscope and the BGO calorimeter.
27th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2001. Hamburg, p.2123-2126
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- ATIC-2001-AHN-ICRC. H.S. Ahn, ATIC Collaboration.
ATIC Flight Data Processing.
27th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2001. Hamburg, p.2119-2122
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- ATIC-2001-CHANG-ICRC. J. Chang, W.K.H. Schmidt, ATIC Collaboration.
High energy electron and gamma-ray detection with ATIC.
27th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2001. Hamburg, p.2115-2118
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- ATIC-2001-ADAMS-ICRC-Zgt8. J.H. Adams, Jr., The Atic Collaboration.
Preliminary results from the first flight of ATIC: Z>8 spectra.
27th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2001. Hamburg, p.1599-1600
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- ATIC-2001-FAZELY-ICRC. A.R. Fazely, R.M. Gunasingha, ATIC Collaboration
The CNO concentration in cosmic ray spectrum as measured from the ATIC experiment.
27th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2001. Hamburg, p.1595
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- ATIC-2002-SEO-NuclPhys. E.S. Seo
High Energy Cosmic Ray Composition. [В т.ч. доатиковские данные по протонам и гелию, показывающие,
что различие наклонов есть]
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.), 2002, V.113, P.95-102
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- ATIC-2002-ZATSEPIN-IzvRan. В.И. Зацепин, Дж.Х. Адамс-мл., Х.С. Ан, Г.Л. Башинджагян, К.Е. Батьков, Дж.З. Ванг,
Дж.П. Вефель, А.Г. Воронин, Дж. Ву, О. Ганел, Д. Гранжер, Р. Гунасингха, Т.Г. Гузик, Дж. Изберт, Г. Кейс, Х.Дж. Ким, К.Ц. Ким,
С.К. Ким, М. Кристл, Е.Н. Кузнецов, С.А. Накви, М.И. Панасюк, А.Д. Панов, Б. Прайс, Г.А. Самсонов, Н.В. Сокольская, Е.С. Сио,
Р. Сина, М. Стюарт, А. Фазели, И.Дж. Хан, Дж. Чанг, В.К.Х. Шмидт.
Зарядовое разрешение в эксперименте АТИК.
Известия Академии Наук; серия физическая, Т.66, No.11, 2002, С.1631-1633.
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- ATIC-2003-FAZELY-ICRC. A.R. Fazely, R.M. Ganasingha, J.H. Adams, H.S. Ahn, G. Bashindzhagyan, K.E. Batkov, J. Chang, M. Christl,
O. Ganel, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E. Kouznetsov, M.I. Panasyuk, A.D. Panov, W.K.H. Schmidt, E.S. Seo, N.V. Sokolskaya,
J.Z. Wang, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, V. Zatsepin.
Relative Abundances and Energy Spectra of C, N, and O as Measured by the Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter Balloon Experiment.
Proceedings of the 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference. July 31-August 7, 2003. Trukuba, Japan. Under the auspices of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). Editors: T. Kajita, Y. Asaoka, A. Kawachi, Y. Matsubara and M. Sasaki, p.1869-1872.
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- ATIC-2003-AHN-ICRC. H.S. Ahn, J.H. Adams, G. Bashindzhagyan, K.E. Batkov, J. Chang, M. Christl, M. Cox, S.B. Ellison,
A.R. Fazely, O. Ganel, R. Gould, C.P. Granger, R.M. Gunasingha, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E. Kouznetsov, A. Malinine,
M. Panasyuk, A. Panov, B. Price, W.K.H. Schmidt, E.S. Seo, R. Sina, D. Smith, N.V. Sokolskaya, M. Stewart, J.Z. Wang, J. Watts,
J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, V. Zatsepin.
Atic Experiment: Preliminary Results from the Flight in 2002.
28th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2003. Tsukuba, Japan. p.1853-1856
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- ATIC-2003-ZATSEPIN-ICRC. V.I. Zatsepin, J.H. Adams, H.S. Ahn, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, K.E. Batkov, J. Chang, M. Christl, A.R. Fazely,
O. Ganel, R.M. Gunasingha, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E.N. Kouznetsov, M.I. Panasyuk, A.D. Panov, W.K.H. Schmidt, E.S. Seo,
N.V. Sokolskaya, J.Z. Wang, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu.
Experience of Application of Silicon Matrix as a Charge Detector in the ATIC Experiment.
28th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2003. Tsukuba, Japan. p.1857
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- ATIC-2003-ZATSEPIN-ICRC-ALBEDO. V.I. Zatsepin, J.H. Adams, H.S. Ahn, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, K.E. Batkov, J. Chang, M. Christl,
A.R. Fazely, O. Ganel, R.M. Gunasingha, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E.N. Kouznetsov, M.I. Panasyuk, A.D. Panov, W.K.H. Schmidt,
E.S. Seo, N.V. Sokolskaya, J.Z. Wang, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu
Comparison of Measured and Simulated Albedo Signals in the ATIC Experiment.
28th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2003. Tsukuba, Japan. p.1861
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- ATIC-2003-ZATSEPIN-ICRC-PHe. V.I. Zatsepin, J.H. Adams, H.S. Ahn, G.L. Bashindzhangyan, K.E. Batkov, J. Chang, M. Christl,
A.R. Fazely, O. Ganel, R.M. Gunasingha, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E.N. Kouznetsov, M.I. Panasyuk, A.D. Panov, W.K.H. Schmidt,
E.S. Seo, N.V. Sokolskaya, J.Z. Wang, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu.
Rigidity Spectra of Protons and Helium as Measured in the First Flight of the ATIC Experiment.
28th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2003. Tsukuba, Japan. p.1829-1832
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- ATIC-2003-AHN-ICRC-PHe. H.S. Ahn, J.H. Adams, G. Bashindzhagyan, K.E. Batkov, J. Chang, M. Christl, A.R. Fazely, O. Ganel,
R.M. Gunasingha, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E. Kouznetsov, M. Panasyuk, A. Panov, W.K.H. Schmidt, E.S. Seo, R. Sina,
N.V. Sokolskaya, M. Stewart, J.Z. Wang, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, V. Zatsepin.
Atic Experiment: Elemental Spectra from the Flight in 2000.
28th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2003. Tsukuba, Japan. p.1833-1836
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- ATIC-2003-WEFEL-ICRC-ATIC2. J.P. Wefel, J.H. Adams, H.S. Ahn, G.L. Bashindzhangyan, K.E. Batkov, J. Chang, M. Christl, M. Cox,
S.B. Ellison, A.R. Fazley, O. Ganel, R. Gould, C.P. Granger, D. Granger, R.M. Gunasingha, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim,
E.N. Kouznetsov, A. Malinine, M.I. Panasyuk, A.D. Panov, B. Price, W.K.H. Schmidt, E.S. Seo, D. Smith, N.V. Sokolskaya, M. Stewart,
J.Z. Wang, J. Watts, J. Wu, V.I. Zatsepin.
The ATIC Science Flight in 2002-03: Description and Preliminary Results.
28th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2003. Tsukuba, Japan. p.1849
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- ATIC-2003-CHANG-ICRC. J. Chang, W.K.H. Schmidt, J.H. Adams, H.S. Ahn, G. Bashindzhagyan, K.E. Batkov, M. Christl, A.R. Fazely,
O. Ganel, R.M. Gunasingha, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E. Kouznetsov, M. Panasyuk, A. Panov, E.S. Seo, N. Sokolskaya, J.Z. Wang,
J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, V. Zatsepin.
High Energy Cosmic Ray Electron Spectra Measured from the ATIC Balloon Experiment.
28th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2003. Tsukuba, Japan. p.1817
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- ATIC-2004-GUZIK-AdvSpRes. T.G. Guzik, J.H. Adams, H.S. Ahn, G. Bashindzhagyan, J. Chang, M. Christl, A.R. Fazely, O. Ganel,
D. Granger, R.M. Gunasingha, Y.I. Han, J. Isbert, H.J. Kim, K.C. Kim, S.K. Kim, E.N. Kouznetsov,
M. Panasyuk, A. Panov, B. Price, G. Samsonov, W.K.H. Schmidt, E.S. Seo, R. Sina, N. Sokolskaya, M. Stewart,
A. Voronin, J.Z. Wang, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, V. Zatsepin,
The ATIC long duration balloon project.
Advances in Space Reseach, V.33, 2004, P.1763-1770
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- ATIC-2004-ZATSEPIN-NIM. V.I. Zatsepin, J.H. Adams, H.S. Ahn, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, K.E.Batkov, J. Chang, M. Christl, A.R. Fazely,
O. Ganel, R.M. Gunasingha, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E.N. Kouznetsov, M.I. Panasyuk, A.D. Panov, W.K.H. Schmidt, E.S. Seo,
N.V. Sokolskaya, J.Z. Wang, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu.
The silicon matrix as a charge detector in the ATIC experiment.
Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research; section A, V.524, 2004, P.195-207.
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- ATIC-2004-ZATSEPIN-IzvRan. В.И.Зацепин, Дж.Х. Адамс-мл, Х.С. Ан; 2; США, К.Е. Батьков, Г.Л. Башинджагян, Дж.З. Ванг,
Дж.П. Вефель, Дж. Ву, О. Ганел, Р. Гунасингха, Т.Г. Гузик, Дж. Изберт, К.Ц. Ким, М. Кристл, Е.Н. Кузнецов, М.И. Панасюк,
А.Д. Панов, Н.В. Сокольская, Э.С. Сио, А. Фазели, Дж. Чанг, В.К.Х. Шмидт.
Энергетические спектры и зарядовый состав галактических космических лучей, измеренные в эксперименте АТИК-2.
Известия РАН; серия физическая, Т.68, No.11, 2004, С. 1593-1595.
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V.I. Zatsepin, J.H. Adams, Jr., H.S. Ahn, K.E. Batkov, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, J.Z. Wang, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, O. Ganel, R. Gunasingha, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, M. Christl, E.N. Kuznetsov, M.I. Panasyuk, A.D. Panov, N.V. Sokolskaya, E.S. Seo, A. Fazely, J. Chang, and W.K.H. Schmidt. Energy Spectra and Charge Composition of Galactic Cosmic Rays Measured in ATIC-2 Experiment. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics, Vol. 68, No. 11, 2004, P.1780-1783
- ATIC-2005-WATTS-ICRC. J. Watts, J.H. Adams, G. Bashindzhagyan, K.E. Batkov, J. Chang, M. Christl, A.R. Fazely, O. Ganel,
R.M. Gunasingha, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E. Kouznetsov, M. Panasyuk, A. Panov, W.K.H. Schmidt, E.S. Seo, R. Sina,
N.V. Sokolskaya, J.Z. Wang, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, V. Zatsepin.
Simulation of the ATIC-2 Silicon Matrix for Protons and Helium GCR Primaries at 0.3, 10 and 25 TeV/nucleon.
29th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2005, Pune, India. V. 6, p.89.
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- ATIC-2005-ISBERT-ICRC-Temper. J. Isbert, J.H. Adams, H.S. Ahn, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, J. Batkov, J. Chang, M. Christl, A.R. Fazely,
O. Ganel, R.M. Gunasingha, T.G. Guzik, K.C. Kim, E.N. Kouznetsov, M.I. Panasyuk, A.D. Panov, J.P. Wefel, W.K.H. Schmidt, E.S. Seo,
N.V. Sokolskaya, J. Wu, V.I. Zatsepin.
BGO Temperature Dependence and Energy measurements in the ATIC Calorimeter.
29th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2005, Pune, India. Volume 3, p.397-400
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- ATIC-2005-BATKOV-ICRC. K.E. Batkov, A.D. Panov, J.H. Adams, H.S. Ahn, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, J. Chang, M. Christl, A.R. Fazely,
O. Ganel, R.M. Gunasingha, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E.N. Kouznetsov, M.I. Panasyuk, W.H.K. Schmidt, E.S. Seo,
N.V. Sokolskaya, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, V.I. Zatespin.
Deconvolution of energy spectra in the ATIC experiment.
29th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2005, Pune, India. Volume 3, p.353
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- ATIC-2005-WEFEL-ICRC. J.P. Wefel, J.H. Adams, H.S. Ahn, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, K.E. Batkov, J. Chang, M. Christl, A.R. Fazely,
O. Ganel, R.M. Gunasingha, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E.N. Kouznetsov, M.I. Panasyuk, A.D. Panov, W.K.H. Schmidt, E.S. Seo,
N.V. Sokolskaya, J. Wu, V.I. Zatsepin.
Energy Spectra of H and He from the ATIC-2 Experiment.
29th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2005, Pune, India. Volume 3, p.105
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- ATIC-2005-AHN-ICRC. H.S. Ahn, J.H. Adams, G. Bashindzhagyan, K.E. Batkov, J. Chang, M. Christl, A.R. Fazely, O. Ganel,
R.M. Gunasingha, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E. Kouznetsov, M. Panasyuk, A. Panov, W.K.H. Schmidt, E.S. Seo, R. Sina,
N.V. Sokolskaya, J.Z. Wang, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, V. Zatsepin.
Elemental Spectra from the First ATIC Flight.
29th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2005, Pune, India. Volume 3, p.57
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- ATIC-2005-CHANG-ICRC. J. Chang, W.K.H. Schmidt, J.H. Adams, H.S. Ahn, G. Bashindzhagyan, K.E. Batkov, M. Christl, A.R. Fazely,
O. Ganel, R.M. Gunasingha, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E. Kouznetsov, M. Panasyuk, A. Panov, E.S. Seo, N. Sokolskaya,
J.Z. Wang, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, V. Zatsepin.
The Electron Spectrum above 20 GeV Measured by ATIC-2.
29th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2005, Pune, India. Volume 3, p.1
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- ATIC-2005-GANEL-NIM. Ganel O., H. Adams.Jr, H.S. Ahn, J. Ampe, G. Bashindzhagyan G. Case, J. Chang, S. Ellison, A. Fazely,
R. Gould, D. Granger, R. Gunasingha, T.G. Guzik, Y.J. Han, J. Isbert, H.J. Kim, K.C. Kim, S. K.Kim, Y. Kwon, M. Panasyuk, A. Panov,
B. Price, G. Samsonov W.K.H. Schmidt, M. Sen, E.S. Seo, R. Sina, N. Sokolskaya M. Stewart, A. Voronin D. Wagner, J.Z. Wang,
J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, V. Zatsepin
Beam test of the balloon-borne ATIC experiment.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A. V.552, No.3, 2005, P.409-419.
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- ATIC-2005-SOKOLSKAYA-YadPhys. Н.В. Сокольская, Дж.Х. Адамс-мл., Х.С. Ан, К.Е. Батьков, Г.Л. Башинджагян, Дж.З. Ванг, Дж.П. Вефель, Дж. Ву, О. Ганел, Р. Гунасингха, Т.Г. Гузик, В.И.Зацепин, Дж. Изберт, К.Ц. Ким, М. Кристл, Е.Н. Кузнецов, М.И. Панасюк, А.Д. Панов, Э.С. Сио, А. Фазели, Дж. Чанг, В.К.Х. Шмидт.
Альбедо в эксперименте АТИК: результаты измерений и моделирования.
ЯФ, Т.68, No7, 2005, с.1225-1232.
N. V. Sokolskaya, J. H. Adams, Jr., H. S. Ahn, K. E. Batkov, G. L. Bashindzhagyan, J. Z. Wang, J. P. Wefel, J. Wu, O. Ganel, T. G. Guzik, R. M. Gunasingha, V. I. Zatsepin, J. Isbert, K. C. Kim, M. Christl, E. N. Kouznetsov, M. I. Panasyuk, A. D. Panov, E. S. Seo, A. R. Fazely, J. Chang, and W. K. H. Schmidt. Albedo in the ATIC Experiment: Measurements and Simulations. Physics of Atomic Nuclei, Vol. 68, No. 7, 2005, P.1176-1182
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- ATIC-2006-AHN-ASR. H.S. Ahn, E.S. Seo, J.H. Adams, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, K.E.Batkov, J. Chang, M. Christl, A.R. Fazely, O. Ganel,
R.M. Gunasingha, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E. Kouznetsov, M. Panasyuk, A. Panov, W.K.H. Schmidt, R. Sina, N.V. Sokolskaya,
J.Z. Wang, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, V.I. Zatsepin.
The energy spectra of protons and helium measured with the ATIC experiment.
Advances in Space Reseach, V.37, 2006, P.1950-1954
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- ATIC-2006-PANOV-ASR. A.D. Panov, J.H. Adams Jr., H.S. Ahn, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, K.E. Batkov, J. Chang, M. Christl, A.R. Fazely,
O. Ganel, R.M. Gunasingha,
T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E.N. Kouznetsov, M.I. Panasyuk, W.K.H. Schmidt, E.S. Seo, N.V. Sokolskaya, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu,
V.I. Zatsepin.
The energy spectra of heavy nuclei measured by the ATIC experiment.
Advances in Space Research V.37 (2006) P.1944 - 1949.
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- ATIC-2006-PANOV-arXiv. A.D. Panov, J.H. Adams, H.S. Ahn, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, K.E. Batkov, J. Chang, M. Christl, A.R. Fazely,
O. Ganel, R.M. Gunashingha, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E.N. Kouznetsov, M.I. Panasyuk, W.K.H. Schmidt, E.S. Seo,
N.V. Sokolskaya, JohnW. Watts, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, V.I. Zatsepin.
The results of ATIC-2 experiment for elemental spectra of cosmic rays.
arXiv:astro-ph/0612377. 2006
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- ATIC-2007-PANOV-IzvRAN. А.Д. Панов, Дж. Х. Адамс, мл., Х.С. Ан, К.Е. Батьков, Г.Л. Башинжагян, Дж. В. Ваттс, Дж. П. Вефель,
Дж. Ву, О. Ганел, Т.Г. Гузик, Р.М. Гунасингха, В.И. Зацепин, И. Изберт, К.Ц. Ким, М. Кристл, Е.Н. Кузнецов, М.И. Панасюк, Э.С. Сио,
Н.В. Сокольская, Дж. Чанг, В.К.Х. Шмидт, А.Р. Фазели.
Элементные энергетические спектры космических лучей по данным эксперимента ATIC-2.
Известия РАН. Серия Физическая, Т.71 (2007), No 4, С.512 - 515.
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A.D. Panov, J.H.,Jr. Adams, H.S. Ahn, K.E. Batkov, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, JohnW. Watts, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, O. Ganel, T.G. Guzik,
R.M. Gunashingha, V.I. Zatsepin, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, M. Christl, E.N. Kouznetsov, M.I. Panasyuk, E.S. Seo, N.V. Sokolskaya, J. Chang,
W.K.H. Schmidt, A.R. Fazely
Elemental energy spectra of cosmic rays from the data of the ATIC-2 experiment.
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, vol. 71, issue 4, pp. 494-497.
Download the text (same as ATIC-2006-PANOV-arXiv)
- ATIC-2008-PANOV-IET А.Д. Панов, В.И. Зацепин, Н.В. Сокольская, J.H. Adams,, Jr, H.S. Ahn, Г.Л. Башинжагян,
J.W. Watts, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, O. Ganel,
T.G. Guzik, R.M. Gunasingha, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, M. Christl, Е.Н. Кузнецов, М.И. Панасюк, E.S. Seo, J. Chang, W.K.H. Schmidt,
A.R. Fazely.
Измерение энерговыделения сцинтилляционным калориметром в эксперименте ATIC.
Приборы и техника эксперимента. 2008, No 4, С.1 - 17.
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ATIC-2008-PANOV-IET-ENG. A. D. Panov, V. I. Zatsepin, N. V. Sokolskaya, J. H. Adams, Jr., H. S. Ahn, G. L. Bashindzhagyan,
J. W. Watts, J. P. Wefel, J. Wu,
O.Ganel, T. G. Guzik, R. M. Gunashingha, J. Isbert, K. C. Kim, M. Christl, E. N. Kouznetsov, M. I. Panasyuk, E. S. Seo, J. Chang,
W. K. H. Schmidt, and A. R. Fazely.
Measuring the Deposited Energy by the Scintillation Calorimeter in the ATIC Experiment.
Instruments and Experimental Techniques, V.51 (2008), No. 5, pp. 665 - 681.
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- ATIC-2008-PANOV-ICRC. A.D. Panov , N.V. Sokolskaya , J.H. Adams, Jr, H.S. Ahn , G.L. Bashindzhagyan, K.E. Batkov , J. Chang,
M. Christl, A.R. Fazely, O. Ganel, R. M. Gunasingha, T. G.Guzik, J. Iabert, K. C. Kim, E.N. Kouznetsov, M.I. Panasyuk, W.K.H. Schmidt,
E.S. Seo, J. Watts, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, V.I. Zatsepin.
Relative abundances of cosmic ray nuclei B-C-N-O in the energy region from 10 GeV/n to 300 GeV/n. Results from ATIC-2
(the science flight of ATIC).
Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference (Merida) 2008. V.2, P.3--6.
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- ATIC-2008-WEFEL-ICRC. J.P. Wefel, J. H. Adams, Jr., H.S. Aahn, G. Bashindzhagyan, J. Chang, M. Christl,
A. R. Fazely, O. Ganel, R. M. Gunashingha, T. G. Guzik, J. B. Isbert, K. C. Kim,
E. N. Kouznetsov, M. Panasyuk, A. Panov, W.K.H. Schmidt, E.S. Seo, N. Sokolskaya,
J. Watts, J. Wu, V. I. Zatsepin.
Revised Energy Spectra for Primary Elements (H -- Si) above 50 GeV from the ATIC-2 Science Flight
Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference (Merida) 2008. V.2, P.31--34.
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- ATIC-2008-AHN-ICRC. H.S. Ahn, J.H. Adams, G. Bashindzhagyan, K.E. Batkov, J. Chang, M. Christl,
A. R. Fazely, O. Ganel1, R. M. Gunasingha, T. G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K. C. Kim,
E. N. Kouznetsov, M. Panasyuk, A. Panov, W.K.H. Schmidt, E.S. Seo, R. Sina,
N.V. Sokolskaya, J. Z. Wang, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, V.I. Zatsepin.
All-Particle Spectrum Measured by ATIC-1.
Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference (Merida) 2008. V.2, P.79--82.
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- ATIC-2008-GUNASINGHA-ICRC. R.M. Gunasingha, A.R. Fazely, J.H. Adams, Jr., H.S. Ahn, G.L. Bashindzhagyan,
J. Chang, M. Christl, O. Ganel, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E.N. Kouznetsov,
M.I. Panasyuk, A.D. Panov, W.K.H. Schmidt, E.S. Seo, N.V. Sokolskaya, John W.
Watts, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, V.I. Zatsepin.
Comparison of Fluka-2006 Monte Carlo Simulation and Flight data for the ATIC detector.
Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference (Merida) 2008. V.2, P.75--78.
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- ATIC-2008-GUZIK-ICRC. T. G. Guzik, J. H. Adams, G. Bashindzhagyan, W.R. Binns, J. Chang, M.L. Cherry,
M. Christl, P. Dowkontt, B. Ellison, J. B. Isbert, M. H. Israel, N. Korotkova, M. Panasyuk,
A. Panov, N. Sokolskaya, M. Stewart, J. Watts, J. P. Wefel, J. Wu, V. Zatsepin.
The Electron Calorimeter (ECAL) Long Duration Balloon Experiment.
Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference (Merida) 2008. V.2, P.405--408.
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- ATIC-2008-SINEGOVSKY-ICRC. A.A. Kochanov, A.D. Panov, T.S. Sinegovskaya, S.I. Sinegovsky.
Calculation of the atmospheric muon flux motivated by the ATIC-2 experiment.
Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference (Merida) 2008. V.5, P.1511--1514.
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- ATIC-2008-CHANG-ADS. J. Chang, J.H. Adams, H.S. Ahn, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, K.E. Batkov, M. Christl, A.R. Fazely, O. Ganel,
R.M. Gunashingha, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E.N. Kouznetsov, Z.W. Lin, M.I. Panasyuk, A.D. Panov, W.K.H. Schmidt, E.S. Seo,
N.V. Sokolskaya, JohnW. Watts, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, V.I. Zatsepin.
Resolving electrons from protons in ATIC.
Advances in Space Research, Volume 42, Issue 3, p. 431-436.
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- ATIC-2008-GUNASINGHA-ADS. R.M. Gunasingha, A.R. Fazely, J.H. Adams, H.S. Ahn, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, K.E. Batkov, J. Chang,
M. Christl, O. Ganel, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E.N. Kouznetsov, M.I. Panasyuk, A.D. Panov, W.K.H. Schmidt, E.S. Seo,
N.V. Sokolskaya, J.W. Watts, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, V.I. Zatsepin, Z.W. Lin.
A detailed FLUKA-2005 Monte-Carlo simulation for the ATIC detector.
Advances in Space Research, Volume 42, Issue 3, p. 417-423.
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- ATIC-2008-GUZIK-ADS. T.G. Guzik, J.H. Adams, Jr, H.S. Ahn, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, K.E. Batkov, J. Chang, M. Christl, A.R. Fazely,
O. Ganel, R.M. Gunasingha, T.G. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E.N. Kouznetsov, M.I. Panasyuk, W.K.H. Schmidt, E.S. Seo, N.V. Sokolskaya, J. Watts,
J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, V.I. Zatsepin
Enhancing the ATIC charge resolution.
Advances in Space Research. V.42, 2008, P.424-430.
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- ATIC-2008-ISBERT-ADS. J. Isbert, J.H. Adams, H.S. Ahn, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, K.E. Batkov, M. Christl, A.R. Fazely, O. Ganel,
R.M. Gunashingha, T.G. Guzik, J. Chang, K.C. Kim, E.N. Kouznetsov, Z.W. Lin, M.I. Panasyuk, A.D. Panov, W.K.H. Schmidt, E.S. Seo,
N.V. Sokolskaya, JohnW. Watts, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, V.I. Zatsepin.
Temperature effects in the ATIC BGO calorimeter.
Advances in Space Research, Volume 42, Issue 3, p. 437-441.
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- ATIC-2008-CHANG-NATURE. J. Chang, J. H. Adams Jr, H. S. Ahn, G. L. Bashindzhagyan, M. Christl, O. Ganel, T. G. Guzik, J. Isbert,
K. C. Kim, E. N. Kuznetsov, M. I. Panasyuk, A. D. Panov, W. K. H. Schmidt, E. S. Seo, N. V. Sokolskaya,
J. W. Watts, J. P. Wefel, J. Wu, V. I. Zatsepin.
An excess of cosmic ray electrons at energies of 300-800 GeV.
Nature, V. 456, 2008, P.362-365.
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- ATIC-2009-PANOV-IzvRAN. А.Д. Панов, Дж. Х. Адамс, мл., Х.С. Ан, Г.Л. Башинжагян, Дж. В. Ваттс, Дж. П. Вефель, Дж. Ву, О. Ганел,
Т.Г. Гузик, В.И. Зацепин, И. Изберт, К.Ц. Ким, М. Кристл, Е.Н. Кузнецов, М.И. Панасюк, Э.С. Сио, Н.В. Сокольская, Дж. Чанг,
В.К.Х. Шмидт, А.Р. Фазели.
Энергетические спектры обильных ядер ПКЛ по данным эксперимента ATIC-2 - окончательные результаты.
Известия РАН. Серия Физическая, Т.73 (2009), No 5, С.602 - 605.
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ATIC-2009-PANOV-IzvRAN-ENG. A.D. Panov, J.H. Adams Jr., H.S. Ahn, G.L. Bashinzhagyan, J.W. Watts, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, O. Ganel,
T.G. Guzik, V.I. Zatsepin, I. Isbertd, K.C. Kim, M. Christl, E.N. Kouznetsov, M.I. Panasyuk, E.S. Seo, N.V. Sokolskaya, J. Chang,
W.K.H. Schmidt, and A. R. Fazely.
Energy Spectra of Abundant Nuclei of Primary Cosmic Rays from the Data of ATIC-2 Experiment: Final Results.
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 2009, Vol. 73, No. 5, pp. 564–567. (arXiv:1101.3246)
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- ATIC-2009-ZATSEPIN-AstrLett. В.И. Зацепин, А.Д. Панов, Н.В. Сокольская, Дж.Х. Адамс мл., Х.С. Ан, Г.Л. Башинджагян,
Дж.В. Ваттс, Дж.П. Вефель, Дж. Ву, Т.Г. Гузик, И. Изберт, К.Ц. Ким, М. Кристл, Е. Н. Кузнецов, М. И. Панасюк, Э. С. Сио, Дж. Чанг,
А. Р. Фазели.
Отношение потоков титана и железа в галактических космических лучах по данным эксперимена АТИК-2
Письма в Астрономический журнал, Т.35 (2009), No.5, С.377-381
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ATIC-2009-ZATSEPIN-AstrLett-E. V.I. Zatsepin, A.D. Panov, N.V. Sokolskaya, J.H. Adams, Jr., H.S. Ahn, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, J. Chang,
M. Christl, A.R. Fazely, T.G. Guzik, J.B. Isbert, K. C. Kim, E. N. Kouznetsov, M. Panasyuk, E. S. Seo, J. Watts,
J. P. Wefel, and J. Wu. Energy Dependence of Ti/Fe Ratio in the Galactic Cosmic Rays Measured by the ATIC-2 Experiment.
Astronomy Letters, Vol.35 (2009), No.5, pp. 338–342.
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- ATIC-2009-FAZELY-arXiv. A.R. Fazely, R.M. Gunasingha, S.V. Ter-Antonyan.
Cosmic Ray Proton Background Could Explain ATIC Electron Excess.
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- ATIC-2009-PANOV-ICRC. A.D. Panov, V.I. Zatsepin, N.V. Sokolskaya, J.H. Adams, Jr., H.S. Ahn, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, J. Chang,
M. Christl, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E.N. Kouznetsov, M.I. Panasyuk, E. B. Postnikov, E.S. Seo, J. Watts, J.P. Wefel, and J. Wu.
Systematics in the electron spectrum measured by ATIC. Proceedings of the 31th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Lodz 2009.
ID 0356. http://icrc2009.uni.lodz.pl/proc/pdf/icrc0356.pdf
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- ATIC-2010-PANOV-Lomonosov. A. D. Panov, V. I. Zatsepin, N. V. Sokolskaya, G. L. Bashindzhagyan, E. N. Kouznetsov,
M. I. Panasyuk, E. B. Postnikov, J. H. Adams, Jr., M. Christl, J. Watts, H. S. Ahn, K. C. Kim,
E. S. Seo, J. Wu, J. Chang, T. G. Guzik, J. Isbert, J. P. Wefel
Fine Structure in the Cosmic Ray Electron Spectrum Measured by ATIC. In:
Proceedings of the Fourteent Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics. Particle Physics at the Year of Astronomy.
Ed.: A. I. Studenikin. World Scientific, 2010, P.256-258.
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- ATIC-2011-WEFEL-COSPAR. John Wefel.
The spectra of cosmic rays from the three flights of ATIC. In:
38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 18-15 July 2010, in Bremen, Germany, p.2.
No text
- ATIC-2011-PANOV-ASTRA. A.D. Panov, V.I. Zatsepin, N.V. Sokolskaya, J.H. Adams, Jr., H.S. Ahn, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, J. Chang,
M. Christl, T.G. Guzik, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E.N. Kouznetsov, M.I. Panasyuk, E.B. Postnikov, E.S. Seo,
J. Watts, J.P. Wefel, and J. Wu.
Possible structure in the cosmic ray electron spectrum measured by the ATIC-2 and ATIC-4 experiments.
Astrophys. Space Sci. Trans., 7, 119-124, 2011 (www.astrophys-space-sci-trans.net/7/119/2011/).
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- ATIC-2011-PANOV-IzvRAN. А.Д. Панов, Дж.Х. Адамс, мл., Х.С. Ан, Г.Л. Башинджагян, Дж.В. Ваттс, Дж.П. Вефель, Дж. Ву,
Т.Г. Гузик, В.И. Зацепин, И. Изберт, К.Ц. Ким, М. Кристл, Е.Н. Кузнецов, М.И. Панасюк, Е.Б. Постников, Э.С. Сио,
Н.В. Сокольская, Дж. Чанг.
Тонкая структура спектра электронов космических лучей по результатам экспериментов ATIC-2 и ATIC-4.
Известия РАН. Сер. Физическая, 2011, Т. 75, No3, С. 348-351.
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ATIC-2011-PANOV-IzvRAN-E. A. D. Panov, J. H. Adams, Jr., H. S. Ahn, G. L. Bashindzhagyan, J. W. Watts, J. P. Wefel,
J. Wu, T. G. Guzik, V. I. Zatsepin, J. Isbert, K. C. Kim, M. Christl, E. N. Kouznetsov,
M. I. Panasyuk, E. B. Postnikov, E. S. Seo, N. V. Sokolskaya, and J. Chang.
Fine Structure in the Cosmic Ray Electron Spectrum Measured by the ATIC 2 and ATIC 4 Experiments.
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics, 2011, Vol. 75, No. 3, pp. 319–322.
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- ATIC-2011-ZATSEPIN-ICRC. V.I. Zatsepin, A.D. Panov, N.V. Sokolskaya.
The experimental constraints on the models of cosmic rays origin inferred from the ATIC data and some other recent experiments.
32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Beijing 2011. V.6, P.14-17.
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- ATIC-2013-Zatsepin-IzvMSU. V. I. Zatsepin, M. I. Panasyuk, A. D. Panov, and N. V. Sokolskaya.
Direct Measurements of Galactic Cosmic Ray Energy Spectra and Elemental Composition.
Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 2012, Vol. 67, No. 6, pp. 493–499.
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Русский текст:
В.И. Зацепин, М.И. Панаюк, А.Д. Панов, Н.В. Сокольская.
Прямые измерения энергетических пектров и элементного состава галактических космических лучей.
Вестник Московского университета, Серия 3. Физика и астрономия. 2012, No. 6, С. 25–30.
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- ATIC-2013-Panov-Electrons. A D Panov.
Electrons and Positrons in Cosmic Rays.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series V.409 (2013) 012004.
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- ATIC-2013-Panov-FeUpturn. A D Panov, N V Sokolskaya, V I Zatsepin, J H Adams, Jr., H S Ahn, G L Bashindzhagyan,
J Chang, M Christl, A R Fazely, T G Guzik, J Isbert, K C Kim, E N Kouznetsov, M I Panasyuk, E S Seo, J W Watts, J P Wefel, J Wu.
Upturn observed in heavy nuclei to iron ratios by the ATIC-2 experiment.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series V.409 (2013) 012036.
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- ATIC-2013-Panov-FeUpturn-Model. A D Panov, N V Sokolskaya, and V I Zatsepin.
To the interpretation of the upturn observed by ATIC in heavy nuclei to iron ratios.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 409 (2013) 012037.
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- ATIC-2013-Zatsepin-OneSource. V I Zatsepin, A D Panov, N V Sokolskaya.
A united model for the cosmic ray energy spectra and anisotropy in the energy range 100–100 000 GeV.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 409 (2013) 012028.
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- ATIC-2013-PANOV-IzvRan. А. Д. Панов, В. И. Зацепин, Н. В. Сокольская.
ИЗВЕСТИЯ РАН. СЕРИЯ ФИЗИЧЕСКАЯ, 2013, том 77, No 5, с. 681-684.
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ATIC-2013-PANOV-IzvRan-Engl. A. D. Panov, V. I. Zatsepin, and N. V. Sokolskaya.
Upturn in the Heavy Nuclei to Iron Ratio in the ATIC Experiment above 100 GeV/Nucleon.
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics, 2013, Vol. 77, No. 5, pp. 613-615..
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- ATIC-2014-NuclPhysB. A.D. Panov, N.V. Sokolskaya, V.I. Zatsepin.
Upturn in the ratio of nuclei of Z=16-24 to iron observed in the ATIC experiment and the Local Bubble.
Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 256–257 (2014) 233–240.
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- ATIC-2014-Panov-IzvRAN. А.Д. Панов, Н.В. Сокольская, В.И. Зацепин.
Спектры обильных ядер в источниках по данным эксперимента ATIC.
Известия РАН. Сер. Физическая, 2015, Т. 79, No.3, С. 318-321.
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- ATIC-2014-Panov-IzvRAN-Eng. A.D. Panov, N.V. Sokolskaya, V.I. Zatsepin.
Spectra of Abundant Nuclei in Sources, According to the ATIC Experiment.
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics, 2015, Vol.79, No.3, P.285-288.
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- ATIC-2016-Panov-ICRC2015. A.D. Panov, N.V. Sokolskaya and V.I. Zatsepin.
Energy spectra of nuclei from protons to iron in sources, according to the ATIC experiment.
PoS, 2016, ICRC2015, 321.
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- ATIC-2017-ApJ. A.D. Panov, N.V. Sokolskaya and V.I. Zatsepin.
Energy Spectra of Abundant Cosmic-ray Nuclei in Sources, According to the ATIC Experiment.
The Astrophysical Journal, 837:77 (7pp), 2017.
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Черные дыры (информация)
- BHI-AMPS-AMPS2012. Ahmed Almheiri, Donald Marolf, Joseph Polchinski, James Sully.
Black Holes: Complementarity or Firewalls?
arXiv:1207.3123v1 [hep-th]
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- BHI-AMPS-CARTER1968. Brandon Carter.
Global Structure of the Kerr Family of Gravitation Fields. [замкнутые времени-подобные кривые]
Phys. Rev. 1968, V.174, No 5 p.1559-1571
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- BHI-AMPS-CHOWDHURY2012. Borun D. Chowdhury, Andrea Puhm.
Is Alice burning or fuzzing?.
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- BHI-AMPS-POLCHINSKI2016. Joseph Polchinski.
The Black Hole Information Problem.
arXiv:1609.04036 [hep-th]
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Singularities, Firewalls, and Complementarity.
arXiv:1208.3445v1 [hep-th]
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- BHI-AMPS-SUSSKIND2014. Leonard Susskind.
ER=EPR, GHZ, and the Consistency of Quantum Measurements.
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- BHI-ANDERSSON2016. Lars Andersson, Thomas Bäckdahl, Pieter Blue.
Geometry of black hole spacetimes.
arXiv:1610.03540 [gr-qc]
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- BHI-ANSOLDI2018. S. Ansoldi, Z. Merali, E. I. Guendelman.
From Black Holes to Baby Universes: Exploring the Possibility of
Creating a Cosmos in the Laboratory?
arXiv:1801.04539 [gr-qc]
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- BHI-ARSENE2013. Nicusor Arsene, Lauretiu Ioan Caramete, Peter B. Denton, Octavian Micu.
Quantum Black Holes Effects on the Shape of Extensive Air Showers.
arXiv:1310.2205 [hep-ph]
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- BHI-AZGER-AINOU2014. Mustapha Azreg-Aïnou.
On `Rotating regular black hole solution': Generating the physical solution in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates.
arXiv:1405.2569 [gr-qc]
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- BHI-BARACK-ETAL-2018. Leor Barack, Vitor Cardoso, Samaya Nissanke, Thomas P. Sotiriou, Abbas Askar, Chris Belczynski, Gianfranco Bertone, Edi Bon, Diego Blas, Richard Brito, Tomasz Bulik, Clare Burrage, Christian T. Byrnes, Chiara Caprini, Masha Chernyakova, Piotr Chrusciel, Monica Colpi, Valeria Ferrari, Daniele Gaggero, Jonathan Gair, Juan Garcia-Bellido, S. F. Hassan, Lavinia Heisenberg, Martin Hendry, Ik Siong Heng, Carlos Herdeiro, Tanja Hinderer, Assaf Horesh, Bradley J. Kavanagh, Bence Kocsis, Michael Kramer, Alexandre Le Tiec, Chiara Mingarelli, Germano Nardini, Gijs Nelemans, Carlos Palenzuela, Paolo Pani, Albino Perego, Edward K. Porter, Elena M. Rossi, Patricia Schmidt, Alberto Sesana, Ulrich Sperhake, Antonio Stamerra, Nicola Tamanini, Thomas M. Tauris, L. Arturo Urena-Lopez, Frederic Vincent, Marta Volonteri, et al. (150 additional authors not shown).
Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: a roadmap.
arXiv:1806.05195 [gr-qc]
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- BHI-BAMBI2017. Cosimo Bambi.
Astrophysical Black Holes: A Compact Pedagogical Review.
arXiv:1711.10256 [gr-qc]
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- BHI-BOLOKHOV2018. S.V. Bolokhov, K.A. Bronnikov, M. V. Skvortsova.
The Schwarzschild singularity: a semiclassical bounce?
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- BHI-BORSTEN2009. L. Borsten, D. Dahanayake, M.J. Duff, H. Ebrahim, W. Rubens
Black holes, qubits and octonions.
Physics Reports 471 (2009) 113-219
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- BHI-CARLIP2014. S. Carlip.
Black Hole Thermodynamics.
arXiv:1410.1486v2 [gr-qc]
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- BHI-CARR2020. Bernard Carr, Florian Kuhnel.
Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter? [Хороший обзор]
arXiv:2006.02838 [astro-ph.CO]
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- BHI-CARTER1968. Brandon Carter.
Global Structure of the Kerr Family of Gravitational Fields.
Phys.Rev. V.174, 1968, P.1559-1572 [gr-qc]
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Эффект Казимира
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Константы: вариации и прочее
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Вычислительные методы и пакеты (аналитика в том числе)
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Космические лучи (преимущественно адроны)
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The Knee of the Cosmic Hydrogen and Helium Spectrum below 1 PeV Measured by ARGO-YBJ and a Cherenkov Telescope of LHAASO?
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Approaching the knee balloon-borne observations of cosmic ray composition
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- CR-CREAM2004-AdSpR. E.S. Seo, H.S. Ahn, J.J. Beatty, S. Coutu, M.J. Choi, M.A. DuVernois, O. Ganel, T.G. Kang, K.C. Kim, M.H. Lee, L. Lutz, P.S. Marrocchesi, S. Minnick, K.W. Min, S. Nutter, H. Park, I.H. Park, E. Schindhelm, R. Sina, S. Swordy, J. Wu, J. Yang.
Cosmic-ray energetics and mass (CREAM) balloon project.
Advances in Space Research 33 (2004) 1777–1785.
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- CR-CREAM2007-NIM. H.S. Ahn, P. Allison, M.G. Bagliesi, J.J. Beatty, G. Bigongiari, P. Boyle, J.T. Childers, N.B. Conklin, S. Coutu, M.A. DuVernois, O. Ganel, J.H. Han, J.A. Jeon, K.C. Kim, J.K. Lee, M.H. Lee, L. Lutz, P. Maestro, A. Malinin, P.S. Marrocchesi, S.A. Minnick, S.I. Mognet, S.W. Nam, S.L. Nutter, I.H. Park, N.H. Park, E.S. Seo,j, R. Sina, S.P. Swordy, S.P. Wakely, J. Wu, J. Yang, Y.S. Yoon,j, R. Zei, S.Y. Zinn.
The Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass (CREAM) instrument.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 579 (2007) 1034–1053.
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- CR-CREAM2008-NuclPhysSuppl. E. S. Seo, H. S. Ahn, P. Allison, M.G. Bagliesi, L. Barbier, A. Barrau, R. Bazer-Bachi, J. J. Beatty, G. Bigongiari, P. Boyle, T. T. Brandt, M. Buénerd, J. T. Childers, N. B. Conklin, S. Coutu, L. Derome, M. A. DuVernois, O. Ganel, J. H. Han, J. A. Jeon, K. C. Kim, M. H. Lee, L. Lutz, A. Malinin, M. Mangin-Brinet, P. S. Marrocchesi, P. Maestro, A. Menchaca-Rocha, S. Minnick, S. I. Mognet, S. W. Nam, S. Nutter, I. H. Park, N. H. Park, A. Putze, Y. Sallaz-Damaz, R. Sina, S. Swordy, S. Wakely, P. Walpole, J. Wu, J. Yang, Y. S. Yoon, R. Zei, and S. Y. Zinn.
Approaching the Knee with Direct Measurements.
Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 175–176 (2008) 155–161.
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- CR-CREAM2008. H.S. Ahn, P.S. Allison, M.G. Bagliesi, J.J. Beatty, G. Bigongiari, P.J. Boyle, T.J. Brandt, J.T. Childers, N.B. Conklin, S. Coutu, M.A. Duvernois, O. Ganel, J.H. Han, H. J. Hyun, J.A. Jeon, K.C. Kim, J.K. Lee, M.H. Lee, L. Lutz, P. Maestro, A. Malinin, P.S. Marrocchesi, S.A. Minnick, S.I. Mognet, S. Nam, S.L. Nutter, I.H. Park, N.H. Park, E.S. Seo, R. Sina, S.P. Swordy, S.P. Wakely, J. Wu, J. Yang, Y.S. Yoon, R. Zei, S.Y. Zinn.
Measurements of cosmic-ray secondary nuclei at high energies with the first flight of the CREAM balloon-borne experiment. Astropart. Phys. 30 (2008) 133-141, arXiv:0808.1718v1 [astro-ph].
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- CR-CREAM2008-AdSpR-41. P.S. Marrocchesi, H.S. Ahn, P. Allison, M.G. Bagliesi, L. Barbier, J.J. Beatty, G. Bigongiari, T.J. Brandt, J.T. Childers, N.B. Conklin, S. Coutu, M.A. DuVernois, O. Ganel, J.H. Han, J.A. Jeon, K.C. Kim, M.H. Lee, L. Lutz, P. Maestro, A. Malinine, S. Minnick, S.I. Mognet, S.W. Nam, S. Nutter, I.H. Park, N.H. Park, E.S. Seo, R. Sina, P. Walpole, J. Wu, J. Yang, Y.S. Yoon, R. Zei, S.Y. Zinn.
Preliminary results from the second flight of CREAM.
Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 2002–2009.
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- CR-CREAM2008-AdSpR-42. S.P. Wakely, H.S. Ahn, P. Allison, M.G. Bagliesi, J.J. Beatty, G. Bigongiari, P. Boyle, T.J. Brandt, J.T. Childers, N.B. Conklin g, S. Coutu, M.A. DuVernois, O. Ganel, J.H. Han, J.A. Jeon, K.C. Kim, M.H. Lee, L. Lutz, P. Maestro, A. Malinine, P.S. Marrocchesi, S. Minnick, S.I. Mognet, S.W. Nam, S. Nutter, I.H. Park, J.H. Park, N.H. Park, E.S. Seo, R. Sina, S.P. Swordy, J. Wu, J. Yang, Y.S. Yoon, R. Zei, S.Y. Zinn.
First measurements of cosmic-ray nuclei at high energy with CREAM.
Advances in Space Research 42 (2008) 403–408.
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- CR-CREAM2008-ICRC-63. H.S. Ahn, P.S. Allison, M.G. Bagliesi, et al.
Elemental Spectra from the CREAM-I Flight.
30th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2008. Volume 2, p.63-66.
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- CR-CREAM2008-ICRC-55. Y.S. Yoon, H.S. Ahn, P.S. Allison, et al.
H and He spectra from the 2004/05 CREAM flight.
30th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2008. Volume 2, p.55-58.
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- CR-CREAM2008-ICRC-39. N.H. Park, H.S. Ahn, P.S. Allison, et al.
Relative abundances of heavy ions measured by the CREAM-II Silicon Charge Detector.
30th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2008. Volume 2, p.39-42.
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- CR-CREAM2008-ICRC-23. R. Zei, H.S. Ahn, P.S. Allison, et al.
Preliminary measurements of carbon and oxygen energy spectra from the second flight of CREAM.
30th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2008. Volume 2, p.23-26.
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- CR-CREAM2009A. P. Maestro, H. S. Ahn, P. Allison, M.G. Bagliesi, L. Barbier, J.J. Beatty, G. Bigongiari, T.J. Brandt, J.T. Childers, N.B. Conklin, S. Coutu, M.A. DuVernois, O. Ganel, J.H. Han, J. A. Jeon, K.C. Kim, M.H. Lee, A. Malinine, P.S. Marrocchesi, S. Minnick, S.I. Mognet, S. W. Nam, S. Nutter, I.H. Park, N.H. Park, E. S. Seo, R. Sina, P. Walpole, J. Wu, J. Yang, Y.S. Yoon, R. Zei and S.Y. Zinn.
. Elemental energy spectra of cosmic rays measured by CREAM-II.
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- CR-CREAM2009B. Y.S. Yoon, H.S. Ahn, T. Anderson, L. Barbier, A. Barrau, R. Bazer-Bach, J.J. Beatty, P. Bhoyar, T.J. Brandt, M. Buenerd, N.B. Conklin, S. Coutu, L. Derome, M.A. DuVernois, O. Ganel, M. Geske, J.H. Han, J. A. Jeon, K. C. Kim, M. H. Lee, J. T. Link, A. Malinin, M. Mangin-Brinet, A. Menchaca-Rocha, J.W. Mitchell, S.I. Mogne, G. Na, S. Nam, S. Nutter, I.H. Park, N. H. Park, A. Putze, J.N. Perie, Y. Sallaz-Damaz, E. S. Seo, P. Walpole, J. Wu, J. Yang, J. H. Yoo.
Preliminary Proton and Helium Spectra from the CREAM-III Flight.
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- CR-CREAM2009C. J.H. Han, H.S. Ahn, T. Anderson, Louis Barbier, A. Barrau, R. Bazer-Bachi, J.J. Beatty, P. Bhoyar, T.J. Brandt, M. Buenerd, N.B. Conklin, S. Coutu, L. Derome, M.A. DuVernois, O. Ganel, M. Geske, J.A. Jeon, K.C. Kim, M.H. Lee, J.T. Link, A. Malinin, M. Mangin-Brinet, A. Menchaca-Rocha, J.W. Mitchell, S.I. Mognet, G.W. Na, S.W. Nam, S. Nutter, I.H. Park, N.H. Park, A. Putze, J.N. Perie, Y. Sallaz-Damaz, Eun-Suk Seo, P. Walpole, J. Wu, J. Yang, J.H. Yoo, Y.S. Yoon.
Performance in flight of the CREAM-III and CREAM-IV calorimeters.
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- CR-CREAM2009-ApJ. H.S. Ahn, P. Allison, M.G. Bagliesi, L. Barbier, J.J. Beatty, G. Bigongiari, T.J. Brandt, J.T. Childers,
N.B. Conklin, S. Coutu, M.A. DuVernois, O. Ganel, J.H. Han, J.A. Jeon, K.C. Kim, M.H. Lee, P. Maestro, A. Malinine, P.S. Marrocchesi,
S. Minnick, S.I. Mognet, S.W. Nam, S. Nutter, I.H. Park, N.H. Park, E.S. Seo, R. Sina, P. Walpole, J. Wu, J. Yang, Y.S. Yoon,
R. Zei, S.Y. Zinn
Energy Spectra of Cosmic-ray Nuclei at High Energies.
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 707, Issue 1, pp. 593-603 (2009)
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- CR-CREAM2009-NIM. H.S. Ahn, P.S. Allison, M.G. Bagliesi, J.J. Beatty, G. Bigongiari, P. Boyle, J.T. Childers, N.B. Conklin, S. Coutu, M.A. Duvernois, O. Ganel, J.H. Han, J.A. Jeon, K.C. Kim, J.K. Lee, M.H. Lee, L. Lutz, P. Maestro, A. Malinin, P.S. Marrocchesi, S.A. Minnick, S.I. Mognet, S.W. Nam, S.L. Nutter, I.H. Park, N.H. Park, E.S. Seo, R. Sina, S.P. Swordy, S.P. Wakely, J. Wu, J. Yang, Y.S. Yoon, R. Zei, S.Y. Zinn.
The Cosmic Ray Energetics and Mass (CREAM) timing charge detector.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 2009, Volume 602, Issue 2, p. 525-536
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- CR-CREAM2009-NuclPhysSuppl. P. Maestro, H. S. Ahn, P. Allison, M. G. Bagliesi, L. Barbier, J. J. Beatty, G. Bigongiari, T. J. Brandt, J. T. Childers, N. B. Conklin, S. Coutu, M. A. DuVernois, O. Ganel, J. H. Han, J. A. Jeon, K. C. Kim, M. H. Lee, A. Malinine, P. S. Marrocchesi, S. Minnick, S. I. Mognet, S. W. Nam, S. Nutter, I. H. Park, N. H. Park, E. S. Seo, R. Sina, P. Walpole, J. Wu, J. Yang, Y. S. Yoon, R. Zei, S. Y. Zinn.
Measurements of cosmic-ray energy spectra with the 2nd CREAM flight.
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- CR-CREAM2010A. H. S. Ahn, P. Allison, M. G. Bagliesi, J. J. Beatty, G. Bigongiari, J. T. Childers, N. B. Conklin, S. Coutu, M. A. DuVernois, O. Ganel, J. H. Han, J. A. Jeon, K. C. Kim, M. H. Lee, L. Lutz, P. Maestro, A. Malinin, P. S. Marrocchesi, S. Minnick, S. I. Mognet, J. Nam, S. Nam, S. L. Nutter, I. H. Park, N. H. Park, E. S. Seo, R. Sina, J. Wu, J. Yang, Y. S. Yoon, R. Zei, S. Y. Zinn
Discrepant hardening observed in cosmic-ray elemental spectra.
Astrophysical Journal Letters 714 (2010) L89-L93, arXiv:1004.1123v1 [astro-ph.HE]
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- CR-CREAM2010B. P. Maestro, H. S. Ahn, P. Allison, M. G. Bagliesi, L. Barbier, J. J. Beatty, G. Bigongiari, T. J. Brandt, J. T. Childers, N. B. Conklin, S. Coutu, M. A. DuVernois, O. Ganel, J. H. Han, J. A. Jeon, K. C. Kim, M. H. Lee, A. Malinine, P. S. Marrocchesi, S. Minnick, S. I. Mognet, S. W. Nam, S. Nutter, I. H. Park, N. H. Park, E. S. Seo, R. Sina, P. Walpole, J. Wu, J. Yang, Y. S. Yoon, R. Zei, S. Y. Zinn.
Elemental energy spectra of cosmic rays measured by CREAM-II.
arXiv:1003.5759 [astro-ph.HE]
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- CR-CREAM2011-icrc1106. J.H. Han, H.S. Ahn, Y. Amare, T. Anderson, D. Angelaszek, A. Barrau, R. Bazer-bachi, J. J. Beatty,
T. J. Brandt, M. Buenerd, N. B. Conklin, B. Coste, S. Coutu, E. Danilevich, L. Derome, J. Eaton,
O. Ganel, M. Geske, M. Gupta, A. Haque, J. A. Jeon, K. C. Kim, M. H. Kim, J. T. Link, M. H. Lee, S. E.
Lee, L. Lutz, A. Malinin, A. Menchaca-Rocha, J. W. Mitchell, S. I. Mognet, G. Na, K.H. Nam, J. Nam, S.
Nam, S. Nutter, O. Ofoha, A. Page, I. H. Park, S. S. Ryu, E. S. Seo, B. P. Smith, J. Tylka, A.
Vartanyan, J. Wu, Y. S. Yoon.
Performance of the CREAM-V and CREAM-VI calorimeters in flight.
32nd ICRC, 2011, V.6, p. 395-398
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- CR-CREAM2011-ICRC-PHeIII. Y. S. Yoon1,2 , H. S. Ahn1 , T. Anderson3 , et al. (CREAM collaboration)
Proton and helium spectra from the CREAM-III flight.
32nd ICRC, 2011, V.6, p. 95-98
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- CR-CREAM2011-ICRC-SeoHiglight. E. S. Seo on behalf of CREAM collaboration
CREAM: Results, Implications and Outlook.
32nd ICRC, 2011, V.12, p. 179-187
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Cosmic-ray Proton and Helium Spectra from the First CREAM Flight.
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Космические лучи - анизотропия
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Anisotropies and Chemical Composition of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays Using Arrival Directions
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Reconstruction of the Direction of True Anisotropy of Cosmic Rays at Energy of about 100 TeV.
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Cosmic ray anisotropy observed by GRAPES-3 air shower array.
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Energy Dependence of the Large Scale Galactic Cosmic Rays Anisotropy Measured With IceCube.
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Observation of Anisotropy in the Arrival Direction Distribution of Cosmic Rays at TeV Energies with IceCube.
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Measurement of the Solar Anisotropy with IceCube.
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Загрузить презентацию
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Large-Scale Cosmic-Ray Anisotropy KASCADE.
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 604, Issue 2, pp. 687-692
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Search for anisotropy and point sources of cosmic rays with the KASCADE-Grande experiment.
Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference; Rogelio Caballero, Juan Carlos D'Olivo, Gustavo Medina-Tanco,
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Discovery of Localized Regions of Excess 10-TeV Cosmic Rays.
Physical Review Letters, vol. 101, Issue 22, id. 221101
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The Large-Scale Cosmic-Ray Anisotropy as Observed with Milagro.
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 698, Issue 2, pp. 2121-2130 (2009)
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The Large-Scale Cosmic-Ray Anisotropy as Observed with Milagro.
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- CRANIS-NAGASHIMA1995A. K. Nagashima, K. Fujimoto, R. M. Jacklyn.
Cosmic-Ray Sidereal Daily Variation, Showing of the Coexistence of the Galactic and Heliomagnetotail-In Anisotropies.
24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol. 4, held August 28-September 8, 1995 in Rome, Italy. Edited by N. Iucci and
E. Lamanna. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, 1995., p.652
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- CRANIS-NAGASHIMA1995B. K. Nagashima, K. Fujimoto, R. M. Jacklyn.
Cosmic-ray Excess Flux from Heliomagnetotail.
24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol. 4, held August 28-September 8, 1995 in Rome, Italy. Edited by N. Iucci and
E. Lamanna. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, 1995., p.656
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- CRANIS-OHARA2003-JPhysG. S. Ohara, T. Konishi, K. Tsuji, M. Chikawa, Y. Kato, T. Wada, N. Ochi, I. Yamamoto, N. Takahashi,
W. Unno, T. Kitamura (Large Area Air Shower (LAAS) Group).
Chaos in different far-off cosmic rays: a fractal wave model.
J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 29 (2003) 2065–2077
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- CRANIS-SuperKamiokandeI-2007-ICRC. Yuichi Oyama.
Observation of the Anisotropy of 10 TeV Primary Cosmic Ray Nuclei Flux with the Super-Kamiokande-I Detector.
Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference. July 3 - 11, 2007, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. Edited by Rogelio Caballero, Juan Carlos D'Olivo, Gustavo Medina-Tanco, Lukas Nellen, Federico A. Sánchez, José F. Valdés-Galicia. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico, 2008. Volume 1, p.605-608
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- CRANIS-SuperKamiokandeI-2007-PhysRev. Gene Guillian, for the Super-Kamiokande Collaboration.
Observation of the Anisotropy of 10 TeV Primary Cosmic Ray Nuclei Flux with the Super-Kamiokande-I Detector.
Phys.Rev.D75:062003,2007 (arXiv:astro-ph/0508468v4)
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- CRANIS-Tibet-2005-ApJ. Tibet AS Gamma Collaboration: M. Amenomori, S. Ayabe, S.W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L.K. Ding, X.H. Ding,
C.F. Feng, Z.Y. Feng, X.Y. Gao, Q.X. Geng, H.W. Guo, H.H. He, M. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H.B. Hu, J. Huang, Q. Huang,
H.Y. Jia, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Labaciren, G.M. Le, J.Y. Li, H. Lu, S.L. Lu, X.R. Meng,
K. Mizutani, J. Mu, K. Munakata, A. Nagai, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, H. Onuma, T. Ouchi, S. Ozawa, J.R. Ren,
T. Saito, M. Sakata, T. Sasaki, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y.H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii,
H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, T. Utsugi, B.S. Wang, H. Wang, X. Wang, Y.G. Wang, H.R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, C.T. Yan, X.C. Yang,
S. Yasue, Z.H. Ye, G.C. Yu, A.F. Yuan, T. Yuda, H.M. Zhang, J.L. Zhang, N.J. Zhang, X.Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu,
X.X. Zhou.
Large-Scale Sidereal Anisotropy of Galactic Cosmic-Ray Intensity Observed by the Tibet Air Shower Array.
Astrophys.J. 626 (2005) L29-L32 (arXiv:astro-ph/0505114v1)
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- CRANIS-Tibet-2006-Science. M. Amenomori, S. Ayabe, X.J. Bi, D. Chen, S.W. Cui, Danzengluobu, L.K. Ding, X.H. Ding, C.F. Feng,
Zhaoyang Feng, Z.Y. Feng, X.Y. Gao, Q.X. Geng, H.W. Guo, H.H. He, M. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H.B. Hu, J. Huang, Q.
Huang, H.Y. Jia, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, Labaciren, G.M. Le, A.F. Li, J.Y. Li, Y.-Q. Lou, H. Lu,
S.L. Lu, X.R. Meng, K. Mizutani, J. Mu, K. Munakata, A. Nagai, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta, H. Onuma, T. Ouchi,
S. Ozawa, J.R. Ren, T. Saito, T.Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T.K. Sako, T. Sasaki, M. Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita,
Y.H. Tan, N. Tateyama, S. Torii, H. Tsuchiya, S. Udo, B. Wang, H. Wang, X. Wang, Y.G. Wang, H.R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, C.T. Yan,
X.C. Yang, S. Yasue, Z.H. Ye, G.C. Yu, A.F. Yuan, T. Yuda, H.M. Zhang, J.L. Zhang, N.J. Zhang, X.Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang,
Yi Zhang, Zhaxisangzhu, X.X. Zhou.
Anisotropy and Corotation of Galactic Cosmic Rays.
Science, Volume 314, Issue 5798, pp. 439-443 (2006)
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- CRANIS-Tibet-2009-ICRC. Kazuoki Munakata, M. Amenomori, X.J. Bi, D. Chen, S.W. Cui, . Danzengluobu, L.K. Ding, X.H. Ding, C. Fan,
C.F. Feng, Zhaoyang Feng, Z.Y. Feng, X.Y. Gao, Q.X. Geng, Q.B. Gou, H.W. Guo, H.H. He, M. He, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, Haibing Hu, H.B. Hu,
J. Huang, Q. Huang, H.Y. Jia, L. Jiang, F. Kajino, K. Kasahara, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, K. Kawata, . Labaciren, G.M. Le, A.F. Li,
H.C. Li, J.Y. Li, C. Liu, Y.-Q. Lou, H. Lu, X.R. Meng, K. Mizutani, J. Mu, A. Nagai, H. Nanjo, M. Nishizawa, M. Ohnishi, I. Ohta,
Shunsuke Ozawa, T. Saito, T.Y. Saito, M. Sakata, T.K. Sako, Makio Shibata, A. Shiomi, T. Shirai, H. Sugimoto, M. Takita, Y.H. Tan,
N. Tateyama, Shoji Torii, H. Tsuchiya, Shigeharu Udo, B. Wang, H. Wang, Y.G. Wang, Y.G. Wang, H.R. Wu, L. Xue, Y. Yamamoto, C.T. Yan,
X.C. Yang, S. Yasue, Z.H. Ye, G.C. Yu, A.F. Yuan, T. Yuda, H.M. Zhang, J.L. Zhang, N.J. Zhang, X.Y. Zhang, X.Y. Zhang, Yi Zhang,
Ying Zhang, . Zhaxisangzhu, X.X. Zhou, Jozsef Kota, and Tibet AS-Gamma Collaboration.
"Large-scale sidereal anisotropy of multi-TeV galactic cosmic rays and the heliosphere".
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Космические лучи - калориметрические прямые измерения
- CRCAL-CALET2017-ICRC-A. P.S. Marrocchesi and on behalf of the CALET Collaboration.
Observation of Protons and Light Nuclei with CALET: Analysis and Preliminary Results.
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- CRCAL-CREAM-2011-ApJ. Y.S. Yoon, H.S. Ahn, P.S. Allison, M.G. Bagliesi, J.J. Beatty, G. Bigongiari,
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K.C. Kim, M.H. Lee, L. Lutz, P. Maestro, A. Malinine, P.S. Marrocchesi, S.A. Minnick, S.I. Mognet,
S. Nam, S. Nutter, I.H. Park, N.H. Park, E.S. Seo, R. Sina, S. Swordy, S. P. Wakely, J. Wu,
J. Yang, R. Zei, S.Y. Zinn.
ApJ, 2011, V.728:122 (8 pages)
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- CRCAL-DAMPE2017-ICRC-He. V. Gallo, P. Bernardini, P.X. Ma, Q. Yuan and on behalf of the DAMPE Collaboration.
Studies on Helium flux with DAMPE.
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- CRCAL-DAMPE2017-ICRC-p. C. Yue, J. Zang, T. Dong, A. Surdo, S. Vitillo and on behalf of the DAMPE Collaboration.
Studies of Cosmic-Ray Proton Flux with the DAMPE Experiment.
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- CRCAL-ELLSWORTH-1977. R.W. Ellsworth, A. Ito, J. MacFall, R.E. Streitmatter, S.C. Tonwar, P.R. Vishwanath, F. Siohan,
V.K. Balasubrahmanyan, G.B. Yodh.
On the high energy proton spectrum measurements.
Astrophysics and Space Science, vol. 52, no. 2, Dec. 1977, p. 415-427.
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M. Ackermann, M. Ajello, A. Albert, et al.
Inferred Cosmic-Ray Spectrum from Fermi Large Area Telescope γ-Ray Observations of Earth's Limb.
Physical Review Letters, Volume 112, Issue 15, id.151103
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- CR-GRIGOROV1958-Calorimeter. Н.Л. Григоров, В.С. Мурзин, И.Д. Рапопорт.
Метод измерения энергии частиц в области выше $10^{11}$~eV.
ЖЭТФ, 1958, Т.~34, No2, С~506--507.
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- CR-GRIGOROV1989-JETPLett. N.L. Grigorov.
Charge distribution of cosmic rays above 1 TeV.
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 1989, Vol. 49, p.278-281
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- CR-GRIGOROV1989-JETPLett-Rus. Н.Л. Григоров.
Распределение космических лучей по зарядам при энергии выше 1 ТэВ.
Письма в ЖЭТФ, 1989, Т.~49, С.~246--248.
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- CR-GRIGOROV1989-Preprint. Н.Л. Григоров.
Изучение космических лучей с энергией выше 1 ТэВ на ИСЗ прибором "Сокол".
Препринт НИИЯФ МГУ 89-9/86, 1989
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- CR-GRIGOROV1990-21ICRC. N.L. Grigorov.
Proton spectrum measurement in the energy range above 1 TeV.
Proc. of 21st ICRC (1990), V.3, P.73-76.
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- CR-GRIGOROV1990-SattelitesAll. Н.Л. Григоров.
Изучение космических лучей высокой и сверхвысокой энерии на ИСЗ.
ЯФ, 1990, Т. 51, вып. 1, С. 157-172
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- CR-GRIGOROV1995-p-and-Heavy. Н.Л. Григоров.
Различие спектров протонов и более тяжелых ядер в области высоких энергий -- миф или реальность?
Космические исследования. 1995, Т. 33, No4, С. 339-349.
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- CR-GRIGOROV2005-ATIC-Letter. Н.Л. Григоров.
Письмо к участникам АТИК-коллаборации.
В кн.: Н.Л. Григоров. Избранные труды по физике космических лучей. Сборник статей. С.~121--124
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Список научных трудов Наума Леонидовича Григорова.
В кн.: Н.Л. Григоров. Избранные труды по физике космических лучей. Сборник статей. С.~125--147.
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- CR-PAMELA-2004. Marco Circella, on behalf of the PAMELA Collaboration.
The space mission PAMELA.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 518 (2004) 153-157.
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- CR-PAMELA-2007-AstroPartPh. P. Picozza, A.M. Galper, G. Castellini, O. Adriani, F. Altamura, M. Ambriola, G.C. Barbarino,
A. Basili, G.A. Bazilevskaja, R. Bencardino, M. Boezio, E.A. Bogomolov, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, L. Bongiorno, V. Bonvicini, F. Cafagna,
D. Campana, P. Carlson, M. Casolino, C. deMarzo, M.P. dePascale, G. deRosa, D. Fedele, P. Hofverberg, S.V. Koldashov, S.Yu. Krutkov,
A.N. Kvashnin, J. Lund, J. Lundquist, O. Maksumov, V. Malvezzi, L. Marcelli, W. Menn, V.V. Mikhailov, M. Minori, S. Misin,
E. Mocchiutti, A. Morselli, N.N. Nikonov, S. Orsi, G. Osteria, P. Papini, M. Pearce, M. Ricci, S.B. Ricciarini, M.F. Runtso,
S. Russo, M. Simon, R. Sparvoli, P. Spillantini, Yu.I. Stozhkov, E. Taddei, A. Vacchi, E. Vannuccini, S.A. Voronov, Y.T. Yurkin,
G. Zampa, N. Zampa, V.G. Zverev.
PAMELA A payload for antimatter matter exploration and light-nuclei astrophysics.
Astroparticle Physics, 2007, V.27 P.296–315.
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- CR-PAMELA-2007-Ready. O. Adriania, M. Albi, F. Altamura, et al.
The Pamela experiment ready for flight.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 572 (2007) 471–473.
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- CR-PAMELA-2007-NIM2. Silvio Orsi, for the PAMELA Collaboration.
PAMELA: A payload for antimatter matter exploration and light nuclei astrophysics.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 580 (2007) 880–883.
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- CR-PAMELA-2009A. O. Adriani, G. C. Barbarino, G. A. Bazilevskajac, et al.
The PAMELA space mission.
Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 188 (2009) 296-298.
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- CR-PAMELA-2011-NuclPhysSuppl. Marco Casolino, N. De Simone, V. Formato.
PAMELA recent results on galactic proton and helium.
Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 212–213 (2011) 362-367.
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- CR-PAMELA-2011-p-He-Mag. O. Adriani, G.C. Barbarino, G.A. Bazilevskaya, R. Bellotti, M. Boezio, E.A. Bogomolov, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi,
V. Bonvicini, S. Borisov, S. Bottai, A. Bruno, F. Cafagna, D. Campana, R. Carbone, P. Carlson, M. Casolino, G. Castellini, L. Consiglio,
M.P. DePascale, C. DeSantis, N. DeSimone, V. DiFelice, A.M. Galper, W. Gillard, L. Grishantseva, G. Jerse, A.V. Karelin, S.V. Koldashov,
S.Y. Krutkov, A.N. Kvashnin, A. Leonov, V. Malakhov, V. Malvezzi, L. Marcelli, A.G. Mayorov, W. Menn, V.V. Mikhailov, E. Mocchiutti,
A. Monaco, N. Mori, N. Nikonov, G. Osteria, F. Palma, P. Papini, M. Pearce, P. Picozza, C. Pizzolotto, M. Ricci, S.B. Ricciarini,
L. Rossetto, R. Sarkar, M. Simon, R. Sparvoli, P. Spillantini, Y.I. Stozhkov, A. Vacchi, E. Vannuccini, G. Vasilyev, S.A. Voronov,
Y.T. Yurkin, J. Wu, G. Zampa, N. Zampa, V.G. Zverev.
PAMELA Measurements of Cosmic-Ray Proton and Helium Spectra.
Science, 2011, Volume 332, Issue 6025, pp. 69-72.
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Загрузить доп. материалы
- CR-PAMELA-2011-p-He-Cal. A. V. Karelin, S. V. Borisov, A. M. Galper, S. A. Voronov for PAMELA collaboration.
The Proton and Helium cosmic ray spectra from 50 GeV to 15 TeV.
Astrophys. Space Sci. Trans., 7, 235-238, 2011 (www.astrophys-space-sci-trans.net/7/235/2011/).
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- CR-PAMELA-2013-ADS. W. Menn, O. Adriani, G.C. Barbarino, et. al (PAMELA collaboration).
The PAMELA space experiment.
Advances in Space Research 51 (2013) 209--218.
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- CR-PAMELA-2013-AdS-PHe-Cal. O. Adriani, G.C. Barbarino, G.A. Bazilevskaya, et. al (PAMELA collaboration).
Measurements of cosmic-ray proton and helium spectra with the PAMELA calorimeter.
Advances in Space Research 51 (2013) 219--226.
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- CR-PAMELA-2013-PicozzaHL. P Picozza, L Marcelli, O Adriani, et. al (PAMELA collaboration).
Cosmic Ray Study with the PAMELA Experiment.
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2013, V.409, id 012003.
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- CR-PAMELA-2014-ApJ-BtoC. O. Adriani, G. C. Barbarino, G. A. Bazilevskaya, R. Bellotti, M. Boezio, E. A. Bogomolov, M. Bongi, V.
Bonvicini, S. Bottai, A. Bruno, F. Cafagna, D. Campana, R. Carbone, P. Carlson, M. Casolino, G.
Castellini, I. A. Danilchenko, C. De Donato, C. De Santis, N. De Simone, V. Di Felice, V. Formato, A. M.
Galper, A. V. Karelin, S. V. Koldashov, S. Koldobskiy, S. Y. Krutkov, A. N. Kvashnin, A. Leonov, V.
Malakhov, L. Marcelli, M. Martucci, A. G. Mayorov, W. Menn, M. Mergé, V. V. Mikhailov, E. Mocchiutti, A.
Monaco, N. Mori, R. Munini, G. Osteria, F. Palma, B. Panico, P. Papini, M. Pearce, P. Picozza, C.
Pizzolotto, M. Ricci, S. B. Ricciarini, L. Rossetto, R. Sarkar, V. Scotti, M. Simon, R. Sparvoli, P.
Spillantini, Y. I. Stozhkov, A. Vacchi, E. Vannuccini, G. I. Vasilyev, S. A. Voronov, Y. T. Yurkin, G.
Zampa, N. Zampa, V. G. Zverev.
Measurement of Boron and Carbon Fluxes in Cosmic Rays with the PAMELA Experiment.
2014 ApJ 791 93 [arXiv:1407.1657].
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- CR-PINKAU1969. Pinkau, K.; Pollvogt, U.; Schmidt, W. K. H.; Huggett, R. W.
Measurement of the Primary Cosmic Ray Proton and Alpha-Particle Spectra above 10 GeV/Nucl.
Mitteilungen der Astronomischen Gesellschaft, 1969, Vol. 27, p.143.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1966-1-Spectra. Н.Л. Григоров, О.М. Коврижных, В.Е. Нестеров, И.Д. Рапопорт, И.А. Савенко,
Г.А. Скуридин, А.Ф. Титенков.
Измерение энергетического спектра первичных космических лучей в области энергий $10^{10}-10^{14}$~эВ
с помощью ИСЗ Протон-1.
Известия АН СССР, Сер. Физ. Т. 30, No11, С.1760-1762.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1966-1-ChemComp. Н.Н. Володичев, Н.Л. Григоров, В.Е. Нестеров, И.Д. Рапопорт, И.А. Савенко,
Б.М. Яковлев
Изучение химического состава первичных космических лучей в области умеренных энергий на ИСЗ Протон-1.
Известия АН СССР, Сер. Физ. Т. 30, No11, С.1763-1764.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1966-1-1-Electrons. Н.Л. Григоров, Ю.С. Клинцов, В.Е. Нестеров, И.Д. Рапопорт, И.А. Савенко,
Б.М. Яковлев
Изучение электронов высокой энергии на ИСЗ Протон-1 и Протон-2.
Известия АН СССР, Сер. Физ. Т. 30, No11, С.1773-1775.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1967-NuclComponent. Н.Н. Володичев, Н.Л. Григоров, О.В. Кисляков, Ю.В. Минеев, В.Е. Нестеров, О.Ю. Нечаев,
И.Д. Рапопорт, И.А. Савенко, А.В. Смирнов, Б.М. Яковлев
Изучение ядерной компоненты первичных космических лучей на ИСЗ "Протон-2".
Космические исследования, 1967, Т. 5. Вып. 1, С. 115--118.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1967-ChargeSpectrometer. Н.Н. Володичев, Н.Л. Григоров, О.В. Кисляков, Ю.В. Минеев, В.Е. Нестеров, О.Ю. Нечаев,
И.Д. Рапопорт, И.А. Савенко, А.В. Смирнов, Б.М. Яковлев
Светосильный спектрометр зарядов первичных ядер космических лучей.
Космические исследования, 1967, Т. 5. Вып. 1, С. 119--123.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1967-CONSTRUCTION. Н.Л. Григоров, Г.П. Кахидзе, В.Е. Нестеров, И.Д. Рапопорт, И.А. Савенко,
А.В. Смирнов, А.Ф. Титенков, П.П. Шишков.
Спектрометр частиц первичного космического излучения высокой энергии для ИСЗ типа "Протон".
Космические исследования, 1967, Т. 5. Вып. 3, С. 383--394.
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- CR-PROTON1967-1-2-Spectra. Н.Л. Григоров, В.Е. Нестеров, И.Д. Рапопорт, И.А. Савенко, Г.А. Скуридин, А.Ф. Титенков.
Изучение энергетического спекра и состава первичных космических лучей в области высоких и сверхвысоки энергий
на ИСЗ "Протон-1" и "Протон-2".
Космические исследования, 1967, Т. 5, вып.3, С. 395--419.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1967-CrossSections. Н.Л. Григоров, В.Е. Нестеров, И.Д. Рапопорт, И.А. Савенко, Г.А. Скуридин
Измерение на ИСЗ "Протон-1" и "Протон-2" эффективного сечения неупругого взаимодействия с ядрами углерода протонов с энергиями
Космические исследования, 1967, Т. 5. Вып. 3, С. 420--430.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1967-SuperHeavy. Н.Н. Володичев, Н.Л. Григоров, И.А. Савенко
Изучение сверхтяжелых ядер в космических лучах.
Космические исследования, 1967, Т. 5. Вып. 3, С. 431--435.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1967-MassComp. Н.Н. Володичев, Н.Л. Григоров, И.А. Савенко
Изучение энеретического аспределения частиц космических лучей с различными массами на ИСЗ "Протоно-1" и "Протон-2".
Космические исследования, 1967, Т. 5. Вып. 3, С. 437--441.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1967-1-2. Н.Н. Володичев, Н.Л. Григоров, В.Е. Нестеров, И.Д. Рапопорт, И.А. Савенко.
Изучение химического состава первичных космических лучей в области умеренных энергий на космических станциях Протон-1 и Потон-2.
Известия АН СССР, Сер. Физ., 1967, Т.~31, No8, С.~1229--1230.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1967-SpectraZ. Н.Н. Володичев, Н.Л. Григоров, И.А. Савенко
Изучение вида энергетических спектров ядер различных Z по измерениям на космических станциях Протон-1 и Протон-2.
Известия АН СССР, Сер. Физ. 1967, Т.~31, No8, С. 1231--1232.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1969-ICRC-211. V.V. Akimov, N.L. Grigorov, N.A. Mamontova, V.E. Nesterov, V.L. Prokhin, I.D. Rapoport, I.A. Savenko.
Measurements of the inelastic proton-proton and protoncarbon cross-sections at energies 1010-1012 eV on board the satellites
Proton 1, 2, and 3.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cosmic Rays, held in Budapest, 25 August - 4 September, 1969. Acta Physica,
Supplement to Volume 29. Edited by A. Somogyi, Vol. 3., p.211.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1969-ICRC-517. V.V. Akimov, N.L. Grigorov, V.E. Nesterov, I.D. Rapoport, I.A. Savenko, G.A. Skuridin, A.F. Titenkov.
Measurements of the primary cosmic ray spectra in the 1011-1014 eV energy range from Proton-1, 2, 3 satellites.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cosmic Rays, held in Budapest, 25 August - 4 September, 1969. Edited by A. Somogyi, Vol. 1. Acta Physica, Supplement to Volume 29. Origin and Galactic Phenomena., p.517.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1970-4-CONSTR. В.В. Бугаков, С.А. Беляков, Н.Л. Григоров, Ю.В. Губин, Л.Ф. Калинкин, Г.П. Кахидзе, И.Д. Рапопорт,
И.А. Савенко, А.В. Смирнов, В.Я. Ширяева, П.П. Шишков, В.Ф. Шестериков, Б.М. Яковлев, Ю.В. Тригубов.
Принципы устройства научной аппаратуры для изучения космических лучей высокой энергии на космической станции "Протон-4".
Известия АН СССР, Сер. Физ., 1970, Т.~34, No9, С.~1818--1828.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1970-CrossSections. Н.Л. Григоров, В.Е. Нестеров, И.Д. Рапопорт, И.А. Савенко, Г.А. Скуридин
Измерение эффективных сечений неупругого взаимодействия протонов с ядрами углерода и водорода в области энергий 20--600~ГэВ
на космических станциях "Протон-1", "Протон-2", и "Протон-3".
ЯФ, 1970, Т. 11, вып. 4, С. 814--829.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1970-1-3-Spectra. Н. Л. Григоров, В. Е. Нестеров, И. Д. Рапопорт, И. А. Савенко, Г. А. Скуридин.
Изучение энергетического спектра первичных космических лучей высокой и сверхвысокой энергий на космических станциях "Протон".
ЯФ, Т.11, вып.5, 1970, С.1058-1069.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1971-12thICRC-4. N. L. Grigorov, Yu. V. Gubin, I. D. Rapoport, I. A. Savenko, B. M. Yakovlev,
V. V. Akimov, V. E. Nesterov.
Energy spectrum of primary cosmic rays in the 10^11-10^15 eV energy range according to the data of Proton-4 measurements.
12th Internation Conference on Cosmic rays, Hobard, Tasmania, Australia (1971). V. 5, P.1746-1751.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1971-12thICRC-Irregularity. N.L. Grigorov, N.A. Mamontova, I.D. Rapoport, I.A. Savenko, V.V. Akimov, V.E. Nesterov.
On iregularity in the primary cosmic ray spectrum in the $10^{12}$ energy range.
12th Internation Conference on Cosmic rays, Hobard, Tasmania, Australia (1971). V. 5, P.1752-1759.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1971-12thICRC-He. N.L. Grigorov, I.D. Rapoport, I.A. Savenko, V.E. Nesterov, V.L. Prokhin.
Energy spectrum of cosmic ray $\alpha$-particles in $5\times 10^{10}-10^{12}~eV/nucleon energy range.
12th Internation Conference on Cosmic rays, Hobard, Tasmania, Australia (1971). V. 5, P.1760-1768.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1971-1-3-Irregularity. В.В. Акимов, Н.Л. Григоров, Н.А. Мамонтова, В.Е. Нестеров, И.Д. Рапопорт, И.А. Савенко.
О нерегулярности в спектре космических лучей в области энергий $10^{12}$~эВ.
Известия АН СССР, сер. физ. 1971, Т.35, No12, C.2439--2442.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1971-1-3-He. Н.Л. Григоров, В.Е. Нестеров, В.Л. Прохин, И.Д. Рапопорт, И.А. Савенко.
Энергетический спектр $\alpha$-частиц первичных космических лучей в области высоких энергий по данным измерения на исз "Протон".
Известия АН СССР, сер. физ. 1971, Т.35, No12, C.2443--2445.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1972-SpaceResearch. N.L. Grigorov, V.E. Nesterov, I.A. Savenko.
Study of energy spectra of primary cosmic rays at very high energgies on the proton series of satellites.
Space Research XII, V.2, P. 1617-1622.
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- CRCAL-PROTON1973-AkimovDiss. В.В. Акимов (Акимов Валерий Васильевич, ИКИ, старший научный сотрудник, лаб.524, 333-40-44, к.740).
Изучение энергетического спектра протонов первичных космических лучей на ИСЗ "ПРОТОН-3".
Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата физико-математических наук. Москва, 1973.
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- CRCAL-RYAN1972. M.J. Ryan, J.F. Ormes, V.K. Balasubrahmanyan.
Cosmic-Ray Proton and Helium Spectra above 50 GeV.
Phys. Rev. Lett. V.28(15), 1972, P.985-988.
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- CRCAL-SEO2012-AstroPart. E.S. Seo.
Direct measurements of cosmic rays using balloon borne experiments.
Astroparticle Physics 39-40 (2012) 76-87.
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- CRCAL-SOKOL1981-ICRC. S.N. Vernov, I.P. Kumpan, L.G. Mishekno, V.V. Platonov, I.D. Rapoport, Yu.I. Samsonov, L.G. Smolenskii,
P.V. Vakulov, V.A. Sobinjakov, Yu.V. Trigubov, Ch.A. Tretyakova, L.O. Chikova, V.J. Shestoperov, V.J. Shiraeva, N.L. Grigorov,
I.V. Jashin, B.M. Jakovlev, D.A. Juravlev, I.P. Ivanenko.
Device for Investigation of High Energy Primary Cosmic Rays.
Proceedings of the 17th International Cosmic Ray Conference, held in Paris, France, 1981, V. 8., P.49-52.
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- CRCAL-SOKOL1985-IzvAN. С.Н. Вернов, П.В. Вакулов, Н.Л. Григоров, Д.А. Журавлев, В.И. Зацепин, И.П. Иваненгко,
И.П. Кумпан, Л.Г. Мищенко, Л.П. Папина, В.В. Платонов, И.Д. Рапопорт, Ю.И. Самсонов, Г.А. Самсонов, Л.Г. Смоленский,
В.А. Собиняков, В.К. Соколов, Ч.А. Третьякова, Ю.В. Тригубов, Л.О. Чикова, В.Я. Шестоперов, В.Я. Ширяева,
Б.М. Яковлев, И.В. Яшин.
Высокостабильная и экономичная аппаратура для изучения первичных космических лучей.
Известия АН СССР, Сер. Физ., 1985, Т.49, No7, С.1399-1401.
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- CRCAL-SOKOL1986-JETPLett. I.P. Ivanenko, N.L. Grigorov, V.Ya. Shestoperov, Yu.B. Basina, P.V. Vakulov, Yu.Ya. Vasil'Ev,
R.M. Golynskaya, L.B. Grigor'eva, D.A. Zhuravlev, V.I. Zatsepin, A.E. Kazakova, V.D. Kozlov, I.P. Kumpan, Yu.A. Laputin,
L.G. Mishchenko, V.M. Nikanorov, L.P. Pnina, V.V. Platonov, D.M. Podorozhnyǐ, I.D. Rapoport, G.A. Samsonov, L.G. Smolenskiǐ,
B.A. Sobinyakov, V.K. Sokolov, G.E. Tambovtsev, Ch.A. Tret'yakova, Yu.V. Trugubov, I.M. Fateeva, L.A. Khein, L.O. Chikova,
V.Ya. Shiryaeva, B.M. Yakovlev, I.V. Yashin
Multiply charged particles of the primary cosmic rays with energies => 2 TeV.
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 1986, Vol. 44, p.200-202
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- CRCAL-SOKOL1986-JETPLett-Rus. И.П. Иваненко, Н.Л. Григоров, В.Я. Шестоперов, Ю.В. Басина, П.В. Вакулов, Ю.Я. Васильев,
Р.М. Голынская, Л.Б. Григорьева, Д.А. Журавлёв, В.И. Зацепин, А.Е. Казакова, В.Д. Козлов, И.П. Кумпан, Ю.А. Лапутин,
Л.Г. Мищенко, В.М. Никаноров, Л.П. Папина, В.В. Платонов, Д.М. Подорожный, И.Д. Рапопорт, Г.А. Самсонов, Л.Г. Смоленский,
В.А. Собиняков, В.К. Соколов, Г.Е. Тамбовцев, Ч.А. Третьякова, Ю.В. Тригубов, И.М. Фатеева, Л.А. Хейн, Л.О. Чикова,
В.Я. Ширяева, Б.М. Яковлев, И.В Яшин.
Многозарядные частицы первичных космических лучей с энергией \geq 2 ТэВ. [дифф. сп. кроме протонов Сокол-1]
Письма в ЖЭТФ, 1986, Т. 44, p.200-202
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- CRCAL-SOKOL1988-JETPLett. I.P. Ivanenko, I.D. Rapoport, V.Y. Shestoperov, Yu.V. Basina, P.V. Vakulov, Yu.Ya. Vasil'Ev,
R.M. Golynskaya, Yu.P. Gordeev, L.B. Grigor'eva, A.E. Kazakova, V.D. Kozlov, I.P. Kumpan, L.G. Mishchenko, V.M. Nikanorov,
L.P. Papina, V.V. Platoniv, D.M. Podorozhnyǐ, G.A. Samsonov, L.G. Smolenskiǐ, V.A. Sobinyakov, G.E. Tambovtsev, Yu.V.
Trigubov, I.M. Fateeva, A.N. Fedorov, L.A. Kheǐn, L.O. Chikova, V.Ya. Shiryaeva, B.M. Yakovlev, I.V. Yashin
Energy spectrum and charge composition of primary cosmic rays with energy above 2 TeV.
ZhETF Pis ma Redaktsiiu, 1988, Vol. 48, p.468
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- CRCAL-SOKOL1988-JETPLett-Rus. И.П. Иваненко, И.Д. Рапопорт, В.Я. Шестоперов, Ю.В. Васина, П.В. Вакулов, Ю.Я. Васильев,
Р.М. Голынская, Ю.П. Гордеев, Л.Б. Григорьева, А.Е. Казакова, В.Д. Козлов, И.П. Кумпан, Л.Г. Мищенко, В.М. Никаноров,
Л.П. Папина, В.В. Платонов, Д.М. Подорожный, Г.А. Самсонов, Л.Г. Смоленский, В.А. Собиняков, Г.Е. Тамбовцев, Ю.В. Тригубов,
И.М. Фатеева, А.Н. Федоров, Л.А. Хейн, Л.О. Чикова, В.Я. Ширяева, Б.М. Яковлев, И.В Яшин.
Энергетический спектр и зарядовый состав первичных космических лучей с энергией свыше 2 ТэВ. [Интегральные спектры p, He.
Спектр Акимова (Протон) без ступеньки? Первая статья без Григорова]
Письма в ЖЭТФ, 1988, Т. 48, p.468-471
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- CRCAL-SOKOL1988-VestnikMGU. Н.Л. Григоров, И.П. Иваненко, И.Д. Рапопорт, В.Я. Шестоперов, Ю.В. Васина, П.В. Вакулов,
Р.М. Голынская, Ю.П. Гордеев, Л.Б. Григорьева, Д.А. Журавлев, И.П. Кумпан, Л.Г. Мищенко,
Л.П. Папина, В.В. Платонов, Д.М. Подорожный, Г.А. Самсонов, Л.Г. Смоленский, В.А. Собиняков, В.Л. Соколов,
Ю.В. Тригубов, И.М. Фатеева, А.Н. Федоров, Л.А. Хейн, Л.О. Чикова, В.Я. Ширяева, Б.М. Яковлев, И.В Яшин.
Изучение частиц высоких энергий первичного космического излучения на ИСЗ аппаратурой <<Сокол>>.
Вест. МГУ, Сер. 3, физика, астрономия. 1988, Т. 29, No5, С.44-50.
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- CRCAL-SOKOL1989-JETPLett. I.P. Ivanenko, I.D. Rapoport, V.Ya. Shestoperov, Yu.V. Basina, P.V. Vakulov, Yu.Ya. Vasil'Ev,
R.M. Golynskaya, Yu.P. Gordeev, L.B. Grigor'eva, A.E. Kazakova, V.D. Kozlov, I.P. Kumpan, L.G. Mishchenko, V.M. Nikanorov,
L.P. Papina, V.V. Platonov, D.M. Podorozhnyǐ, G.A. Samsonov, L.G. Smolenskiǐ, V.A. Sobinyakov, G.E. Tambovtsev,
Yu.V. Trigubov, I.M. Fateeva, A.N. Fedorov, L.A. Kheǐn, L.O. Chikova, V.Ya. Shiryaeva, B.M. Yakovlev, I.V. Yashin
Energy spectrum of primary cosmic-ray particles at 1-100 TeV from data from the Sokol package.
ZhETF Pis ma Redaktsiiu, 1989, Vol. 49, p.222-224
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- CRCAL-SOKOL1989-JETPLett-Rus. Иваненко И.П., Раппопорт И.Д., Шестоперов В.Я., Басина Ю.В., Вакулов П.В., Васильев Ю.Я.,
Голынская Р.М., Гордеев Ю.П., Григорьева Л.Б., Казакова А.Е., Козлов В.Д., Кумпан И.П., Мищенко Л.Г., Никаноров В.М.,
Папина Л.П., Платонов В.В., Подорожный Д.М., Самсонов Г.А., Смоленский Л.Г., Собиняков В.А., Тамбовцев Г.Е., Тригубов Ю.В.,
Фатеева И.М., Федоров А.Н., Хейн Л.А., Чикова Л.О Ширяева В.Я., Яковлев Б.М., Яшин И.В
Энергетический спектр частиц первичных космических лучей при энергиях 1 \div 100 ТэВ по данным прибора "Сокол" .
[Спектр всех частиц, отношение протонов к Z>=2]
Письма в ЖЭТФ, 1989, Т. 48, p.192-194
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- CRCAL-SOKOL1990-ICRC. P.I. Ivanenko, D.I. Rapoport, Ya.V. Shestoperov, V.Yu. Basina, V.P. Vakulov, Ya.Yu. Vasiliev,
M.R. Golinskaya, P.Yu. Gordeev, B.L. Grigorieva, E.A. Kazakova, D.V. Kozlov, P.I. Kumpan, G.L. Mischenko, M.V. Nikanorov,
P.L. Papina, V.V. Platonov, A.G. Samsonov, G.L. Smolensky, A.V. Sobinyakov, E.G. Tambovtsev, V.Yu. Trigubov, M.I. Fateeva,
N.A. Fedorov, A.L. Hein, O.L. Chikova, Ya.V. Shiryaeva, M.B. Yakovlev, V.I. Yashin
Energy Spectrum and Cosmic Ray Composition in the Region of Energies Higher than 1 TeV Investigated Onboard
the "Cosmos-1543" and "Cosmos-1713" Satellites. [Много плохо читаемых картинок спектров, дифф и инт, уменьшение доли пртонов]
Proceedings of the 21st International Cosmic Ray Conference. Volume 3 (OG Sessions), p.77-80.
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- CRCAL-SOKOL1993-ICRC. I.P. Ivanenko, Shestoperov, V. Ya.; et al..
Energy Spectra of Cosmic Rays above 2 TeV as Measured by the 'SOKOL' Apparatus. [Здесь спектр всех частиц]
23rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol. 2, 1993, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. P.17-20
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- CRCAL-SOKOL1993-IzvRAN. И.П. Иваненко, В.Я. Шестоперов, Д.М. Подорожный, И.Д. Рапопорт, Г.А. Самсонов,
В.А. Собиняков, А.Н. Турундаевский, И.М. Фатеева, Л.А. Хейн, Л.О. Чикова, И.В. Яшин.
Энергетические спектры различных компонент космических лучей при энергиях выше 2 ТэВ,
измеренные аппаратурой "Сокол".
[А здесь спектра всех частиц нету]
Известия Академии Наук, Сер. Физ., 1993, Т.57, No7, С.76-79.
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- CRCAL-TIC1995-ICRC-685. J.H. Adams, N.L. Grigorov, M.I. Pnasyuk, V.I. Zatsepin.
A Thin Electronic Calorimeter for Galactic Cosmic Ray Spectral Measurements. [Это не ТИК, это неосуществленный проект.]
24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1995, Vol. 3, p.685.
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- CRCAL-TIC1995-ICRC-646. J.H.,Jr. Adams, J. Lee, A.A. Beliayev, Y.P. Gordeev, T.V. Lazareva, O.Y. Nechaev, M.I. Panasyuk,
G.P. Sazhina, N.V. Sokolskaya, B.M. Yakovlev, V.I. Zatsepin.
The Galactic Cosmic Ray All-Particles Spectrum, Preliminary Results from the TIC Experiment.
[Здесь нет результатов, только описание прибора и полета]
24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1995, Vol. 2, p.646
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- CRCAL-TIC1997-IzvRAN. Дж. Адамс, Дж. Ли, В.И. Зацепин, М.И. Панасюк, Н.В. Сокольская.
Сектр всех частиц первичных космических лучей: данные эксперимента ТИК.
Известия Академии Наук, Сер. Физ., 1997, Т.61, No6, С.1181-1185.
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Электроны в космических лучах - эксперимент
- CRE-EXP-AMS01-2000. J. Alcaraz, B. Alpat, G. Ambrosi, et. al (AMS-01 collaboration)
Leptons in near earth orbit.
Physics Letters B, Volume 484, Issue 1-2, p. 10-22
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- CRE-EXP-ANAND1973. K.C. Anand, R.R. Daniel, S.A. Stephens.
Final Results on the TIFR Cosmic Ray Electron Spectrum in the Region 10 to 800 GeV.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Cosmic Rays, held in Denver, Colorado, Volume 1 (OG Sessions)., p.355
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- CRE-EXP-BETS-2001-ASR. S. Torii, T. Tamura, N. Tateyama, et. al (BETS collaboration)
Cosmic-ray electrons flux from 10 to 100 GeV measured by the BETS instrument.
Adv. Space Res. 2001, V.27, No.4, P.675-680
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- CRE-EXP-DAMPE-BINGBING-2018. Wang BingBing, Bi XiaoJun, Lin SuJie, Yin PengFei.
Explanations of the DAMPE high energy electron/positron spectrum in the dark matter annihilation and pulsar scenarios.
SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 61(10), 101004(2018)
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- CRE-EXP-FERMILAT2009A. Fermi/LAT Collaboration.
Measurement of the Cosmic Ray e+ plus e- spectrum from 20 GeV to 1 TeV with the Fermi Large Area Telescope.
Phys.Rev.Lett.102:181101,2009, arXiv:0905.0025v1 [astro-ph.HE].
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- CRE-EXP-FERMILAT2009B. M.N. Mazziotta on behalf of the Fermi-LAT collaboration.
Data Analysis for the Measurement of High Energy Cosmic Ray Electron/Positron Spectrum with Fermi-LAT.
PROCEEDINGS OF THE 31st ICRC, LODZ 2009, icrc0449.pdf
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- CRE-EXP-FERMILAT2010A. Fermi/LAT Collaboration.
Searches for cosmic-ray electron anisotropies with the Fermi Large Area Telescope.
Phys. Rev. D 82, 092003 (2010).
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- CRE-EXP-FERMILAT2010B. Fermi/LAT Collaboration.
Fermi LAT observations of cosmic-ray electrons from 7 GeV to 1 TeV.
Phys.Rev.D82:092004,2010, arXiv:1008.3999v1 [astro-ph.HE].
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- CRE-EXP-GOLDEN1984. R.L. Golden, B.G. Mauger, G.D. Badhwar, R.R. Daniel, J.L. Lacy, S.A. Stephens, J.E. Zipse.
A measurement of the absolute flux of cosmic-ray electrons.
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 287, Dec. 15, 1984, p. 622-632.
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- CRE-EXP-HEAT2001. M.A. DuVernois, S.W. Barwick, J.J. Beatty, A. Bhattacharyya, C.R. Bower, C.J. Chaput,
S. Coutu, G.A. deNolfo, D.M. Lowder, S. McKee, D. Müller, J.A. Musser, S.L. Nutter, E. Schneider, S.P. Swordy,
G. Tarlé, A.D. Tomasch, E. Torbet
Cosmic-Ray Electrons and Positrons from 1 to 100 GeV: Measurements with HEAT and Their Interpretation.
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 559, Issue 1, pp. 296-303.
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- CRE-EXP-HESS2008. F. Aharonian, A.G. Akhperjanian, et al. (H.E.S.S. collaboration)
Energy Spectrum of Cosmic-Ray Electrons at TeV Energies.
Physical Review Letters, vol. 101, Issue 26, id. 261104.
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- CRE-EXP-HESS2009. F. Aharonian, A.G. Akhperjanian, G. Anton et al. (H.E.S.S. collaboration)
Probing the ATIC peak in the cosmic-ray electron spectrum with H.E.S.S..
Astron.Astrophys.508:561-564, 2009, arXiv:0905.0105v1 [astro-ph.HE].
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- CRE-EXP-MAGIC2011-arXiv. Borla D. Tridon, P. Colin, L. Cossio, M. Doro, V. Scalzotto, for the MAGIC Collaboration.
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Позитроны в космических лучах - эксперимент
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G. Vasilyev, S. A. Voronov, Y. T. Yurkin, G. Zampa, N. Zampa, V. G. Zverev
An anomalous positron abundance in cosmic rays with energies 1.5–100 GeV Nature, V. 458 (2009), P.607-609
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O. Adriani, G. C. Barbarino, G. A. Bazilevskaya, R. Bellotti, M. Boezio, E. A. Bogomolov, L. Bonechi,
M. Bongi, V. Bonvicini, S. Borisov, S. Bottai, A. Bruno, F. Cafagna, D. Campana, R. Carbone, P. Carlson, M. Casolino, G. Castellini,
L. Consiglio, M. P. De Pascale, C. De Santis, N. De Simone, V. Di Felice, A. M. Galper, W. Gillard, L. Grishantseva, P. Hofverberg,
G. Jerse, S. V. Koldashov, S. Y. Krutkov, A. N. Kvashnin, A. Leonov, V. Malvezzi, L. Marcelli, W. Menn, V. V. Mikhailov, E. Mocchiutti,
A. Monaco, N. Mori, N. Nikonov, G. Osteria, P. Papini, M. Pearce, P. Picozza, M. Ricci, S. B. Ricciarini, L. Rossetto, M. Simon,
R. Sparvoli, P. Spillantini, Y. I. Stozhkov, A. Vacchi, E. Vannuccini, G. Vasilyev, S. A. Voronov, J. Wu, Y. T. Yurkin, G. Zampa, N. Zampa,
V. G. Zverev, D. Marinucci
A statistical procedure for the identification of positrons in the PAMELA experiment
Astroparticle Physics, Volume 34, Issue 1, p. 1-11 (arXiv:1001.3522)
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O. Adriani, G. C. Barbarino, G. A. Bazilevskaya, R. Bellotti, A. Bianco, M. Boezio,E. A. Bogomolov,M. Bongi, V. Bonvicini, S. Bottai,
A. Bruno, F. Cafagna, D. Campana, R. Carbone, P. Carlson, M. Casolino, G. Castellini, C. De Donato, C. De Santis, N. De Simone,
V. Di Felice, V. Formato, A. M. Galper, A. V. Karelin, S. V. Koldashov, S. A. Koldobskiy, S. Y. Krutkov, A. N. Kvashnin, A. Leonov,
V. Malakhov, L. Marcelli, M. Martucci, A. G. Mayorov, W. Menn, M. Merge, V. V. Mikhailov, E. Mocchiutti, A. Monaco, N. Mori, R. Munini,
G. Osteria, F. Palma, P. Papini, M. Pearce, P. Picozza, C. Pizzolotto, M. Ricci, S. B. Ricciarini, L. Rossetto, R. Sarkar, V. Scotti,
M. Simon, R. Sparvoli, P. Spillantini, S. J. Stochaj, J. C. Stockton, Y. I. Stozhkov, A. Vacchi, E. Vannuccini, G. I. Vasilyev,
S. A. Voronov,16 Y. T. Yurkin, G. Zampa, N. Zampa, and V. G. Zverev.
Cosmic-Ray Positron Energy Spectrum Measured by PAMELA.
PRL 111, 081102 (2013)
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Электроны в космических лучах - теория
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D. Spangler, R. Steenkamp, C. Stegmann, G. Superina, J.-P. Tavernet, R. Terrier, C.G. Théoret, M. Tluczykont, C. vanEldik,
G. Vasileiadis, C. Venter, P. Vincent, H.J. Völk, S.J. Wagner
A detailed spectral and morphological study of the gamma-ray supernova remnant RX J1713.7-3946 with HESS.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 449, Issue 1, April I 2006, pp.223-242.
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- CRGAMMA-HESS-2007-ApJ. F. Aharonian, A.G. Akhperjanian, A.R. Bazer-Bachi, M. Beilicke, W. Benbow, et al (HESS).
H.E.S.S. Observations of the Supernova Remnant RX J0852.0-4622: Shell-Type Morphology and Spectrum of a
Widely Extended Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Source.
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 661, Issue 1, pp. 236-249.
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- CRGAMMA-HESS-2007-AA. Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Bazer-Bachi, A. R.; Beilicke, M.; Benbow, et al (HESS).
Primary particle acceleration above 100 TeV in the shell-type supernova remnant RX J1713.7-3946 with deep HESS observations.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 464, Issue 1, March II 2007, pp.235-243.
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- CRGAMMA-KISTLER2009. Matthew D. Kistler, Hasan Yuksel.
New Constraints on the Highest-Energy Cosmic-Ray Electrons and Positrons.
arXiv:0912.0264v1 [astro-ph.HE].
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- CRGAMMA-LEE2010. S.-H. Lee, T. Kamae, L. Baldini, F. Giordano, M.-H. Grondin, L. Latronico,
M. Lemoine-Goumard, C. Sgró, T. Tanaka, Y. Uchiyama.
Cosmic Ray e^+/(e^- + e^+) and pbar/p Ratios Explained by an Injection Model Based on Gamma-ray Observations
[+хороший обзор происхождения позитронов].
arXiv:1010.3477v3 [astro-ph.HE].
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- CRGAMMA-MALKOV2011. M.A. Malkov, P.H. Diamond, R.Z. Sagdeev.
Mechanism for spectral break in cosmic ray proton spectrum of supernova remnant W44.
Nature Communications, Volume 2, Issue , paper number 194 (2011) (arXiv:1004.4714)
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- CRGAMMA-PETRE-2001-ASR. R. Petre, U. Hwang, G.E. Allen.
Evidence for cosmic-ray acceleration in supernova remnants from X-ray observations.
Adv. Space Res. 2001, V.27, No.4, pp. 647-652.
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- CRGAMMA-WIEDENBECK1999-ApJL. M.E. Wiedenbeck, W.R. Binns, E.R. Christian, A.C. Cummings, B.L. Dougherty, P.L. Hink, J. Klarmann,
R.A. Leske, M. Lijowski, R.A. Mewaldt, E.C. Stone, M.R. Thayer, T.T. vonRosenvinge, N.E. Yanasak.
Constraints on the Time Delay between Nucleosynthesis and Cosmic-Ray Acceleration from Observations of $^{59}$Ni and $^{59}$Co.
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 523, Issue 1, pp. L61-L64.
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Эмульсионные прямые эксперименты в космических лучах
- CREMULS-JACEE-1983-BURNETT. T. H. Burnett, S. Dake, M. Fuki, J. C. Gregory*, T. Hayashi, R. Holynski, R. W. Huggett,
S. D. Hunter, J. Iwai, W. V. Jones, A. Jurak, J. J. Lord, O. Miyamura, H. Oda, T. Ogata, T. A. Parnell, T. Saito, T. Tabuki,
Y. Takahashi, T. Tominaga, J. W. Watts, B. Wilczynska, R. J. Wilkes, W. Wolter, and B. Wosiek
Photon and Helium Energy Spectra above 1 TeV for Primary Cosmic Rays.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 51, 1010–1013 (1983)
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- CREMULS-JACEE-1986-Nim. T.H. Burnett, S. Dake, M. Fuki, J.C. Gregory, T. Hayashi, R. Holynski, J. Iwai, W.V. Jones,
A. Jurak, J.J. Lord, O. Miyamura, H. Oda, T. Ogata, T.A. Parnell, T. Saito, T. Tabuki, Y. Takahashi, T. Tominaga,
J.W. Watts, B. Wilczynska, R.J. Wilkes, W. Wolter, B. Wosiek
JACEE emulsion chambers for studying the energy spectra of high energy cosmic ray protons and helium.
Nuc. Instr. Meth. A, V.~251, Issue 3, P.~583--595
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- CREMULS-JACEE-1990-ApJ-Lett. T.H. Burnett, S. Dake, J.H. Derrickson, W.F. Fountain, M. Fuki, J.C. Gregory, T. Hayashi,
R. Holynski, J. Iwai, W.V. Jones, A. Jurak, J.J. Lord, O. Miyamura, H. Oda, T. Ogata, T.A. Parnell, F.E. Roberts, S. Strausz,
T. Tabuki, Y. Takahashi, T. Tominaga, J.W. Watts, J.P. Wefel, B. Wilczynska, H. Wilczynski, R.J. Wilkes, W. Wolter, B. Wosiek
Energy spectra of cosmic rays above 1 TeV per nucleon.
ApJ, 1990, V. 349, P. L25-L28.
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- CREMULS-JACEE-1990-ICRC-101. H.T. Burnett, S. Dake, H.J. Derrickson, F.W. Fountain, M. Fuki, C.J. Gregory,
T. Hayashi, R. Holynski, J. Iwai, V.W. Jones, A. Jurak, J.J. Lord, O. Miyamura, H. Oda, T. Ogata, A.T. Parnell,
E.F. Roberts, T. Shibata, S. Strausz, T. Tabuki, Y. Takahashi, T. Tominaga, W.J. Watts, P.J. Wefel, B. Wilczynska,
H. Wilczynski, J.R. Wilkes, W. Wolter, B. Wosiek
Energy Spectra of Cosmic Rays Above 1 TeV per AMU by JACEE.
[см. также CREMULS-JACEE-1991-22ICRC-B, CREMULS-JACEE-1998-NuclPhysB (L/M)]
21st International Cosmic Ray Conference. Volume 3 (OG Sessions), p.101
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- CREMULS-JACEE-1991-22ICRC-A. K. Asakimori, JACEE Collaboration
Energy spectra of protons and helium nuclei above 5 TeV/nucleon.
22th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1991, Vol. 2, p. 97 - 100
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- CREMULS-JACEE-1991-22ICRC-B. K. Asakimori, JACEE Collaboration
Energy spectra and composition of cosmic rays above 1 TeV per nucleon.
22th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1991, Vol. 2, p. 57-60
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- CREMULS-JACEE-1998-ApJ. K. Asakimori, T.H. Burnett, M.L. Cherry, K. Chevli, M.J. Christ, S. Dake, J.H. Derrickson,
W.F. Fountain, M. Fuki, J.C. Gregory, T. Hayashi, R. Holynski, J. Iwai, A. Iyono, J. Johnson, M. Kobayashi, J. Lord,
O. Miyamura, K.H. Moon, B.S. Nilsen, H. Oda, T. Ogata, E.D. Olson, T.A. Parnell, F.E. Roberts, K. Sengupta, T. Shiina,
S.C. Strausz, T. Sugitate, Y. Takahashi, T. Tominaga, J.W. Watts, J.P. Wefel, B. Wilczynska, H. Wilczynski,
R.J. Wilkes, W. Wolter, H. Yokomi, E. Zager
Cosmic-Ray Proton and Helium Spectra: Results from the JACEE Experiment.
Astrophysical Journal v.502, p.278-283
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- CREMULS-JACEE-1998-NuclPhysB. Y. Takahashi (for the JACEE Collaboration)
Elemental Abundance of High Energy Cosmic Rays
Nuc. Phys. B Proc. Suppl., V. 60, Issue 3, P. 83-92.
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- CREMULS-MGU-1973-ICRC. T.P. Amineva, I.P. Ivanenko, M.A. Ivanova, K.V. Mandritskaya, E.A. Murzina, S.I. Nikolsky,
E.A. Osipova, I.V. Rakobolskaya, N.V. Sokolskaya, N.I. Tulinova, A.Y. Varkovitskaya, E.A. Zamchalova, G.T. Zatsepin
High-Energy Muon Generation in Cosmic Rays [Это не баллон! Это наземный мюнный детектор,
предшественник всех баллоных экспериментов].
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Cosmic Rays, 1973, V. 3, p.1788
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- CREMULS-MGU-1975-ICRC. T.P. Amineva, I.P. Ivanenko, M.A. Ivanova, K.V. Mandritdskaya, E.A. Osipova,
I.V. Rakobolskaya, N.V. Sokolskaya, A.Ya. Varkovitskaya, E.A. Zamchalova, G.T. Zatsepin, V.I. Zatsepin
High-Energy Nucleon and Pion Spectra in Cosmic Rays at a Depth of 60 g/cm^2.
14th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1975. V. 7 (HE Session)., p.2501-2506
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- CREMULS-MGU-1977-ICRC-1. M.A. Ivanova, K.V. Mandritskaya, I.V. Rakobolskaya, N.V. Sokolskaya, A.Ya. Varkovitskaya,
E.A. Zamchalova, G.T. Zatsepin, V.I. Zatsepin
The Energy Spectrum of Gamma-Quanta and Hadrons at a 60 G/cm2 Depth in the Stratosphere (Abstract)
15th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1977, Vol. 7. p.465
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- CREMULS-MGU-1977-ICRC-2. T.P. Amineva, M.A. Ivanova, K.V. Mandritskaya, E.A. Osipova, I.V. Rakobolskaya,
N.V. Sokolskaya, N.I. Tulinova, A.Y. Varkovitskaya, L. Kuzmichev, V.I. Zatsepin, G.T. Zatsepin
Study of the Energy Spectra of the Cosmic Ray Muons, γ-Quanta and Hadrons in the 2 TeV Range
15th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1977, Vol. 11. p.358-361
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- CREMULS-MUBEE-1977-ICRC-1. V.V. Abulova, S.B. Ignatyev, M.A. Ivanova, K.V. Mandritskaya, I.V. Rakobolskaya,
G.P. Sazhina, N.V. Sokolskaya, N.I. Tulinova, A.Ya. Varkovitskaya, E.A. Zamchalova, G.T. Zatsepin, V.I. Zatsepin
The Hadron Energy Spectrum at a 10 G/cm^2 Depth in the Stratosphere (Abstract).
15th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1977, V. 1. p.291
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- CREMULS-MUBEE-1977-ICRC-2. M.D. Dezhurko, S.B. Ignatiev, K.V. Mandritskaya, V.V. Abulova, I.V. Rakobolskaya,
N.V. Sokolskaya, A.Ta. Varkovitskaya, G.P. Sazhina, E.A. Zamchalova, M.A. Ivanova, V.I. Zatsepin
The Method of X-Ray Emulsion Chamber as Applied to Determination of the Chemical Composition of
Primary Cosmic Rays in the Energy range of 10 - 100 TeV per Nucleus.
15th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1977, Vol. 11. p.72-76
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- CREMULS-MUBEE-1981-ICRC. L.A. Kuzmichev, K.V. Mandritskaia, E.A. Osipova, I.V. Rakobolskaia, N.V. Sokolskaia,
A.S. Sudov, N.I. Tulinova, A. Varkovitskaia, V.I. Zatsepin
Hadron energy spectrum restored from measurements of electron-photon cascades in X-ray emulsion
chambers exposed onboard balloons.
17th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1981, V. 2. p. 103-106
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- CREMULS-MUBEE-1981-ICRC-Charge. M.D. Dezhurko, I.V. Rakobolskaya, G.P. Sazhina, V.I. Zatsepin.
Measurement of Charges of Relativistic Nuclei in Thin Nuclear Emulsions by Photometry Method.
17th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1981, V.~9., P.~315-318.
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- CREMULS-MUBEE-1983-ICRC. V.G. Abulova, L.A. Hein, K.V. Mandritskaya, G.P. Sazhina, N.V. Sokolskaya, E.S. Troshina,
A.Y. Varkovitskaya, E.A. Zamchalova, V.I. Zatsepin
Energy Spectra of Cascades Produced by Primary Cosmic Rays in Emulsion Chambers Exposed in the Stratosphere.
18th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1983. V. 9, p.179-182
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- CREMULS-MUBEE-1985-ICRC. K.V. Mandritskaya, G.P. Sazhina, N.V. Sokolskaya, A.Y. Varkovitskaya, E.A. Zamchalova, V.I. Zatsepin.
Energy spectra of proton and nuclei of primary cosmic rays in energy region 10 TeV/particle.
19th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf., V. 6 p 228-231
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- CREMULS-MUBEE-1987-ICRC. B.L. Kanevsky, G.P. Sazhina, N.V. Sokolskaya, A.Ya. Varkovitskaya, E.A. Zamchalova, V. Zatsepin.
Energy Spectra of Protons and Nuclei of Primary Cosmic Rays in the Energy Region 10 TeV/particle.
Proceedings of the 20th International Cosmic Ray Conference Moscow, 1987, V. 1, p.371-374
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- CREMULS-MUBEE-1990-ICRC. I.V. Zatsepin, A.E. Zamchalova, Ya.A. Varkovitskaya, V.N. Sokolskaya, P.G. Sazhina,
G.N. Ryabova, V.K. Mandritskaya.
Energy Spectra of PCR Protons and Nuclei Obtained with X-Ray Emulsion Chambers Using Data of New Stratospheric
Exposures and New Methods of Processing.
Proceedings of the 21st International Cosmic Ray Conference. Volume 3 (OG Sessions), 1990, p.81
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- CREMULS-MUBEE-1993-JetpLett. А.Я. Варковицкая, Е.А. Замчалова, В.И. Зацепин, Т.В. Лазарева, Г.П. Сажина, Н.В. Сокольская.
Энергетические спектры первичных протонов и других ядер в области энергий 10-100 ТэВ/частицу.
Письма в ЖЭТФ, Т.57, вып.8. С.451-454.
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- CREMULS-MUBEE-1994-YadFiz. В.И. Зацепин, Т.В. Лазарева, Г.П. Сажина, Н.В. Сокольская.
Энергетические спектры и состав первичных космических лучей в области энергий выше 10 ТэВ на частицу.
ЯФ, 1994, Т. 57, No4, С.684-689
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- CREMULS-RUNJOB-2001-AstroPart. A.V. Apanasenko, V.A. Sukhadolskaya, V.A. Derbina, M. Fujii, V.I. Galkine, G.G. Getsov,
M. Hareyama, M. Ichimura, S. Ito, E. Kamioka, T. Kitami, T. Kobayashi, V.D. Kolesnikov, V. Kopenkin, N.M. Kotunova, S. Kuramata,
Y. Kuriyama, V.I. Lapshin, A.K. Managadze, H. Matsutani, H. Mikami, N.P. Misnikova, R.A. Mukhamedshin, M. Namiki, H. Nanjo,
S.N. Nazarov, S.I. Nikolsky, T. Ohe, S. Ohta, V.I. Osedlo, D.S. Oshuev, D.M. Podorozhny, P.A. Publichenko, I.V. Rakobolskaya,
T.M. Roganova, M. Saito, G.P. Sazhina, H. Semba, Y.N. Shabanova, T. Shibata, H. Sugimoto, L.G. Sveshnikova, K. Takahashi,
T. Tsuchiya, V.M. Taran, N. Yajima, T. Yamagami, K. Yamamoto, I.V. Yashin, E.A. Zamchalova, G.T. Zatsepin, I.S. Zayarnaya
Composition and energy spectra of cosmic-ray primaries in the energy range $10^{13}--{10}^15$ eV/particle observed by
Japanese–Russian joint balloon experiment
Astroparticle Physics, V.16, Issue 1, P. 13-46.
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- CREMULS-RUNJOB-2003-ICRC-AllPart. M. Furukawa, V.I. Galkin, M. Hareyama, Y. Hirakawa, M. Ichimura, N. Inoue,
E. Kamioka, T. Kobayashi, V.V. Kopenkin, S. Kuramata, A.K. Managadze, H. Matsutani, N.P. Misnikova, R.A. Mukhamedshin,
S. Nagasawa, R. Nakano, M. Namiki, H. Nanjo, S.N. Nazarov, S. Ohta, H. Ohtomo, D.S. Oshuev, P.A. Publichenko, I.V. Rakobolskaya,
T.M. Roganova, G.P. Sazhina, H. Semba, T. Shibata, D. Shuto, H. Sugimoto, L.G. Sveshnikova, R. Tanaka, N. Yajima, T. Yamagami,
I.V. Yashin, E.A. Zamchalva, G.T. Zatsepin, I.S. Zayarnaya
All Particle Spectrum, Average Mass from RUNJOB Data
28th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2003. p.1885-1888.
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- CREMULS-RUNJOB-2003-ICRC-Heavy. M. Furukawa, V.I. Galkin, M. Hareyama, Y. Hirakawa, M. Ichimura, N. Inoue,
E. Kamioka, T. Kobayashi, V.V. Kopenkin, S. Kuramata, A.K. Managadze, H. Matsutani, N.P. Misnikova, R.A. Mukhamedshin,
S. Nagasawa, R. Nakano, M. Namiki, H. Nanjo, S.N. Nazarov, S. Ohta, H. Ohtomo, D.S. Oshuev, P.A. Publichenko, I.V. Rakobolskaya,
T.M. Roganova, G.P. Sazhina, H. Semba, T. Shibata, D. Shuto, H. Sugimoto, L.G. Sveshnikova, R. Tanaka, N. Yajima, T. Yamagami,
I.V. Yashin, E.A. Zamchalva, G.T. Zatsepin, I.S. Zayarnaya
Primary Heavy Components Spectra and 2-ry/1-ry Ratio Observed by RUNJOB Collaboration
28th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2003. p.1877-1880.
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- CREMULS-RUNJOB-2003-ICRC-P-He. M. Furukawa, V.I. Galkin, M. Hareyama, Y. Hirakawa, M. Ichimura, N. Inoue,
E. Kamioka, T. Kobayashi, V.V. Kopenkin, S. Kuramata, A.K. Managadze, H. Matsutani, N.P. Misnikova, R.A. Mukhamedshin,
S. Nagasawa, R. Nakano, M. Namiki, H. Nanjo, S.N. Nazarov, S. Ohta, H. Ohtomo, D.S. Oshuev, P.A. Publichenko, I.V. Rakobolskaya,
T.M. Roganova, G.P. Sazhina, H. Semba, T. Shibata, D. Shuto, H. Sugimoto, L.G. Sveshnikova, R. Tanaka, N. Yajima, T. Yamagami,
I.V. Yashin, E.A. Zamchalva, G.T. Zatsepin, I.S. Zayarnaya
Primary Proton and Helium Spectra Observed by RUNJOB Collaboration
28th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2003. p.1837-1840.
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- CREMULS-RUNJOB-2005-ICRC-AllPart. L.G. Sveshnikova, V.A. Derbina, V.I. Galkin, M. Hareyama, Y. Hirakawa, Y. Horiuchi,
M. Ichimura, N. Inoue, E. Kamioka, T. Kobayashi, V.V. Kopenkin, S. Kuramata, A.K. Managadze, H. Matsutani, N.P. Misnikova,
R.A. Mukhamedshin, S. Nagasawa, R. Nakano, M. Namiki, M. Nakazawa, H. Nanjo, S.N. Nazarov, S. Ohata, H. Ohtomo, V.I. Osedlo,
D.S. Oshuev, P.A. Publichenko, I.V. Rakobolskaya, T.M. Roganova, C. Saito, G.P. Sazhina, H. Semba, T. Shibata, D. Shuto,
H. Sugimoto, R. Suzuki, V.M. Taran, N. Yajima, T. Yamagami, I.V. Yashin, E.A. Zamchalova, G.T. Zatsepin, I.S. Zayarnaya
All particle spectrum and average mass obtained by RUNJOB experiment.
29th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2005, V. 3, p.49-52.
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- CREMULS-RUNJOB-2005-ICRC-Heavy. M. Ichimura, V.A. Derbina, V.I. Galkin, M. Hareyama, Y. Hirakawa, Y. Horiuchi,
M. Ichimura, N. Inoue, E. Kamioka, T. Kobayashi, V.V. Kopenkin, S. Kuramata, A.K. Managadze, H. Matsutani, N.P. Misnikova,
R.A. Mukhamedshin, S. Nagasawa, R. Nakano, M. Namiki, M. Nakazawa, H. Nanjo, S.N. Nazarov, S. Ohata, H. Ohtomo, V.I. Osedlo,
D.S. Oshuev, P.A. Publichenko, I.V. Rakobolskaya, T.M. Roganova, C. Saito, G.P. Sazhina, H. Semba, T. Shibata, D. Shuto,
H. Sugimoto, R. Suzuki, L.G. Sveshnikova, V.M. Taran, N. Yajima, T. Yamagami, I.V. Yashin, E.A. Zamchalova, G.T. Zatsepin,
I.S. Zayarnaya
Heavy component spectra and secondary to primary ratios obtained by RUNJOB experiment.
29th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2005, V. 3, p.21-24.
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- CREMULS-RUNJOB-2005-ICRC-P-He. M. Hareyama, V.A. Derbina, V.I. Galkin, Y. Hirakawa, Y. Horiuchi, M. Ichimura, N. Inoue,
E. Kamioka, T. Kobayashi, V.V. Kopenkin, S. Kuramata, A.K. Managadze, H. Matsutani, N.P. Misnikova, R.A. Mukhamedshin,
S. Nagasawa, R. Nakano, M. Namiki, M. Nakazawa, H. Nanjo, S.N. Nazarov, S. Ohata, H. Ohtomo, V.I. Osedlo, D.S. Oshuev,
P.A. Publichenko, I.V. Rakobolskaya, T.M. Roganova, C. Saito, G.P. Sazhina, H. Semba, T. Shibata, D. Shuto, H. Sugimoto,
R. Suzuki, L.G. Sveshnikova, V.M. Taran, N. Yajima, T. Yamagami, I.V. Yashin, E.A. Zamchalova, G.T. Zatsepin, I.S. Zayarnaya
Proton and Helium spectra obtained by RUNJOB experiment.
29th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2005, V. 3, p.17-20.
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- CREMULS-RUNJOB-2005-ApJ. M. Hareyama, V.A. Derbina, V.I. Galkin, Y. Hirakawa, Y. Horiuchi, M. Ichimura, N. Inoue,
E. Kamioka, T. Kobayashi, V.V. Kopenkin, S. Kuramata, A.K. Managadze, H. Matsutani, N.P. Misnikova, R.A. Mukhamedshin,
S. Nagasawa, R. Nakano, M. Namiki, M. Nakazawa, H. Nanjo, S.N. Nazarov, S. Ohata, H. Ohtomo, V.I. Osedlo, D.S. Oshuev,
P.A. Publichenko, I.V. Rakobolskaya, T.M. Roganova, C. Saito, G.P. Sazhina, H. Semba, T. Shibata, D. Shuto, H. Sugimoto,
R. Suzuki, L.G. Sveshnikova, V.M. Taran, N. Yajima, T. Yamagami, I.V. Yashin, E.A. Zamchalova, G.T. Zatsepin, I.S. Zayarnaya
Cosmic-Ray Spectra and Composition in the Energy Range of 10-1000 TeV per Particle Obtained by the RUNJOB Experiment.
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 628, Issue 1, pp. L41-L44.
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- CREMULS-RUNJOB-2007-Gamma. V.I. Galkin, V.A. Derbina, E.A. Zamchalova, G.T. Zatsepin, I.S. Zayarnaya, M. Ichimura,
E. Kamioka, V.V. Kopenkin, S. Kuramata, A.K. Managadze, R.A. Mukhamedshin, H. Nanjo, S.N. Nazarov, D.S. Oshuev,
P.A. Publichenko, I.V. Rakobolskaya, T.M. Roganova, G.P. Sazhina, H. Semba, H. Sugimoto, L.G. Sveshnikova, M. Hareyama,
T. Shibata, I.V. Yashin
High-energy gamma rays in the RUNJOB experiment.
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, vol. 71, issue 4, pp. 491-493.
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Экстрагалактические космические лучи
- CREXTRA-BEREZINSKY2007A. R. Aloisio, V. Berezinsky, P. Blasi, A. Gazizov, S. Grigorieva, B. Hnatyk
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Transition from galactic to extragalactic cosmic rays.
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Изотопы в космических лучах.
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- CRISOT-CRIS-2013-ApJ-Spectra. K.A. Lave, M.E. Wiedenbeck, W.R. Binns et al.
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- CRISOT-ULISSES-1997-ICRC. J. Connell, M.A. Du Vernois; J.A. Simpson.
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- CRISOT-Voyager-1997ICRC. A. Lukasiak, F.B. McDonald and W.R. Webber.
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- CRISOT-Voyager-1997ApJB. A. Lukasiak, F.B. McDonald, and W.R. Webber.
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Космические лучи - магнитные спектрометры
- CRMAGNET-AMS-EW2000. A.D. Erlykin, S.J. Fatemi, A.W. Wolfendale.
Fine structure in the energy spectrum of cosmic ray protons at 50 GeV?
Phys. Lett. B, 2000, V.482, P.~337-342. (arXiv:astro-ph/0004163v1)
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- CRMAGNET-AMS2000-ProtonsA. J. Alcaraz, D. Alvisi, B. Alpat et al. (AMS Collaboration).
Protons in near earth orbit.
Phys. Lett. B. 2000, V.~472 P.~215--226.
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- CRMAGNET-AMS2000-ProtonsB. J. Alcaraz, B. Alpat, G. Ambrosi, H. Anderhub, L. Ao, et al. (AMS Collaboration).
Cosmic protons.
Phys. Lett. B, V. 490, 2000, P. 27-35.
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- CRMAGNET-AMS2000-HeB. J. Alcaraz, B. Alpat, G. Ambrosi, H. Anderhub, L. Ao, et al. (AMS Collaboration).
Helium in near Earth orbit.
Phys. Lett. B, V. 494, 2000, P. 193-202.
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- CRMAGNET-AMS2002-PhysRep. M. Aguilara , J. Alcaraza , J. Allabyb, et al. (AMS Collaboration).
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) on the International Space Station: Part I -- results from the
test flight on the space shuttle.
Physics Reports 366 (2002) 331 - 405.
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- CRMAGNET-BESS93-2002. J. Z. Wang, E. S. Seo, K. Anraku, M. Fujikawa, M. Imori, T. Maeno, N. Matsui, H. Matsunaga, M. Motoki,
S. Orito, T. Saeki, T. Sanuki, I. Ueda, K. Yoshimura, Y. Makida, J. Suzuki, K. Tanaka, A. Yamamoto, T. Yoshida, T. Mitsui,
H. Matsumoto, M. Nozaki, M. Sasaki, J. Mitchell, A. Moiseev, J. Ormes, R. Streitmatter, J. Nishimura, Y. Yajima, T. Yamagami
Measurement of Cosmic-Ray Hydrogen and Helium and Their Isotopic Composition with the BESS Experiment.
ApJ, 2002, V.~564 : P.~244--259.
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- CRMAGNET-BESS98-2000. T. Sanuki, M. Motoki, H. Matsumoto, E. S. Seo, J. Z. Wang, K. Abe, K. Anraku,
Y. Asaoka, M. Fujikawa, M. Imori, T. Maeno, Y. Makida, N. Matsui, H. Matsunaga, J. Mitchell, T. Mitsui, A. Moiseev,
J. Nishimura, M. Nozaki, S. Orito, J. Ormes, T. Saeki, M. Sasaki, Y. Shikaze, T. Sonoda, R. Streitmatter,
J. Suzuki, K. Tanaka, I. Ueda, N. Yajima, T. Yamagami, A. Yamamoto, T. Yoshida, K. Yoshimura.
Precise Measurement of Cosmic-Ray Proton and Helium Spectra with the BESS Spectrometer.
Astrophys.J. V.545, 2000, P.1135-1142 (arXiv:astro-ph/0002481v1).
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- CRMAGNET-BESS2001-2003. K. Abe, T. Sanuki, K. Anraku, Y. Asaoka, H. Fuke, S. Haino, N. Ikeda, M. Imori,
K. Izumi, T. Maeno, Y. Makida, S. Matsuda, N. Matsui, T. Matsukawa, H. Matsumoto, J.W. Mitchell, A.A. Moiseev,
J. Nishimura, M. Nozaki, S. Orito, J.F. Ormes, M. Sasaki, E.S. Seo, Y. Shikaze, T. Sonoda, R.E. Streitmatter,
J. Suzuki, K. Tanaka, K. Tanizaki, T. Yamagami, A. Yamamoto, Y. Yamamoto, K. Yamato, T. Yoshida, K. Yoshimura
Measurements of proton, helium and muon spectra at small atmospheric depths with the BESS spectrometer. [Это разные глубины]
Phys. Lett. B, V.~564, P.~8--20 ((arXiv:astro-ph/0304102).
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- CRMAGNET-BESS-2004-NIM. S. Haino, K. Abe, K. Anrakua, et al. (BESS collaboration).
Progress of the BESS Superconducting Spectrometer.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 518 (2004) 167-171.
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- CRMAGNET-BESS-2008-FractCharge. H. Fuke, Y. Tasaki, K. Abe, et al. (BESS collaboration).
Search for fractionally charged particles in cosmic rays with the BESS spectrometer.
Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 2050–2055.
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- CRMAGNET-BESS-2012-ECRS-Pres. Makoto Sasaki, John W. Mitchell.
The BESS experimental astroparticle physics program.
22nd European Cosmic Ray Symposium, highlight presentation.
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- CRMAGNET-BESS-MODULATION2008. J.W. Mitchell, K. Abe, H. Fuke, S. Haino, T. Hams, M. Hasegawa, A. Horokoshi,
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S. Orito, J.F. Ormes, K. Sakai, M. Sasaki, E. S. Seo, Y. Shikaze, R.E. Streitmatter,
J. Suzuki, K. Tanaka, N. Thakur, T. Yamagami, A. Yamamoto, T. Yoshida, K. Yoshimura.
Solar Modulation of Low-Energy Antiproton and Proton Spectra Measured by BESS.
30th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2007, Mérida. V. 1, P.455-458.
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- CRMAGNET-BESS-Polar-2004-NIM. M. Nozaki for the BESS-Polar Collaboration.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 214 (2004) 110–115.
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- CRMAGNET-BESS-Polar-2008-ADS. K. Yoshimura, K. Abe, H. Fuke, et al. (BESS collaboration).
BESS-Polar experiment: Progress and future prospects.
Advances in Space Research 42 (2008) 1664–1669.
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- CRMAGNET-BESS-Polar-2008-ICRC-I. T. Hams, K. Abe, H. Fuke, et al. (BESS collaboration).
Results from BESS-Polar I 2004 Antarctica Flight.
30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 2008, V. 2 (OG part 1), pages 67–70.
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- CRMAGNET-BESS-Polar-2008-ICRC-II. K. Yoshimura, K. Abe, H. Fuke, et al. (BESS collaboration).
BESS-Polar II experiment.
30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 2008, V. 2 (OG part 1), pages 91–94.
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- CRMAGNET-BESS-Polar-PhysLett-AntiP. K. Abe, H. Fuke, S. Haino, et al. (BESS collaboration).
Measurement of the cosmic-ray low-energy antiproton spectrum with the first BESS-Polar Antarctic flight.
Physics Letters B 670 (2008) 103–108.
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- CRMAGNET-BESS-TeV2003. S. Haino, K. Abe, K. Anraku, H. Fuke, N. Ikeda, M. Imori, A. Itasaki, K.
Izumi, T. Maeno, Y. Makida, S. Matsuda, H. Matsumoto, J. Mitchell, A. Moiseev, J. Nishimura, M. Nozaki,
H. Omiya, S. Orito, J.F. Ormes, T. Sanuki, M. Sasaki, E.S. Seo, Y. Shizake, R.E. Streitmatter, J. Suzuki,
Y. Takasugi, K. Tanaka, T. Taniguchi, K. Tanizaki, T. Yamagami, A. Yamamoto, Y. Yamamoto, K. Yamato,
T. Yoshida, K. Yoshimura,
Cosmic-Ray Proton and Helium Spectra Measured with BESS-TeV.
28th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2003. Trukuba, Japan. P.1825-1828.
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- CRMAGNET-BESS-TeV2004. S. Haino, T. Sanuki, K. Abe, K. Anraku, Y. Asaoka, H. Fuke, M. Imori,
A. Itasaki, T. Maeno, Y. Makida, S. Matsuda, N. Matsui, H. Matsumoto, J.W. Mitchell, A.A. Moiseev,
J. Nishimura, M. Nozaki, S. Orito, J.F. Ormes, M. Sasaki, E.S. Seo, Y. Shikaze, R.E. Streitmatter,
J. Suzuki, Y. Takasugi, K. Tanaka, K. Tanizaki, T. Yamagami, A. Yamamoto, Y. Yamamoto, K. Yamato,
T. Yoshida, K. Yoshimura.
Measurements of primary and atmospheric cosmic-ray spectra with the BESS-TeV spectrometer.
Phys.Lett. B594 (2004) 35-46 (arXiv:astro-ph/0403704v1).
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- CRMAGNET-BESS-TeV2005. T. Sanuki for the BESS Collaboration
Measurement of cosmic-ray spectra with the BESS/BESS-TeV. [Здесь также описана техника вычисления потоков атмосферных нейтрино]
Nuclear Physics B Supplement, Volume 145, 2005, p. 132-135.
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- CRMAGNET-BESS-TeV2007. Y. Shikaze, S. Haino, K. Abe, H. Fuke, T. Hams, K.C. Kim, Y. Makida, S. Matsuda, J.W. Mitchell,
A.A. Moiseev, J. Nishimura, M. Nozaki, S. Orito, J.F. Ormes, T. Sanuki, M. Sasaki, E.S. Seo, R.E. Streitmatter, J. Suzuki,
K. Tanaka, T. Yamagami, A. Yamamoto, T. Yoshida, K. Yoshimura
Measurements of 0.2 20 GeV/n cosmic-ray proton and helium spectra from 1997 through 2002 with the BESS spectrometer.
Astroparticle Physics, 2007, Volume 28, Issue 1, p. 154-167. (arXiv:astro-ph/0611388)
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- CRMAGNET-CAPRICE-AntiPart1997. M. Boezio, P. Carlson, T. Francke, N. Weber, M. Suffert, M. Hof, W. Menn,
M. Simon, S.A. Stephens, R. Bellotti, F. Cafagna, M. Castellano, M. Circella, G. deCataldo, C. de Marzo,
N. Giglietto, P. Spinelli, M. Bocciolini, P. Papini, A. Perego, S. Piccardi, P. Spillantini, G. Basini,
M. Ricci, A. Codino, N. Finetti, C. Grimani, M. Candusso, M. Casolino, M.P. dePascale, A. Morselli,
P. Picozza, R. Sparvoli, G. Barbiellini, U. Bravar, P. Schiavon, A. Vacchi, N. Zampa, J.W. Mitchell,
J.F. Ormes, R.E. Streitmatter, R.L. Golden, S.J. Stochaj.
The Cosmic-Ray Antiproton Flux between 0.62 and 3.19 G eV Measured Near Solar Minimum Activity.
[здесь аккуратно переписана формула для солнечной модуляции из Gleeson'а]
ApJ, 1997, V.487, P.~415--423.
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- CRMAGNET-CAPRICE1999. M. Boezio, P. Carlson, T. Francke, N. Weber, M. Suffert, M. Hof, W. Menn, M. Simon,
S.A. Stephens, R. Bellotti, F. Cafagna, M. Castellano, M. Circella, C. deMarzo, N. Finetti, P. Papini, S. Piccardi,
P. Spillantini, M. Ricci, M. Casolino, M.P. dePascale, A. Morselli, P. Picozza, R. Sparvoli, G. Barbiellini,
U. Bravar, P. Schiavon, A. Vacchi, N. Zampa, J.W. Mitchell, J.F. Ormes, R.E. Streitmatter, R.L. Golden, S.J. Stochaj.
The cosmic-ray proton and helium spectra between 0.4 and 200 GV
ApJ, 1999, V.~518, P.~457--472
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- CRMAGNET-CAPRICE98-2003. M. Boezio, V. Bonvicini, P. Schiavon, A. Vacchi, N. Zampa, D. Bergstroem, P. Carlson,
T. Francke, P. Hansen, E. Mocchiutti, M. Suffert, M. Hof, J. Kremer, W. Menn, M. Simon, M. Ambriola, R. Bellotti,
F. Cafagna, F. Ciacio, M. Circella, C. N. De Marzo, N. Finetti, P. Papini, S. Piccardi, P. Spillantini,
E. Vannuccini, S. Bartalucci, M. Ricci, M. Casolino, M. P. De Pascale, A. Morselli, P. Picozza, R. Sparvoli,
J. W. Mitchell, J. F. Ormes, S. A. Stephens, R. E. Streitmatter, U. Bravar, S. J. Stochaj
The Cosmic-Ray Proton and Helium Spectra measured with the CAPRICE98 balloon experiment.
Astropart.Phys. 19 (2003) 583-604 (arXiv:astro-ph/0212253v1).
Загрузить arXiv
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- CRMAGNET-GAISSER1992. T.K. Gaisser, R.K. Schaefer.
Cosmic-ray secondary antiprotons - A closer look.
ApJ, vol. 394, 1992, p. 174-183..
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- CRMAGNET-GOLDEN1977. G.D. Badhwar, R.R. Daniel, T. Cleghorn, R.L. Golden, J.L. Lacy, J.E. Zipse, S.A. Stephens.
The proton and helium rigidity spectra from 10 to 100 GV.
[см. также Webber 1987A,1987B]
15th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1977, V. 11. P. 155--160.
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- CRMAGNET-GOLDEN1979. R.L. Golden, S. Horan, B.G. Mauger, G.D. Badhwar, J.L. Lacy, S.A. Stephens, R.R. Daniel, J.E. Zipse.
Evidence for the existence of cosmic-ray antiprotons.
[см. также Webber 1987A,1987B]
Physical Review Letters, vol. 43, Oct. 15, 1979, p. 1196-1199.
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- CRMAGNET-GOLDEN1985. R.L. Golden, S. Horan, B. Kimbell, G.D. Badhwar, J.L. Lacy, J.E. Zipse, R.R. Daniel, S.A. Stephens.
Absolute rigidity spectrum of protons and helium nuclei above 10 GV/c.
19th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf., 1985, Vol. 2 p 1-3.
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- CRMAGNET-IMAX97. W. Menn L.M. Barbier, E.R. Christian, A.J. Davis, R.L. Golden, M. Hof, K.E. Krombel,
J.F. Krizmanic, A.W. Labrador, R.A. Mewaldt, J.W, Mitchell, J.F. Ormes, I.L. Rasmussen, O. Reimer,
S.M. Schindler, M. Simon, S.J. Stochaj, R.E. Streitmatter, W.R. Webber.
Measurement of the Absolute Proton and Helium Flux at the Top of the Atmosphere using IMAX.
25th International Cosmic Ray Conference (Durban), 1997, V.3, P.409-412.
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- CRMAGNET-LEAP1990A. A. Moats, T. Bowen, E.R. Streitmatter, J.S. Stochaj, F.J. Ormes, L. Barbier,
L.R. Golden, A.S. Stephens, L.J. Evans
Experimental Results on 600-1200 MeV Antiprotons in the Cosmic Radiation.
21st International Cosmic Ray Conference. 1990, Volume 3 (OG Sessions), p.284--287.
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- CRMAGNET-LEAP1990B. E.R. Streitmatter, J.S. Stochaj, F.J. Ormes, L.R. Golden, A.S. Stephens, T. Bowen, A. Moats,
J. Lloyd-Evans, L. Barbier, S.E. Seo
Experimental Limit on Low Energy Antiprotons in the Cosmic Radiation.
[section 3.4 for survey of experimnts > 10GeV]
21st International Cosmic Ray Conference. Volume 3 (OG Sessions), p.277-280.
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- CRMAGNET-LEAP1991. E.S. Seo, J.F. Ormes, R.E. Streitmatter, S.J. Stochaj, W.V. Jones, S.A. Stephens, T. Bowen
Measurement of cosmic-ray proton and helium spectra during the 1987 solar minimum.
[section 3.4 for survey of experimnts > 10GeV]
ApJ, V. 378, 1991, P. 763-772.
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- CRMAGNET-MASS91-1996. M. Hof, W. Menn, C. Pfeifer, M. Simon, R.L. Golden, S.J. Stochaj, S.A. Stephens, G. Basini,
M. Ricci, F.Massimo Brancaccio, P. Papini, S. Piccardi, P. Spillantini, M.P. dePascale, A. Morselli, P. Picozza,
M.T. Brunetti, A. Codino, C. Grimani, M. Menichelli, J.W. Mitchell, J.F. Ormes, R.E. Streitmatter.
Measurement of Cosmic-Ray Antiprotons from 3.7 to 19 GeV.
ApJ V.~467, P.~L33--L36.
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- CRMAGNET-MASS91-1999. R. Bellotti, F. Cafagna, M. Circella, C. N. De Marzo,
R. L. Golden and S. J. Stochaj, M. P. De Pascale, A. Morselli, P. Picozza, S. A. Stephens,
M. Hof, W. Menn, M. Simon, J. W. Mitchell, J. F. Ormes, R. E. Streitmatter, N. Finetti,
C. Grimani, P. Papini, S. Piccardi, and P. Spillantini, G. Basini and M. Ricci.
Balloon measurements of cosmic ray muon spectra in the atmosphere along with those of
primary protons and helium nuclei over midlatitude.
Phys. Rev. D, V. 60, 1999, 052002 (15 pages).
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- CRMAGNET-PAMELA-2009-AntiP. O. Adriani, G. C. Barbarino, G. A. Bazilevskaya, R. Bellotti, M. Boezio, E. A. Bogomolov, L. Bonechi,
M. Bongi, V. Bonvicini, S. Bottai, A. Bruno, F. Cafagna, D. Campana, P. Carlson, M. Casolino, G. Castellini, M. P. De Pascale,
G. De Rosa, D. Fedele, A. M. Galper, L. Grishantseva, P. Hofverberg, S. V. Koldashov, S. Y. Krutkov, A. N. Kvashnin, A. Leonov,
V. Malvezzi, L. Marcelli, W. Menn, V. V. Mikhailov, M. Minori, E. Mocchiutti, M. Nagni, S. Orsi, G. Osteria, P. Papini, M. Pearce,
P. Picozza, M. Ricci, S. B. Ricciarini, M. Simon, R. Sparvoli, P. Spillantini, Y. I. Stozhkov, E. Taddei, A. Vacchi, E. Vannuccini,
G. Vasilyev, S. A. Voronov, Y. T. Yurkin, G. Zampa, N. Zampa, V. G. Zverev
A new measurement of the antiproton-to-proton flux ratio up to 100 GeV in the cosmic radiation.
Phys.Rev.Lett.102:051101,2009 (arXiv:0810.4994 [astro-ph]).
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- CRMAGNET-PAMELA-2010-AntiP. PAMELA Collaboration: O. Adriani, G. C. Barbarino, G. A. Bazilevskaya, R. Bellotti, M. Boezio,
E. A. Bogomolov, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, V. Bonvicini, S. Borisov, S. Bottai, A. Bruno, F. Cafagna, D. Campana, R. Carbone,
P. Carlson, M. Casolino, G. Castellini, L. Consiglio, M. P. De Pascale, C. De Santis, N. De Simone, V. Di Felice, A. M. Galper,
W. Gillard, L. Grishantseva, P. Hofverberg, G. Jerse, A. V. Karelin, S. V. Koldashov, S. Y. Krutkov, A. N. Kvashnin, A. Leonov,
V. Malvezzi, L. Marcelli, A. G. Mayorov, W. Menn, V. V. Mikhailov, E. Mocchiutti, A. Monaco, N. Mori, N. Nikonov, G. Osteria,
P. Papini, M. Pearce, P. Picozza, C. Pizzolotto, M. Ricci, S. B. Ricciarini, L. Rossetto, M. Simon, R. Sparvoli, P. Spillantini,
Y. I. Stozhkov, A. Vacchi, E. Vannuccini, G. Vasilyev, S. A. Voronov, J. Wu, et al. (4 additional authors not shown)
PAMELA results on the cosmic-ray antiproton flux from 60 MeV to 180 GeV in kinetic energy.
Physical Review Letters, 2010, vol. 105, Issue 12, id. 121101 (arXiv:1007.0821 [astro-ph.HE]).
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- CRMAGNET-RICH1994. J. Buckley, J. Dwyer, D. Mueller; S. Swordy; K.K. Tang.
A new measurement of the flux of the light cosmic-ray nuclei at high energies. [Ядра тоже измерялись!]
ApJ, 1994, V.~429, P.~736--747.
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- CRMAGNET-SMITH1972. A. Buffington, L.H. Smith, D.F. Smoot, L.W. Alvarez.
Search for Antimatter in Primary Cosmic Rays.
Nature, Volume 236, pp. 335-338 (1972).
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- CRMAGNET-SMITH1973. L.H. Smith, A. Buffington, D.F. Smoot, L.W. Alvarez, M.A. Wahlig,
A Measurement of Cosmic-Ray Rigidity Spectra above 5 GV/c of Elements from Hydrogen to Iron.
ApJ, V.~180, P.~987-1010 (1973).
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- CRMAGNET-VERMA1972. R.P. Verma, T.N. Rengarajan, S.N. Tandon, S.V. Damle, Yash Pal
Rigidity Spectrum of Helium Nuclei above 17 GV and a Search for High Energy Anti-nuclei in Primary Cosmic Rays.
Nature Physical Science, 1972, V.240, P.135-136.
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- CRMAGNET-WEBBER1987A. W.R. Webber.
The interstellar cosmic ray spectrum and energy density. Interplanetary cosmic ray gradients and a new estimate
of the boundary of the heliosphere.
[здесь спектр протонов от Golden 1979]
A&A, 1987, V.~179, P.~277--284.
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- CRMAGNET-WEBBER1987B. W.R. Webber, R.L. Golden, R.A. Mewaldt.
A reexamination of the cosmic-ray helium spectrum and the He-3/He-4 ratio at high energies.
[здесь спектр гелия от Golden 1979]
ApJ, V.~312, 1987, P.~178--182.
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- CRMAGNET-WEBBER1987C. W.R. Webber, R.L. Golden, S.A. Stephens.
Cosmic ray proton & helium spectra from 5 - 200 GV measured with a magnetic spectrometer.
20th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol. 1, p. 325 - 328.
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Космические лучи - регистрация с использованием Луны
- CRMOON-GORHAM1999. P. W. Gorham, K. M. Liewer, C. J. Naudet.
Initial Results from a Search for Lunar Radio Emission from Interactions of $\ge 10^{19}$~eV Neutrinos and Cosmic Rays.
Загрузить текст
- CRMOON-ALVAREZ-MUNIZ2001. J. Alvarez-Muñiz, E. Zas
Prospects for radio detection of extremely high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos in the Moon.
First international workshop on the radio detection of high energy particles. AIP Conference Proceedings, V. 579, pp. 128-138 (2001).
Загрузить текст
- CRMOON-SCHOLTEN2006. O. Scholten, J. Bacelar, R. Braun, A.G. de Bruyn, H. Falcke, B. Stappers, R.G. Strom,
Detecting UHE Cosmics & Neutrinos off the Moon; an Optimal Radio Window.
Astropart.Phys.26:219-229,2006 (arXiv:astro-ph/0609179v2).
Загрузить текст
- CRMOON-SWARUP2008. Govind Swarup, Sukanta Panda,
Prospects for detection of the lunar Cerenkov emission by the UHE Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos using the
GMRT and the Ooty Radio Telescope.
arXiv:0805.4304v1 [astro-ph].
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Космические лучи - ядра тяжелее гелия
- CRNUCL-ATALLAH1973-ICRC. K. Atallah, T.F. Cleghorn, A. Modlinger, W.K.H. Schmidt
Cosmic Ray Composition Measurements at High Energies.
13th International Conference on Cosmic Rays, 1973,V. 1, p.208
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- CRNUCL-ATALLAH1976-AA. W.K.H. Schmidt, K. Atallah, T.F. Cleghorn, A. Modlinger, M. Simon, W.V. Jones.
Results on the cosmic ray chemical composition at energies up to 100 GeV/nucl
A&A, V. 46, no. 1, Jan. 1976, p. 49-59.
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- CRNUCL-AUDOUZE1973-Nature. J. Audouze, Catherine J. Cesarsky
Mean Path Length of High Energy Galactic Cosmic Rays in the Galactic Disk.
Nature Physiacal Science V.241, P.98-100.
Загрузить текст
- CRNUCL-BARTHELMY1985. S.D. Barthelmy, M.H. Israel, J. Klarmann.
Relative abundances of elements (20 <= Z <= 28) at energies up to 70 GeV/amu using relativistic rise in ion chambers
19th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf., Vol. 2 p 24-27.
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- CRNUCL-CALDWELL-1975-ICRC. J. Caldwell, P. Meyer.
Charge composition and energy spectra of primary cosmic ray nuclei between 5 and 100 GeV per nucleon
International Cosmic Ray Conference, 14th, Munich, West Germany, August 15-29, 1975, Conference Papers. Volume 1.
(A76-26851 11-93) Munich, Max-Planck-Institut fuer extraterrestrische Physik, 1975, p. 273-277
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- CRNUCL-CALDWELL-1977-ApJ. J.H. Caldwell.
Charge composition and energy spectra of cosmic-ray nuclei at energies above 5 GeV per nucleon.
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, vol. 218, Nov. 15, 1977, p. 269-285
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- CRNUCL-CASSE-1971-ICRC. M. Casse, L. Koch, N. Lund, J.-P. Meyer, B. Peters, A. Soutoul, S.N. Tandon.
Chemical Composition of Heavy Cosmic Ray Nuclei above 5 GV.
12th International Conference on Cosmic Rays, held in Tasmania, Australia, 16-25 August, 1971. Volume 1., p.241
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- CRNUCL-CHAPPEL-1981-ICRC. J.H. Chappell, W.P. Webber, W. R.
High energy cosmic ray charge and energy spectra measurements.
International Cosmic Ray Conference, 17th, Paris, France, July 13-25, 1981, Conference Papers. Volume 2.
p. 59-62.
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- CRNUCL-COWSIK1967-PhysRev. R. Cowsik, Yash Pal, S.N. Tandon, R.P. Verma..
Steady State of Cosmic-Ray Nuclei -- Treir Spectral Shape and Path Length at Low Energies.
Phys. Rev., 1967, V.158, No.2, P.1238-1242
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- CRNUCL-CRN-1987-ICRC-334. D. Muller, J. Grunsfeld, J. L'Heureux, P. Meyer, S.P. Swordy.
The Energy Spectra of Primary Cosmic Ray Nuclei up to 1 TeV/nucleon.
20th International Cosmic Ray Conference Moscow, Volume 1, p.334-335.
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- CRNUCL-CRN-1988-ApJL. J.M. Grunsfeld, J. L'Heureux, P. Meyer, D. Muller, S.P. Swordy.
Energy spectra of cosmic-ray nuclei from 50 to 2000 GeV per AMU.
Astrophysical Journal, Part 2 - Letters to the Editor (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 327, April 1, 1988, p. L31-L34.
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- CRNUCL-CRN-1990-ApJ. S.P. Swordy, D. Mueller, P. Meyer, J. L'Heureux, J.M. Grunsfeld.
Relative abundances of secondary and primary cosmic rays at high energies.
[B/O, N/O, C/O; IMPORTANT! здесь также есть хороший обзор по моделям распространения]
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 349, Feb. 1, 1990, p. 625-633.
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- CRNUCL-CRN-1990-NIM. J. L'Heureux, J.M. Grunsfeld, P. Meyer, D. Müller, S.P. Swordy.
A detector for cosmic-ray nuclei at very high energies.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, Volume 295, Issue 1-2, p. 246-260.
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- CRNUCL-CRN-1991-ApJ. D. Mueller, S.P. Swordy, P. Meyer, J. L'Heureux, J.M. Grunsfeld.
Energy spectra and composition of primary cosmic rays. [Абсолютные потоки, B нет]
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 374, June 10, 1991, p. 356-365.
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- CRNUCL-CRN-1991-22ICRC. P. Meyer, et al.
Galactic Propagation and Source Composition of High Energy Cosmic Rays.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Cosmic Ray Conference. 11-23 August, 1991. Dublin, Ireland.
Under the auspices of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP),
Volume 2, Contributed Papers, OG Sessions 6-11. Dublin: The Institute for Advanced Studies, 1991., p.21
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- CRNUCL-CRN-1993-ApJ. S.P. Swordy, J. L'Heureux, P. Meyer, D. Muller.
Elemental abundances in the local cosmic rays at high energies. [Обсуждение, новых данных нет]
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 403, no. 2, p. 658-662.
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- CRNUCL-DWYER-1985-ApJ. R. Dwyer, P. Meyer.
Composition of cosmic-ray nuclei from boron to nickel for 1200 to 2400 MeV per nucleon.
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 294, July 15, 1985, p. 441-454.
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- CRNUCL-GROVE-1991. J.E. Grove, B.T. Hayes, R.A. Mewaldt, W.R. Webber, W. R.
The Mn-54 clock and its implications for cosmic-ray propagation and Fe isotope studies.
Astrophysical Journal (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 377, Aug. 20, 1991, p. 680-684.
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- CRNUCL-GUPTA-1989. M. Gupta, W.R. Webber.
The abundance of N-14 at the cosmic-ray source - A study using new fragmentation cross sections.
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 340, May 15, 1989, p. 1124-1134.
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-HN-1981-IAUS. W.R. Binns, R. Fickle, C.J. Waddington, T.L. Garrard, E.C. Stone, M.H. Israel, J. Klarmann.
The heavy nuclei experiment on HEAO-3.
In: Origin of cosmic rays; Proceedings of the Symposium, Bologna, Italy, June 11-14, 1980. (A82-34026 16-93) Dordrecht,
D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1981, p. 91, 92.
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-HN-1981-NIM. W.R. Binns, M.H. Israel, J. Klarmann, W.R. Scarlett, C.J. Waddington, E.C. Stone
The UH-nuclei cosmic ray detector on the third High Energy Astronomy Observatory.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods, vol. 185, 1981, p. 415-426.
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-HN-1981-ApJ. W.R. Binns, R.K. Fickle, C.J. Waddington, T.L. Garrard, E.C. Stone, M.H. Israel, J. Klarmann.
Cosmic-ray abundances of elements with atomic number 26 < Z < 40 measured on HEAO 3.
Astrophysical Journal, Part 2 - Letters to the Editor, vol. 247, Aug. 1, 1981, p. L115-L118.
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-HN-1981-ICRC-109. C.J. Waddington, R.K. Fickle, T.L. Garrard, E.C. Stone, W.R. Binns, M.H. Israel, J. Klarmann
Abundances of Cosmic-Ray Nuclei Heavier than ${}_{50}$Sn.
17th International Cosmic Ray Conference, held in Paris, France. Volume 9., p.109-112.
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-HN-1982-ApJ. W.R. Binns, M.H. Israel, J. Klarmann, R.K. Fickle, C.J. Waddington, T.L. Garrard, E.C. Stone
The abundance of the actinides in the cosmic radiation as measured on HEAO 3.
Astrophysical Journal, Part 2 - Letters to the Editor, vol. 261, Oct. 15, 1982, p. L117-L120.
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-HN-1983-ApJ. W.R. Binns, M.H. Israel, J. Klarmann, R.K. Fickle, C.J. Waddington, T.L. Garrard, K.E. Krombel, E.C. Stone
Cosmic-ray abundances of Sn, Te, Xe, and Ba nuclei measured on HEAO 3.
Astrophysical Journal, Part 2 - Letters to the Editor (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 267, April 15, 1983, p. L93-L96
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-HN-1983-ICRC-305. M.H. Israel, W.R. Binns, D.P. Grossman, J. Klarmann, S.H. Margolis, E.C. Stone,
T.L. Garrard, K.E. Krombel, N.R. Brewster, R.K. Fickle
Correlation of source abundances of ultraheavy cosmic rays with first ionization potential - Results from HEAO-3.
18th, Bangalore, India, August 22-September 3, 1983, Late Papers. Volume 9 (A85-22801 09-93).
Bombay, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, 1983, p. 305-308.
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-HN-1983-ICRC-123. M.H. Israel, M.D. Jones, J. Klarmann, W.R. Binns, T.L. Garrard, E.C. Stone,
R.K. Fickle, C.J. Waddington
Energy spectra of ultraheavy cosmic rays - Results from HEAO-3.
18th, Bangalore, India, August 22-September 3, 1983, Late Papers. Volume 9 (A85-22801 09-93).
Bombay, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, 1983, p. 123-126.
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-HN-1985-ApJ. W.R. Binns, M.H. Israel, N.R. Brewster, D.J. Fixsen, T.L. Garrard.
Lead, platinum, and other heavy elements in the primary cosmic radiation - HEAO 3 results.
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 297, Oct. 1, 1985, p. 111-118.
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-HN-1985-ICRC-28. M.D. Jones, J. Klarmann, E.C. Stone, C.J. Waddington, W.R. Binns, T.L. Garrard, M.H. Israel.
Energy spectra of elements with 18 \le Z \le 28 between 10 and 300 GeV/amu. [Что-то очень странное для 18Ar и 20Ca]
19th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf., Vol. 2 p 28-31.
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-HN-1985-ICRC-123. B.J. Newport, E.C. Stone, C.J. Waddington, W.R. Binns, T.L. Garrard, M.H. Israel, J. Klarmann.
Elemental abundances of cosmic rays with Z > 33 as measured on HEAO-3.
19th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf., Vol. 2 p 123-126.
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-HN-1987-ICRC-348. T.L. Garrard, P.S. Gibner, M.H. Israel, J. Klarmann, C.J. Waddington, W.R. Binns
Anisotropy of Galactic Iron of Energy 30 TO 500 Gev/amu Studied by HEAO-3.
20th International Cosmic Ray Conference Moscow, 1987, Volume 1, p.348
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-HN-1987-ICRC-330. M.H. Israel, M.D. Jones, M.P. Kamionkowski, J. Klarmann, E.C. Stone, C.J. Waddington,
W.R. Binns, T.L. Garrard
Cosmic-Ray Energy Spectra Between Ten and Several Hundred Gev/amu for Elements from (18)Ar to (28)Ni-RESULTS from HEAO-3
[Что-то очень странное для 18Ar и 20Ca]
20th International Cosmic Ray Conference Moscow, Volume 1, p.330
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-HN-1988-ApJ. W.R. Binns, T.L. Garrard, M.H. Israel, MichaelD. Jones, M.P. Kamionkowski,
J. Klarmann, E.C. Stone, C.J. Waddington
Cosmic-ray energy spectra between 10 and several hundred GeV per atomic mass unit for elements from Ar-18 to Ni-28 -
Results from HEAO 3. [Что-то очень странное для 18Ar и 20Ca]
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 324, Jan. 15, 1988, p. 1106-1117
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-HN-1989-ApJ. W.R. Binns, T.L. Garrard, P.S. Gibner, M.H. Israel, M.P. Kertzman, J. Klarmann, B.J. Newport,
E.C. Stone, C.J. Waddington.
Abundances of ultraheavy elements in the cosmic radiation - Results from HEAO 3.
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 346, Nov. 15, 1989, p. 997-1009.
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-HN-1989-ICRC. V. Vylet, C.J. Waddington, W.R. Binns, T.L. Garrard, M.H. Israel, J.Klarmann, M. Metzger
Energy spectra between 10 and several hundred GeV/nucleon for elements from ${}_{18}$Ar to ${}_{23}$V: Results from HEAO-3
Proc. of 21st ICRC (1989), V.3, P.19-22.
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-1981-ICRC-97. J.J. Engelmann, P. Goret, E. Juliusson, L. Koch-Miramond, P. Masse, N. Petrou, Y. Rio,
A. Soutoul, B. Byrnak, H. Jakobsen, N. Lund, B. Peters, I.L. Rasmussen, M. Rotenberg, N. Westergaard
The Elemental Composition of Cosmic Rays from Be to Zn as Measured by the French-Danish Instrument on HEAD-3.
17th International Cosmic Ray Conference, held in Paris, France. Volume 9., p.97-100.
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-1981-ICRC-105. A. Soutoul, J.J. Engelmann, P. Goret, E. Juliusson, L. Koch-Miramond, P. Masse, N. Petrou, Y. Rio, T. Risbo
Isotope Analysis Using the Geomagnetic Method.
17th International Cosmic Ray Conference, held in Paris, France. Volume 9., p.105-108.
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-1982-Construction. M. Bouffard, J.J. Engelmann, L. Koch, A. Soutoul, N. Lund, B. Peters, I.L. Rasmussen
The HEAO-3 Cosmic Ray Isotope spectrometer.
Astrophysics and Space Science, vol. 84, no. 1, May 1982, p. 3-33.
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-1983-ICRC-17. J.J. Engelmann, P. Goret, E. Juliusson, L. Koch-Miramond, P. Masse, A. Soutoul,
B. Byrnak, N. Lund, B. Peters, I.L. Rasmussen
Elemental configuration of cosmic rays from Be to NI as measured by the French-Danish instrument on HEAO-3.
18th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1983, V.2, P.17-20.
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-1983-ICRC-21. E. Juliusson, J.J. Engelmann, J. Jorrand, L. Koch-Miramond, P. Masse, N. Petrou, N. Lund,
I.L. Rasmussen, M. Rotenberg
The galactic cosmic ray energy spectra as measured by the French-Danish instrument on HEAO-3.
18th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1983, V.2, P.21-24.
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-1985-AA. J.J. Engelmann, P. Goret, L. Koch-Miramond, E. Juliusson, N. Lund
Source energy spectra of heavy cosmic ray nuclei as derived from the French-Danish experiment on HEAO-3.
Astronomy and Astrophysics (ISSN 0004-6361), vol. 148, no. 1, July 1985, p. 12-20
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- CRNUCL-HEAO-1990-AA. J.J. Engelmann, P. Ferrando, A. Soutoul, P. Goret, E. Juliusson, L. Koch-Miramond, N. Lund,
P. Masse, B. Peters, N. Petrou, I.L. Rasmussen.
Charge composition and energy spectra of cosmic-ray nuclei for elements from Be to NI - Results from HEAO-3-C2.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, V. 233, 1990, p. 96-111
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- CRNUCL-JULIUSSON1972-PhysRevLett445. E. Juliusson, P. Meyer, D. Muller
Composition of Cosmic-Ray Nuclei at High Energies.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 1972, V.29, No 7, P. 445-448
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- CRNUCL-JULIUSSON1973-ICRC-1. E. Juliusson.
Cosmic Ray Nuclear Composition Above 20 GeV/Nucleon.
13th International Conference on Cosmic Rays, 1973,V. 1, p.178-183
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- CRNUCL-JULIUSSON1973-ICRC-2. E. Juliusson, P. Meyer, D. Müller.
Cosmic Rays at Very High Enregies: Discussion of Some New Results.
13th International Conference on Cosmic Rays, 1973,V. 1, p.373-377
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- CRNUCL-JULIUSSON1974-ApJ. E. Juliusson.
Charge Composition and Energy Spectra of Cosmic-Ray Nuclei at Energies above 20 GeV Per Nucleon.
ApJ, 1974, Vol. 191, pp. 331-348
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- CRNUCL-JULIUSSON1974-AAS. E. Juliusson, P. Meyer.
Charge Composition and Energy Spectra of Cosmic Ray Nuclei [только заголовок доклада].
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 6, p.275
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- CRNUCL-JULIUSSON1975-ICRC-1. E. Juliusson.
Composition of cosmic rays at 10-10 to 10-13 eV/nucleus.
[Здесь есть интересный упрощенный способ перехода от интегральных квазистепенных спектров к дифференциальным]
14th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf., Munich, 15-29 Aug. 1975 V.8, P.2689-2694.
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- CRNUCL-JULIUSSON1975-ICRC-2. E. Juliusson, C.J. Cesarsky, M. Meneguzzi, M. Casse.
Source composition of cosmic rays at high energy.
14th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf., Munich, 15-29 Aug. 1975 V.2, P.653-658.
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- CRNUCL-JULLIOT1973-ICRC. C. Julliot, M. Cantin, J. Engelmann, L. Koch, N. Petrou, A. Soutoul.
Satellite Measurements of the Chemical Abundances from Li through Ni in Galactic Cosmic Rays.
13th International Conference on Cosmic Rays, held in Denver, Colorado, Volume 1 (OG Sessions)., p.238-243
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- CRNUCL-JULLIOT1975-ICRC. C. Julliot, L. Koch, N. Petrou.
Satellite Measurements of the Chemical Abundances from Li through Ni in Galactic Cosmic Rays.
14th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1975. Volume 12, p.4118-4122.
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- CRNUCL-LEZNIAK-1978-ApJ. J.A. Lezniak, W.R. Webber.
The charge composition and energy spectra of cosmic-ray nuclei from 3000 MeV per nucleon to 50 GeV per nucleon.
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, vol. 223, July 15, 1978, p. 676-696.
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- CRNUCL-LUND1975-ICRC-Rapp. N. Lund.
Chemical Composition of the Cosmic Radiation and the Electron Component.
[Рапортерский OG-доклад 14-й конференции: ядра, электроны]
14th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1975. V. 11 (Invited Lectures and Rapporteur Papers), P.3746-3752
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- CRNUCL-LUND1975-ICRC-257. N. Lund, I.L. Rasmussen, B. Peters, N.J. Westergaard.
Irregularities in Cosmic Ray Composition.
14th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1975. V.~1, P.~257-262
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- CRNUCL-LUND1975-ICRC-263. N. Lund, I.L. Rasmussen, B. Peters, M. Rotenberg, N.J. Westergaard
Composition Changes in the Iron Group Between 0.5 and 10 GeV/Nucleon.
14th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1975. V.~1, P.~263-266
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- CRNUCL-MENEGUZZI-1971-AA. M. Meneguzzi, J. Audouze, H. Reeves.
The production of the elements Li, Be, B by galactic cosmic rays in space and its relation with stellar observations.
Astron. Astrophys., V.15, p. 337 - 359
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- CRNUCL-MENEGUZZI-1973-Nature. M. Meneguzzi.
Energy Dependence of Primary Cosmic Ray Nuclei Abundance Ratios.
Nature Physical Science, 1973, V.241, P.100-101
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- CRNUCL-MEYER1985-ApJS. Meyer, J.-P.
Solar-stellar outer atmospheres and energetic particles, and galactic cosmic rays.
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (ISSN 0067-0049), vol. 57, Jan. 1985, p. 173-204.
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- CRNUCL-ORMES1971-ICRC. J.F. Ormes, V.K. Balasubrahmanyan, M.J. Ryan.
Charge Composition of Galactic Cosmic Radiation.
12th International Conference on Cosmic Rays, 1971. V. 1, P.178
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- CRNUCL-ORMES1973-ApJ. V.K. Balasubrahmanyan, J.F. Ormes,
Results on the Energy Dependence of Cosmic-Ray Charge Composition 1.
Astrophysical Journal, 1973, V. 186, pp. 109-122 (1973)
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- CRNUCL-ORMES1973-Nature. J.F. Ormes, V.K. Balasubrahmanyan.
Charge Dependence of the Energy Spectra of Cosmic Rays.
Nature Physical Science, 1973, V. 241, P.95-96.
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- CRNUCL-ORMES1973-ICRC-1. J.F. Ormes, V.K. Balasubrahmanyan, J.F. Arens
Variations of the Carbon+Oxygen to Iron and the Primary to Secondary Ratios with Energy from 2 to 50 GeV/Nucleon.
13th International Conference on Cosmic Rays, 1973, V. 1., p.157-162
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- CRNUCL-ORMES1973-ICRC-2. V.K. Balasubrahmanyan, J.F. Ormes, R. Ramaty
An Interpretation of the Carbon-Oxygen to Iron Ratio.
13th International Conference on Cosmic Rays, 1973,V. 1, p.163-165
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- CRNUCL-ORMES1973-Science. R. Ramaty, V.K. Balasubrahmanyan, J.F. Ormes.
Cosmic Ray Sources: Evidence for Two Acceleration Mechanisms.
Science, V.180, Issue 4087, P. 731-733
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- CRNUCL-ORTH1973-ICRC. L.H. Smith, A. Buffington, C.D. Orth, G.F. Smoot.
The Rigidity Spectra of Charged Cosmic Nuclei from 5 GV/c to 100 GV/c. (Abstract)
13th International Conference on Cosmic Rays, 1973, V.~1, p.177.
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- CRNUCL-ORTH1975-ICRC. Ch.D. Orth, A. Buffington, G.F. Smoot.
Abundance Ratios for Primary Cosmic-Ray Nuclei from Be to Fe for 5 to 50 GV/c
14th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1975, V.1, P.280-284.
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- CRNUCL-ORTH1978. C.D. Orth, A. Buffington, G.F. Smoot, T.S. Mast
Abundances and spectra for cosmic-ray nuclei from lithium to iron for 2 to 150 GeV per nucleon.
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, vol. 226, Dec. 15, 1978, p. 1147-1161.
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- CRNUCL-ROSENVINGE-1969A. T.T von Rosenvinge, W.R. Webber, J.F. Ormes.
The Relative Energy Spectra of Carbon and Oxygen Nuclei in the Primary Cosmic Radiation.
Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp.4-13
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- CRNUCL-ROSENVINGE-1969B. T.T von Rosenvinge, W.R. Webber, J.F. Ormes.
Measurements of Cosmic-Ray Li, Be and B Nuclei in the Energy Range 100 MeV/NUC to >22 BeV/NUC.
Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp.80-101
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- CRNUCL-ROSENVINGE-1969C. J.A. Lezniak, J.F. Ormes, T.T von Rosenvinge, W.R. Webber.
Observations on the Abundance of Nitrogen in the Primary Cosmic Radiation.
Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp.103-112
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- CRNUCL-ROSENVINGE-1969D. T.T. von Rosenvinge, W.R. Webber, J.F. Ormes.
A Comparison of the Energy Spectra of Cosmic Ray Helium and Heavy Nuclei.
Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 5, Issue 3, pp.342-359
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- CRNUCL-SAITO1975-ICRC. T. Matsubayashi, M. Noma, T. Saito, Y. Sato, H. Sugimoto
Energy Spectrum of VH-Nuclei Observed with Emulsion Chamber.
14th International Cosmic Ray Conference, held in München, Germany, 15-29 August, 1975. Volume 1 (OG Session)., p.290
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- CRNUCL-SANRIKU1991-NIM. Masakatsu Ichimura, Eiji Kamioka, Motoyasu Kitazawa, Keisuke Kirii, Tadashi Kobayashi, Toru Shibata,
Masataka Kogawa, Shuichi Kuramata, Hideya Matsutani, Takayuki Murabayashi, Hirotada Nanjyo, Zenjiro Watanabe,
Hisahiko Sugimoto, Kazuma Nakazawa.
Possibility of screen-type X-ray film for observation of heavy cosmic-ray primaries.
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, V.~300, P.~374--394.
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- CRNUCL-SANRIKU1993-ICRC-1. M. Ichimura, E. Kamioka, et al.
An Observation of Heavy Primary Cosmic Ray at Knee Region by Trigger.
23rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol. 2, held 19-30 July, 1993 at University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Edited by D.A. Leahy, R.B. Hickws, and D. Venkatesan. Invited, Rapporteur, and Highlight Papers. Singapore: World Scientific,
1993., p.1
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- CRNUCL-SANRIKU1993-ICRC-5. M. Ichimura, E. Kamioka, et al.
The Cosmic Ray Energy Spectrum and Chemical Composition at the Knee Region.
23rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol. 2, held 19-30 July, 1993 at University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Edited by D.A. Leahy, R.B. Hickws, and D. Venkatesan. Invited, Rapporteur, and Highlight Papers. Singapore: World Scientific,
1993., p.5
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- CRNUCL-SANRIKU1993-ICRC-591. M. Ichimura, M. Kogawa, et al.
Azimuthally Controlled Observation of Heavy Cosmic-Ray Primaries by Means of the Balloon-Borne Emulsion Chamber.
23rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol. 1, held 19-30 July, 1993 at University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Edited by D.A. Leahy, R.B. Hickws, and D. Venkatesan. Invited, Rapporteur, and Highlight Papers. Singapore: World Scientific,
1993., p.591
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- CRNUCL-SANRIKU1993-PhysRevD. M. Ichimura, M. Kogawa, S. Kuramata, H. Mito, T. Murabayashi, H. Nanjo, T. Nakamura, K. Ohba,
T. Ohuchi, T. Ozawa, Y. Yamada, H. Matsutani, Z. Watanabe, E. Kamioka, K. Kirii, M. Kitazawa, T. Kobayashi, A. Mihashi, T. Shibata,
K. Shibuta, H. Sugimoto, K. Nakazawa
Observation of heavy cosmic-ray primaries over the wide energy range from ~100 GeV/particle to
~100 TeV/particle: Is the celebrated ``knee'' actually so prominent?
Physical Review D (Particles and Fields), Volume 48, Issue 5, 1 September 1993, pp.1949-1975.
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- CRNUCL-SANRIKU1997-APart. E. Kamioka, M. Hareyama, M. Ichimura, Y. Ishihara, T. Kobayashi, H. Komatsu, S. Kuramata,
K. Maruguchi, H. Matsutani, A. Mihashi, H. Mito, T. Nakamura, H. Nanjo, T. Ouchi, T. Ozawa, T. Shibata, H. Sugimoto and Z. Watanabe
Azimuthally controlled observation of heavy cosmic-ray primaries by means of the balloon-borne emulsion chamber.
Astroparticle Physics, Volume 6, Issue 2, February 1997 , Pages 155-167 .
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- CRNUCL-SANRIKU1999-ICRC. M. Hareyama, M. Ichimura, E. Kamioka, T. Kobayashi, S. Kuramata, H. Matsutani, H. Nanjo,
T. Shibata, H. Sugimoto.
SUB-Fe/Fe ratio obtained by Sanriku balloon experiment
26th International Cosmic Ray Conference. August 17-25, 1999. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Under the auspices of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP).
Volume 3. Edited by D. Kieda, M. Salamon, and B. Dingus, p.105.
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- CRNUCL-SHAPIRO1970-AnnRew. M.M. Shapiro, R. Silberberg.
Heavy Cosmic Ray Nuclei.
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Sciences, 1970, vol. 20, pp.323-392
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- CRNUCL-SHAPIRO1972-SpRes. M.M. Shapiro, R. Silberberg, C.H. Tsao.
Composition of relativistic cosmic rays near the earth and at the sources.
Space Research XII -- Akademic-Verlag, Berlin, 1972. P. 1609--1615.
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- CRNUCL-SIMON1980. M. Simon, H. Spiegelhauer, W.K.H. Schmidt, F. Siohan, J.F. Ormes, V.K. Balasubrahmanyan, J.F. Arens
Energy spectra of cosmic-ray nuclei to above 100 GeV per nucleon.
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, vol. 239, July 15, 1980, p. 712-724.
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- CRNUCL-SMITH1971-ICRC. A. Buffington, L.H. Smith, G. Smoot, M.A. Wahlig, L.W. Alvarez.
Measurement of the Primary Cosmic Ray Nuclear Rigidity Spectra for Individual Elements of Charge Z >= 2.
12th International Conference on Cosmic Rays, 1971. V.~1., p.147.
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- CRNUCL-TRACER2004-ApJ. F. Gahbauer, G. Hermann, J.R. Hörandel, D. Müller, A.A. Radu.
A New Measurement of the Intensities of the Heavy Primary Cosmic-Ray Nuclei around 1 TeV amu$^{-1}$.
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 607, Issue 1, pp. 333-341.
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- CRNUCL-TRACER2005-ICRC-1. P.J. Boyle, M. Ave, F. Gahbauer, C. Höppner, J. Hörandel, M. Ichimura, D. Müller, A. Romero-Wolf,
S. Wakely.
Energy Spectra of Heavy Cosmic Ray Nuclei from 0.5 GeV/amu to 10,000 GeV/amu.
29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 2005, Pune, India. V. 3, p.65--68.
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- CRNUCL-TRACER2005-ICRC-2. D. Muller, M. Ave, P. Boyle, F. Gahbauer, C. Hoppner, J. Horandel, M. Ichimura, A. Romero-Wolf, S. Wakely.
Measurements with TRACER: Discussion of Results and Future Prospects.
29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 2005, Pune, India. V. 3, p.89--92.
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- CRNUCL-TRACER2007-COSPAR. P.J. Boyle, M. Ave, F. Gahbauer, C. Hoeppner, J. Hoerandel, M. Ichimura, D. Mueller, A. Romero-Wolf
Cosmic ray composition at high energies: Results from the TRACER project.
2006cosp...36.2517A (arXiv:astro-ph/0703707v1).
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- CRNUCL-TRACER2008A-AdSpR. P.J. Boyle, F. Gahbauer, C. Höppner, J. Hörandel, M. Ichimura, D. Müller, A. Romero Wolf.
Cosmic ray composition at high energies: The TRACER project.
Advances in Space Research, Volume 42, Issue 3, p. 409-416. (arXiv:astro-ph/0703707).
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- CRNUCL-TRACER2008B-ApJ. M. Ave, P.J. Boyle, F. Gahbauer, C. Höppner, J.R. Hörandel, M. Ichimura, D. Müller, A. Romero-Wolf.
Composition of Primary Cosmic-Ray Nuclei at High Energies. [O,Ne,Mg,Si+S,Ar,Ca,Fe - табличные данные]
ApJ, Volume 678, Issue 1, pp. 262-273.
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- CRNUCL-TRACER2008C-ICRC. M. Ave, P.J. Boyle, C. Höppner, et al.
Propagation of High-Energy Cosmic Rays through the Galaxy: Discussion and Interpretation of TRACER Results
30th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2008. Volume 2, p.215-218.
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- CRNUCL-TRACER2008D-ICRC. M. Ave, P.J. Boyle, C. Höppner, et al.
Cosmic Ray Energy Spectra of Primary Nuclei from Oxygen to Iron: Results from the TRACER 2003 LDB Flight
30th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2008. Volume 2, p.87-90.
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- CRNUCL-TRACER2008E-ICRC. D. Müller, M. Ave, P.J. Boyle, et al.
The TRACER Project: Instrument Concept, Balloon Flights, and Analysis Procedures
30th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 2008. Volume 2, p.83-86.
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- CRNUCL-TRACER2009A. A. Obermeier, M. Ave, P. J. Boyle, C. Hoppner, M. Ichimura, D. Muller.
Composition and energy spectra of cosmic-ray nuclei at high energies. [ADS-Поиск: Muller, TRACER]
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- CRNUCL-TRACER2009B. M. Ave, P.J. Boyle, C. Höppner, J. Marshall, D. Müller
Propagation and Source Energy Spectra of Cosmic Ray Nuclei at High Energies.
ApJ, V.~697, P.~106--114 (2009).(arXiv:0810.2972)
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- CRNUCL-TRACER2010-COSPAR. A. Obermeier, M. Ave, P. Boyle, J.R. Hörandel, D. Mueller.
Determining composition and propagation of Galactic cosmic rays with TRACER. [Abstract]
38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 18-15 July 2010, in Bremen, Germany, p.6.
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- CRNUCL-TRACER2011-ApJ. A. Obermeier, M. Ave, P. Boyle, Ch. Höppner, J. Hörandel, D. Müller
Energy spectra of primary and secondary cosmic-ray nuclei measured with TRACER.
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- CRNUCL-TRACER2012A. A. Obermeier, P. Boyle, J. Hörandel, D. Müller
The boron-to-carbon abundance ratio and Galactic propagation of cosmic radiation.
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- CRNUCL-WADDINGTON1965-ICRC. C.J. Waddington, P.S. Freier.
Very heavy low energy cosmic ray nuclei.
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Proceedings of the 9th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol. 1, p.390.
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- CRNUCL-WADDINGTON1968-PhysRev-1. P.S. Freier, C.J. Waddington.
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Some implications of the relative spectra of the different charge components in the primary radiation.
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- CRNUCL-WEBBER1965-ICRC-407. W.R. Webber, J.F. Ormes, T. von Rosenvinge.
Measurements of the energy spectrum of nuclei with Z >= 3 in the primary radiation using a balloon-borne
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Proceedings of the 9th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol. 1, p.407.
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- CRNUCL-WEBBER1972-ApSS. W.R. Webber, S.V. Damle, J. Kish.
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- CRNUCL-WEBBER1973-Nature. W.R. Webber, J.A. Lezniak, J.C. Kish, S.V. Damle.
Evidence for Differences in the Energy Spectra of Cosmic Ray Nuclei.
Nature Physical Science, 1973, V. 241, P. 96-98.
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- CRNUCL-WEBBER1973-ICRC. W.R. Webber, J.A. Lezniak, J. Kish.
Differences in the Spectra of Cosmic Ray Nuclear Species Below~5 GeV/nuc.
13th International Conference on Cosmic Rays, 1973,V. 1, p.248
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- CRNUCL-WEBBER1982-ApJ. W.R. Webber.
Charge abundance of cosmic rays at their source.
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- CRNUCL-WEBBER1987-ICRC. W.R. Webber.
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- CRNUCL-WEBBER1990-ApJ. W.R. Webber, M. Gupta, A. Soutoul, P. Ferrando.
The source charge and isotopic abundances of cosmic rays with Z = 9-16 - A study using new fragmentation cross sections.
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- CRNUCL-WEBBER1996-ApJ. W.R. Webber, A. Lukasiak, F.B. McDonald, F. B., P. Ferrndo.
New High-Statistical--High-Resolution Measurements of the Cosmic-Ray CNO Isotopes from a 17 Year Study Using the
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Astrophysical Journal v.457, p.435.
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Космология - эксперимент
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Квантовая космология
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Петлевая квантовая космология
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Loop Quantum Cosmology.
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Темная материя: прямые эксперменты и др.
- DMEXP-CAPOZZIELLO2011. S. Capozziello, L. Consiglio, M. De Laurentis, G. De Rosa, C. Di Donato.
The missing matter problem: from the dark matter search to alternative hypotheses.
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A direct empirical proof of the existence of dark matter.
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Dark energy and dark matter in a superfluid universe.
International Journal of Modern Physics A Vol. 28, No. 28 (2013) 1330049 (23 pages)
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The Local Dark Matter Density.
arXiv:1212.3670 [astro-ph.CO]
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Звезды из темной материи
- DMS-SPOLYAR2009. Douglas Spolyar, Peter Bodenheimer, Katherine Freese, Palo Gondolo. Dark Stars: a new look at the First Stars in the Universe. arXiv:0903.3070v1 [astro-ph.CO]
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Экспериментальная физика планковских энергий и квантовой гравитации
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- EPP-SMOLIN2009. Sabine Hossenfelder, Lee Smolin. Phenomenological Quantum Gravity. arXiv:0911.2761v1 [physics.pop-ph]
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Not on but of.
arXiv:1212.0371 [gr-qc]
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Gravity can be neither classical nor quantized.
arXiv:1212.0454 [gr-qc]
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Нестандартные и обобщенные теории поля: групповые, топологические...
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Scattering Amplitudes and the Positive Grassmannian.
arXiv:1212.5605 [hep-th]
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Gauge Theories and Fibre Bundles - Applications to Particle Dynamics.
arXiv:1702.08910 [quant-ph]
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Classical Group Field Theory.
arXiv:1107.3122v2 [hep-th]
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Fermions, differential forms and doubled geometry.
arXiv:1803.06160 [hep-th]
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Bulk geometry from entanglement entropy of CFT.
arXiv:1807.04646 [hep-th]
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Общая физика
- GEN-AHLUWALIA2020. Dharam Ahluwalia.
Mass Dimenion One Fermions.
arXiv:2007.15098 [hep-th] (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics (Cambridge University Press, July 2019))
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What are the numbers in which spacetime?
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Faster than light motion does not imply time travel.
2014 Class. Quantum Grav. 31 095005 (arXiv:1407.2528 [gr-qc])
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The Fine-Tuning of the Universe for Intelligent Life.
arXiv:1112.4647v1 [physics.hist-ph]
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Reversible time travel with freedom of choice.
arXiv:1703.00779 [gr-qc]
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- GEN-BENIOFF2011. Paul Benioff
Effects on quantum physics of the local availability of mathematics and space time dependent scaling factors for
number systems.
arXiv:1110.1388v1 [quant-ph]
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Excited DeSitter brane worlds localized by a kink.
arXiv:1204.6110v1 [gr-qc]
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Maxwell’s equations in four-dimensional notation and the classical magnetic monopoles.
Astroparticle Physics 59 (2014) 1–3
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- GEN-CHANGWANGLI2011. Zhe Chang, Sai Wang, Xin Li
Fine structure constant variation or space-time anisotropy?. [хороший обзор]
arXiv:1106.2726v2 [gr-qc]
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Analytical Methods in Physics.
arXiv:1701.00776 [math-ph]
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Open problems in mathematical physics.
Phys. Scr. vol 92, 093003 (2017) [arXiv:1710.02105 [math.HO]]
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Dark energy as a manifestation of nontrivial arithmetic.
arXiv:1604.05738 [math-ph]
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The Constancy of the Constants of Nature: Updates.
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Relativity of arithmetics as a fundamental symmetry of physics.
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Physics as quantum information processing.
arXiv:1012.2597v1 [quant-ph]
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Consistent thermostatistics forbids negative absolute temperatures.
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Global ontologies for relativistic quantum systems and quantum field theory.
arXiv:1807.05970 [gr-qc]
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Quantum features of natural cellular automata.
arXiv:1604.06652 [quant-ph]
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Simulating Physics with Computers.
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 1982, V.21, No 6/7, P.467-488.
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Background-Independence from the Perspective of Gauge Theory.
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Running vacuum in the Universe and the time variation of the fundamental constants of Nature.
arXiv:1605.06104 [hep-ph]
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- GEN-GEROCH-HARTLE-1986-2018. Robert Geroch, James B. Hartle.
Computability and Physical Theories.
Foundations of Physics, 16, 533-550, arXiv:1806.09237 [gr-qc]
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- GEN-GRAVDCHR-BASSI2017. Angelo Bassi, André Großardt, Hendrik Ulbricht.
Gravitational Decoherence.
arXiv:1706.05677 [quant-ph]
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Gravitation as a source of decoherence.
arXiv:1709.07154 [gr-qc]
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Counting Vacua in Random Landscapes.
arXiv:1612.05224 [hep-th]
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Quantum Gravity and Turbulence.
arXiv:1005.3254v1 [gr-qc]
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Systematic Derivation of Noether Point Symmetries in Special Relativistic Field Theories?
arXiv:1603.02910 [physics.gen-ph]
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Local Conformal Symmetry: the Missing Symmetry Component for Space and Time.
arXiv:1410.6675 [gr-qc]
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Singularities, horizons, firewalls, and local conformal symmetry.
arXiv:1511.04427 [gr-qc]
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- GEN-KING2012. Julian A. King, John K. Webb, Michael T. Murphy, Victor V. Flambaum, Robert F. Carswell,
Matthew B. Bainbridge, Michael R. Wilczynska, F. Elliot Koch.
Spatial variation in the fine-structure constant -- new results from VLT/UVES.
arXiv:1202.4758v1 [astro-ph.CO]
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- GEN-LANDAU2010. Susana J. Landau, Florencia A. Teppa Pannia, Yuri Bonder, Daniel Sudarsky.
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Classical and quantum aspects of the radiation emitted by a uniformly accelerated charge: Larmor--Unruh reconciliation and zero-frequency Rindler modes.
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A non-SUSY extension of the Poincaré group.
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Physics from information.
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On the emergence of the structure of Physics.
arXiv:1711.00556 [math-ph]
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On the Possibility and Consequences of Negative Mass?
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Is there correlation between Fine Structure and Dark Energy Cosmic Dipoles?
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- GEN-MARTIN2012. Jerome Martin.
Everything You Always Wanted To Know About The Cosmological Constant Problem (But Were Afraid To Ask).
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The status of varying constants: a review of the physics, searches and implications.
arXiv:1709.02923 [astro-ph.CO]
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A digital approach to quantum theory.
arXiv:1208.0493v1 [quant-ph]
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Why Gauge?
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Relative information at the foundation of physics?
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Consistent NEC-violation: towards creating a universe in the laboratory.
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Lectures on Faster-than-Light Travel and Time Travel.
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Evidence for spatial variation of the fine structure constant.
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ОТО (и обобщения)
- GR-ADAMO2013. Tim Adamo, Lionel Mason
Conformal and Einstein gravity from twistor actions.
arXiv:1307.5043 [hep-th]
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- GR-ADM2004. R. Arnowitt (Syracuse Univ.), S. Deser (Brandeis Univ.), C. W. Misner (Princeton Univ.).
The Dynamics of General Relativity [Arnowitt-Deser-Misner formulation of GR].
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The legacy of ADM.
arXiv:1501.03522 [gr-qc]
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Lectures on General Theory of Relativity.
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Загрузить текст статьи в ЖЭТФ
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ОТО Эйнштейна-Картана
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Center of mass, spin supplementary conditions, and the momentum of spinning particles.
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Existence of Matter as a Proof of the Existence of Gravitational Torsion.
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Биметрические и массивные теории гравитации
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ОТО Эйнштейна-Картана, эксперимент
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Нарушение принципа эквивалентности
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Взаимодействие спина с гравитационным полем (плюс гравитационная оптика)
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Неминимальные скалярные теории в формализме Палатини.
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Гравитационные волны
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Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger.
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GW150914: First results from the search for binary black hole coalescence with Advanced LIGO.
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Properties of the binary black hole merger GW150914.
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Tests of general relativity with GW150914.
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Observing gravitational-wave transient GW150914 with minimal assumptions.
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Calibration of the Advanced LIGO detectors for the discovery of the binary black-hole merger GW150914.
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GW150914: Implications for the stochastic gravitational wave background from binary black holes.
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Astrophysical Implications of the Binary Black-Hole Merger GW150914.
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Localization and broadband follow-up of the gravitational-wave transient GW150914.
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GW151226: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a 22-Solar-Mass Binary Black Hole Coalescence.
arXiv:1606.04855 [gr-qc]
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- GRWAVE-LIGO2016F. LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration.
Binary Black Hole Mergers in the first Advanced LIGO Observing Run.
arXiv:1606.04856 [gr-qc]
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- GRWAVE-LIGO2016G. LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration.
The basic physics of the binary black hole merger GW150914.
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- GRWAVE-LIGO2018A. LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration.
GWTC-1: A Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog of Compact Binary Mergers Observed by LIGO and Virgo during the First and Second Observing Runs.
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GWTC-1: A Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog of Compact Binary Mergers Observed by LIGO and Virgo during the First and Second Observing Runs.
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- GRWAVE-LOEB2016. Abraham Loeb (Harvard).
Electromagnetic Counterparts to Black Hole Mergers Detected by LIGO.
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Theory of Gravitational Waves.
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Possible Short Gamma-Ray Bursts Associated with Black Hole - Black Hole Mergers.
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К докладу Grenier
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Хигсовский бозон и обсуждение стандартной модели
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Голографические модели
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icrc32, OG1 секция
- ICRC32OG1-BESS-2011-0699. N. Picot-Clemente, K. Abe, H. Fuke, et al.
Cosmic ray helium isotopes from the BESS-Polar I experiment.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 0699.
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- ICRC32OG1-BESS-2011-1230. M. Sasaki, K. Abe, H. Fuke, et al.
BESS-Polar: Search for Antihelium.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 1230.
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- ICRC32OG1-BESS-2011-1247. N. Thakur, K. Abe, H. Fuke, et al.
Transient variations in cosmic ray proton fluxes from BESS-Polar I.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 1247.
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Search for cosmic-ray antideuterons with BESS-Polar.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 1259.
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Measurement of cosmic-ray antiproton spectrum at solar minimum with a long-duration balloon flight in Antarctica.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 1280.
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Proton and helium spectra from the CREAM-III flight.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 1109.
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- ICRC32OG1-CRIS-2011-0649. W.R. Binns, E.R. Christian, A.C. Cummings, et. al.
First Measurements of the Isotopic Composition of the Ultra-heavy Galactic Cosmic Ray Nuclei 31Ga and 32Ge from the
CRIS Experiment on ACE.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 0649.
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Extending the Iron Energy Spectrum Measurements of the Cosmic Ray Isotope Spectrometer throughout 1997-2011.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 0791.
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Measurements of the elemental abundances of ultra-heavy galactic cosmic rays
from Cu through Sr from the CRIS experiment on the ACE satellite.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 0657.
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A New Component of Cosmic Rays?.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 1353.
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High-energy electron observations from 30 GeV to 3 TeV with emulsion chambers.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 0805.
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Fermi LAT Observations of Cosmic Ray Electrons: 3 years in Orbit.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 0239.
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- ICRC32OG1-FERMI-2011-1064. J. Vandenbroucke, W. Mitthumsiri, C. Sgro, M. Ackermann, S. Funk, for the Fermi LAT collaboration.
Measurement of the cosmic ray positron spectrum with the Fermi LAT using the Earth’s magnetic field.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 1064.
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- ICRC32OG1-MAGIC-2011-0680. D. Borla Tridon, P. Colin, L. Cossio, M. Doro, V. Scolzotto, on behalf of the MAGIC collaboration.
Measurement of the cosmic electron plus positron spectrum with the MAGIC telescopes.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 0680.
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- ICRC32OG1-MAGIC-2011-1114. Pierre Colin, Daniela Borla Tridon, Alicia Diago Ortega, Marlene Doerti, Michele Doro,
Nikola Strah, Tihomir Suric, Masahiro Teshima, on behalf of the MAGIC collaboration.
Probing the CR positron/electron ratio at few hundred GeV through Moon shadow observation with the MAGIC telescopes.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 1114.
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- ICRC32OG1-OLIVIN-2011-0489. N.I. Starkov, A.B. Aleksandrov, A.V. Bagulya, Vladimirov M.S., et. al.
Results of investigations associated with the search for tracks of relict galaxy nuclei in olivine crystals from meteorites.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 0489.
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- ICRC32OG1-OHIRA-2011-1242. Yutaka Ohira, Kunihito Ioka.
Cosmic-ray helium hardening.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 1242.
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- ICRC32OG1-PAMELA-2011-1218. M. Casolino, on behalf of PAMELA collaboration.
Recent PAMELA measurements of proton and helium nuclei and cosmic ray acceleration in the galaxy.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 1218.
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- ICRC32OG1-PAMELA-2011-0196. Alexander Karelin, on behalf of PAMELA collaboration.
The method and some results of high energy primary proton and light nuclei measurements with the PAMELA calorimeter.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 0196.
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- ICRC32OG1-PAMELA-2011-1079. Cristian De Santis, on behalf of PAMELA collaboration.
PAMELA measurements of boron and carbon spectra in the energy range 100 MeV/n - 100 GeV/n.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, V.6 P.91-94, ID 1079.
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- ICRC32OG1-PAMELA-2011-0669. W. Menn, on behalf of PAMELA collaboration.
Measurements of Cosmic-Ray Lithium and Beryllium Isotopes with the PAMELA-Experiment.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 0669.
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- ICRC32OG1-PAMELA-2011-0842. Valerio Formato, on behalf of PAMELA collaboration.
Measurement of Deuterium and 3 He component in cosmic rays with PAMELA experiment.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 0842.
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- ICRC32OG1-PAMELA-2011-0815. Emiliano Mocchiutti, on behalf of PAMELA collaboration.
Electrons and Positron Spectra Measured by the PAMELA Space Experiment.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 0815.
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- ICRC32OG1-PORTER-2011-1201. Troy A. Porter, Andrey E. Vladimirov, Igor V. Moskalenko, Gudlaugur Johanesson.
Testing the Origin of High Energy Cosmic Rays..
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 1201.
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- ICRC32OG1-PTUSKIN-2011-0367. Vladimir Ptuskin, Vladimir Zirakashvili, Eeun-Suk Seo.
On the hardening of cosmic ray spectrum.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 0367.
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- ICRC32OG1-TRACER-2011-0707. P.J. Boyle, M. Ava, J.R. Hohandel, D. Muller, A. Obermeier, J.E. Ward.
New measurements of the composition and energy spectra of cosmic-ray nuclei with TRACER.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 0707 (32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, 2011, V.~6, P.~55--58).
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- ICRC32OG1-SUPERTIGER-2011-1234. J.W. Mitchell, W.R. Binns, R.G. Bose, et. al.
The Super-TIGER Instrument to Probe Galactic Cosmic Ray Origins.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 1234.
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- ICRC32OG1-TRACER-2011-0675. A. Obermeier, P.J. Boyle, J.R. Horandel, D. Muller.
Galactic propagation of cosmic rays and the B/C ratio.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 0675.
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- ICRC32OG1-TRACER-2011-0828. D. Muller, P.J. Boyle, J.R. Horandel, A. Obermeier
Production of secondary cosmic rays in the upper atmosphere.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 0828.
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- ICRC32OG1-ZIRAKASHVILI-2011-0837. V.N. Zirakashvili, V.S.Ptuskin.
Role of reverse shocks for the production of galactic cosmic rays in SNRs.
icrc32, Beijing, 2011, ID 0837.
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История и философия физики
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Relativistic Quantum Communication.
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Происхождение жизни
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Лоренц-инваринтность и другие эксперименты квантовой гравитации
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Марс: радиационная безопасность и др.
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Математика (категории, топосы, спиноры и обобщения...)
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Эксперимент НУКЛОН
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Ядерные взаимодействия
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Релятивистская гидродинамика
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Quantum computers
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Квантовая гравитация
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The Necessity of Quantizing Gravity.
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Is Gravity Quantum?.
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Gravitational Decoherence.
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A topological model of composite preons.
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Quantum gravity and the standard model. arXiv:hep-th/0603022v2.
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Quantum Gravity: a Progress Report.
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On the possibility of experimental detection of the discreteness of time.
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Quanta of Geometry.
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Geometry and the Quantum: Basics.
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Geometry and the Quantum.
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- QG-CROUSE2018. David Crouse, Joseph Skufca.
On the Nature of Discrete Space-Time: The distance formula, relativistic time dilation and length contraction in discrete space-time.
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- QG-DEEPAK2017. Deepak Vaid.
Connecting Loop Quantum Gravity and String Theory via Quantum Geometry.
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- QG-DEVASTATO2014. Agostino Devastato, Pierre Martinetti [see CONNES].
Twisted spectral triple for the Standard Model and spontaneous breaking of the Grand Symmetry.
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From twistors to twisted geometries.
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Gravitation in terms of observables.
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Classical Group Field Theory.
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Quantum Gravity on the computer: Impressions of a workshop.
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Statistical Inference and String Theory.
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- QG-HERTZBERG2019. Mark P. Hertzberg, Mudit Jain.
An Explanation for why the Early Universe was Dominated by the Standard Model and Stable.
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Experimental Search for Quantum Gravity.
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- QG-ISHAM1995. C.J. Isham. STRUCTURAL ISSUES IN QUANTUM GRAVITY. arXiv:gr-qc/9510063 v1.
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A stochastic quasi-classical wavefunction of the Universe from the third quantization procedure.
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- QG-KANATCHIKOV2014. I.V. Kanatchikov.
On precanonical quantization of gravity.
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Combinatorial Quantum Gravity: Emergence of Geometric Space from Random Graphs.
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Space, Time, Matter in Quantum Gravity.
arXiv:2004.03174 [gr-qc].
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Quantum Gravity Made Easy.
arXiv:1903.11211 [gr-qc].
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- QG-KOBAKHIDZE2010. Archil Kobakhidze
Gravity is not an entropic force.
arXiv:1009.5414v1 [hep-th].
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- QG-LARSSON2014. T.A. Larsson
Three Principles for Quantum Gravity [обобщение алгебры Вирасоро - нетривиально].
arXiv:1407.6378 [gr-qc].
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- QG-LISI2010. A. Garrett Lisi, Lee Smolin, Simone Speziale
Unification of gravity, gauge fields, and Higgs bosons.
arXiv:1004.4866v1 [gr-qc].
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Origin of fermion generations from extended noncommutative geometry.
arXiv:1810.10189 [hep-th].
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- QG-MAJID2017. Shahn Majid.
On the emergence of the structure of Physics.
arXiv:1711.00556 [math-ph].
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Lieb-Robinson bounds and the speed of light from topological order.
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A quantum Bose-Hubbard model with evolving graph as toy model for emergent spacetime. arXiv:0911.5075v2 [gr-qc].
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The Computing Spacetime.
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Solution to the Cosmological Constant Problem in a Regge Quantum Gravity Model.
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Towards the map of quantum gravity.
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Quantum Gravity: the view from particle physics.
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Spacetime from Unentanglement.
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The BFCG Theory and Canonical Quantization of Gravity.
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Introduction to Quantum Gravity
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Aspects of quantum gravity.
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Classical Wheeler-DeWitt field and its Quantization.
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Building up spacetime with quantum entanglement.
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Spacetime-Free Approach to Quantum Theory and Effective Spacetime Structure.
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Towards Renormalizing Group Field Theory.
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Testing Quantum Gravity with a Single Quantum System.
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Introduction to Spin Networks and Towards a Generalization of the Decomposition Theorem.
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Unweaving the Fabric of the Universe: The Interplay between Mathematics and Physics.
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Toward a quantum theory of gravity: Syracuse 1949-1962.
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Scales and hierachies in asymptotically safe quantum gravity: a review.
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Proposal for a new quantum theory of gravity.
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Quantum gravity as an emergent phenomenon.
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A model of quantum gravity with emergent spacetime.
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Generalized Uncertainty Principle: Approaches and Applications.
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Discrete quantum geometries and their effective dimension.
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How the huge energy of quantum vacuum gravitates to drive the slow accelerating expansion of the universe.
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Quantum Gravity for Dummies.
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LQG for the Bewildered.
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Aspects of Group Field Theory.
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Dimensionless physics.
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Quantum Superposition of Massive Objects and the Quantization of Gravity.
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Квантовая гравитация - причинные множества
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Causal Set theory, non-locality and phenomenology.
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The Universe as a Quantum Computer.
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Causal Sets: Discrete Gravity.
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Toward a "fundamental theorem of quantal measure theory".
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Symmetry-breaking and zero-one laws.
arXiv:1909.06070 [gr-qc].
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- QGCS-SURYA2019. Sumati Surya.
The causal set approach to quantum gravity.
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Out of Nowhere: The emergence of spacetime from causal sets.
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Квантовая гравитация и голография
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TASI Lectures on the Emergence of the Bulk in AdS/CFT.
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Lectures on entanglement entropy in field theory and holography.
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Spacetime from Unentanglement.
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Foliation-based approach to quantum gravity and applications to astrophysics.
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The World as a Hologram.
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Петлевая квантовая гравитация
- QGL-ACHOUR2015A. Jibril Ben Achour, Karim Noui.
Analytic continuation of real Loop Quantum Gravity : Lessons from black hole thermodynamics.
arXiv:1501.05523 [gr-qc]
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Towards self dual Loop Quantum Gravity.
arXiv:1511.07332 [gr-qc]
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Detailed black hole state counting in loop quantum gravity.
arXiv:1101.3660v1 [gr-qc] (10.1103/PhysRevD.82.084029)
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- QGL-ALEXANDER2011. Stephon Alexander, Antonino Marciano, Ruggero Altair Tacchi.
Towards a Spin-foam unification of gravity, Yang-Mills interactions and matter fields.
[Яркий пример объединения с помощью раскрашивания ребер].
arXiv:1105.3480v1 [gr-qc].
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- QGL-ALEXANDROV2010. Sergei Alexandrov, Philippe Roche
Critical Overview of Loops and Foams.
arXiv:1009.4475v1 [gr-qc].
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- QGL-ALEXANDROV2011. Sergei Alexandrov, Marc Geiller, Karim Noui
Spin Foams and Canonical Quantization.
arXiv:1112.1961v1 [gr-qc]
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- QGL-ASHTEKAR2010. Abhay Ashtekar, Miguel Campiglia, Adam Henderson.
Casting Loop Quantum Cosmology in the Spin Foam Paradigm.
arXiv:1001.5147v1 [gr-qc].
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- QGL-ASHTEKAR2012A. Abhay Ashtekar.
Introduction to Loop Quantum Gravity.
arXiv:1201.4598v1 [gr-qc].
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- QGL-ASHTEKAR2012B. Abhay Ashtekar, Miguel Campiglia.
On the Uniqueness of Kinematics of Loop Quantum Cosmology.
arXiv:1209.4374 [gr-qc].
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- QGL-ASHTEKAR2014. Abhay Ashtekar, Martin Reuter, Carlo Rovelli.
From General Relativity to Quantum Gravity.
arXiv:1408.4336 [gr-qc].
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- QGL-ASHTEKAR2017. Abhay Ashtekar, Jorge Pullin.
The Overview Chapter in Loop Quantum Gravity: The First 30 Years.
arXiv:1703.07396 [gr-qc]
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- QGL-BAHR2015. Benjamin Bahr, Bianca Dittrich, Marc Geiller
A new realization of quantum geometry.
arXiv:1506.08571 [gr-qc]
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Quantum Geometry and Black Holes.
arXiv:1501.02963 [gr-qc]
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Loop quantum gravity and observations.
arXiv:1410.1714 [gr-qc]
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A status report on the phenomenology of black holes in loop quantum gravity: Evaporation, tunneling to white holes, dark matter and gravitational waves.
arXiv:1808.08857 [gr-qc]
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- QGL-BODENDORFER2016. Norbert Bodendorfer.
An elementary introduction to loop quantum gravity.
arXiv:1607.05129 [gr-qc]
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Loop quantum gravity as an effective theory.
arXiv:1208.1463v1 [gr-qc]
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Information loss, made worse by quantum gravity.
arXiv:1409.3157 [gr-qc]
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Learning about quantum gravity with a couple of nodes.
arXiv:1110.3020v1 [gr-qc]
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A review on Loop Quantum Gravity.
arXiv:1808.01252 [gr-qc]
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Abelian 2+1D Loop Quantum Gravity Coupled to a Scalar Field.
arXiv:1808.09216 [gr-qc]
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Loop Quantum Gravity.
arXiv:1412.4362 [gr-qc]
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- QGL-CONRADY2010. Florian Conrady, Jeff Hnybida. A spin foam model for general Lorentzian 4-geometries (в том числе - квантование времениподобных поверхностей). arXiv:1002.1959v1 [gr-qc].
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Spin foams with timelike surfaces.
arXiv:1003.5652v1 [gr-qc].
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- QGL-DATE2010. Ghanashyam Date.
Lectures on LQG/LQC.
arXiv:1004.2952v1 [gr-qc].
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- QGL-DIAZ-POLO2011. Jacobo Diaz-Polo, Daniele Pranzetti
Isolated Horizons and Black Hole Entropy In Loop Quantum Gravity.
arXiv:1112.0291v1 [gr-qc]
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- QGL-DONA2010. Pietro Doná, Simone Speziale
Introductory lectures to loop quantum gravity.
arXiv:1007.0402v1 [gr-qc].
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- QGL-DUPUIS2012A. Maite Dupuis, Simone Speziale, Johannes Tambornino.
Spinors and Twistors in Loop Gravity and Spin Foams.
arXiv:1201.2120v1 [gr-qc]
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Discrete gravity models and Loop Quantum Gravity: a short review.
arXiv:1204.5394v1 [gr-qc]
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- QGL-ENGLE2013. Jonathan Engle
Spin foams.
arXiv:1303.4636v1 [gr-qc]
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- QGL-FELLER2015. Alexandre Feller, Etera R. Livine.
Ising Spin Network States for Loop Quantum Gravity: a Toy Model for Phase Transitions.
arXiv:1509.05297 [gr-qc]
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- QGL-GARCIA-ISLAS2019I. J. Manuel Garcia-Islas.
Quantum Geometry I : Basics of Loop Quantum Gravity. The Quantum Polyhedra.
arXiv:1902.05709 [gr-qc]
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- QGL-GIELEN2012. Steffen Gielen.
Spontaneous breaking of Lorentz symmetry for canonical gravity.
arXiv:1210.1787 [gr-qc]
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- QGL-GIESEL2012. Kristina Giesel, Hanno Sahlmann.
From Classical To Quantum Gravity: Introduction to Loop Quantum Gravity.
arXiv:1203.2733v1 [gr-qc]
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- QGL-GIRELLI2012. Florian Girelli, Franz Hinterleitner, Seth Major.
Loop Quantum Gravity Phenomenology: Linking Loops to Physics.
arXiv:1210.1485 [gr-qc]
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- QGL-GORJI2016. Jibril M. A. Gorji, K. Nozari, B. Vakili.
Gravity's rainbow: a bridge between LQC and DSR.
arXiv:1606.00910 [gr-qc]
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Invariants of Spin Networks from Braided Ribbon Networks.
arXiv:1106.5095v1 [math-ph]
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- QGL-HACKETT2011B. Jonathan Hackett.
Invariants of Braided Ribbon Networks.
arXiv:1106.5096v1 [math-ph]
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Gravitational Wilson Loop in Discrete Quantum Gravity.
Phys.Rev.D81:084048,2010, arXiv:0907.2652v2 [hep-th]
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- QGL-HAN2014. Muxin Han.
Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity, Low Energy Perturbation Theory, and Einstein Gravity with High Curvature UV Corrections.
arXiv:1308.4063 [gr-qc] (v3, 2014)
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- QGL-LEWANDOWSKI2010A. Marcin Domagala, Kristina Giesel, Wojciech Kaminski, Jerzy Lewandowski.
Gravity quantized.
arXiv:1009.2445v2 [gr-qc].
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- QGL-LEWANDOWSKY2010B. Marcin Domagala, Kristina Giesel, Wojciech Kaminski, and Jerzy Lewandowski.
Gravity quantized: Loop quantum gravity with a scalar field [atually it is the same as QGL-LEWANDOWSKI2010A].
PHYSICAL REVIEW D 82, 104038 (2010)
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Emergence of General Relativity from Loop Quantum Gravity.
arXiv:0912.0554v2 [gr-qc].
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From Coarse-Graining to Holography in Loop Quantum Gravity.
arXiv:1704.04067 [gr-qc]
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- QGL-MAKINEN2019. Ilkka Mäkinen.
Dynamics in canonical models of loop quantum gravity.
arXiv:1910.00469 [gr-qc]
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- QGL-MARTIN-DUSSAND2019. Pierre Martin-Dussaud.
A Primer of Group Theory for Loop Quantum Gravity and Spin-foams.
arXiv:1902.08439 [math-ph]
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Group Field Theory and Loop Quantum Gravity.
arXiv:1408.7112 [gr-qc]
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Levels of spacetime emergence in quantum gravity.
arXiv:1807.04875 [physics.hist-ph]
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The spin-foam-representation of LQG.
arXiv:gr-qc/0601095 v1.
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- QGL-PEREZ2013. Alejandro Perez.
The Spin-Foam Approach to Quantum Gravity.
Living Rev. Relativity 16 (2013), 3
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Linking shape dynamics and loop quantum gravity.
arXiv:1407.2909 [gr-qc]
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- QGL-SPEZIALE2012-TWISTORS. Simone Speziale, Wolfgang M. Wieland
The twistorial structure of loop-gravity transition amplitudes.
arXiv:1207.6348v1 [gr-qc]
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- QGL-THURIGEN2015. Johannes Thürigen.
Group field theories generating polyhedral complexes.
arXiv:1506.08384 [gr-qc]
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Loop Quantum Gravity.
Living Rev. Relativity, 11, (2008), 5;
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A new look at loop quantum gravity.
arXiv:1004.1780v1 [gr-qc].
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- QGL-ROVELLI2010B. Eugenio Bianchi, Daniele Regoli, Carlo Rovelli.
Face amplitude of spinfoam quantum gravity.
arXiv:1005.0764v1 [gr-qc].
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- QGL-ROVELLI2010C. Carlo Rovelli
Simple model for quantum general relativity from loop quantum gravity
arXiv:1010.1939v1 [gr-qc].
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- QGL-ROVELLI2010D. Carlo Rovelli, Simone Speziale
Lorentz covariance of loop quantum gravity.
arXiv:1012.1739v1 [gr-qc].
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- QGL-ROVELLI2010E. Carlo Rovelli
Loop quantum gravity: the first twenty five years.
arXiv:1012.4707v1 [gr-qc].
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- QGL-ROVELLI2011A. Carlo Rovelli
Lectures on loop gravity.
arXiv:1102.3660v2 [gr-qc].
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- QGL-ROVELLI2011B. Carlo Rovelli
A critical look at strings.
arXiv:1108.0868v1 [hep-th].
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- QGL-ROVELLI2014. Carlo Rovelli
LQG predicts the Unruh Effect. Comment to the paper "Absence of Unruh effect in polymer quantization" by Hossain and Sardar.
arXiv:1412.7827 [gr-qc].
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- QGL-THIEMANN-2011-V1. Norbert Bodendorfer, Thomas Thiemann, Andreas Thurn.
New Variables for Classical and Quantum Gravity in all Dimensions I. Hamiltonian Analysis.
arXiv:1105.3703v1 [gr-qc].
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- QGL-THIEMANN-2011-V2. Norbert Bodendorfer, Thomas Thiemann, Andreas Thurn.
New Variables for Classical and Quantum Gravity in all Dimensions II. Lagrangian Analysis.
arXiv:1105.3704v1 [gr-qc]
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- QGL-THIEMANN-2011-V3. Norbert Bodendorfer, Thomas Thiemann, Andreas Thurn.
New Variables for Classical and Quantum Gravity in all Dimensions III. Quantum Theory.
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New Variables for Classical and Quantum Gravity in all Dimensions IV. Matter Coupling.
arXiv:1105.3706v1 [gr-qc]
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On the Implementation of the Canonical Quantum Simplicity Constraint.
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arXiv:1105.3709v1 [gr-qc]
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Towards Loop Quantum Supergravity (LQSG) II. p-Form Sector.
arXiv:1105.3710v1 [gr-qc]
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Towards Loop Quantum Supergravity (LQSG).
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Непостоянство скорости света и квантовая гравитация
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Квантовая логика
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Quantum Logic.
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Is Quantum Logic a Logic?
arXiv:0812.2698v1 [quant-ph]
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Квантовая теория вообще
- QT-BASSI2012. Angelo Bassi, Kinjalk Lochan, Seema Satin, Tejinder P. Singh, Hendrik Ulbricht.
Models of Wave-function Collapse, Underlying Theories, and Experimental Tests.
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- QT-BELINCHIA2018. Alessio Belenchia, Robert Wald, Flaminia Giacomini, Esteban Castro-Ruiz, Časlav Brukner, Markus Aspelmeyer.
Quantum Superposition of Massive Objects and the Quantization of Gravity.
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- QT-CHIRIBELLA2011. Giulio Chiribella, Giacomo Mauro D’Ariano, Paolo Perinotti.
Informational derivation of quantum theory.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 84, 012311 (2011).
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Загрузить комментарий Ч. Брюкнера
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Disproof of Bell's Theorem.
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An axiomatic formulation of the Montevideo interpretation of quantum mechanics.
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Неравенства Белла и экспериментальная проверка квантовых корреляций на макроскопических расстояниях.
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The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett III.
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- QT-KENT2012. Adrian Kent.
Quantum Tasks in Minkowski Space.
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Does the quantum mechanical wave function exist?
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Quantum theory from rules on information acquisition.
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The quantum mechanics of time travel through post-selected teleportation.
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Everett Interpretation and Quantum Concept of Consciousness.
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Consciousness and the Quantum.
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Copenhagen vs Everett, Teleportation, and ER=EPR.
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Consciousness as a State of Matter.
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The role of the observer in the Everett interpretation.
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The strange (hi)story of particles and waves.
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OUTOFNOWHERE: Главы из книги
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Out of Nowhere: Spacetime from causality: causal set theory.
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Out of Nowhere: Duality.
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Out of Nowhere: The 'emergence' of spacetime in string theory.
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OPERA: Эксперимент OPERA: превышение скорости света и прочее
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Measurement of the neutrino velocity with the OPERA detector in the CNGS beam
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OPERA-reassessing data on the energy dependence of the speed of neutrinos
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Superluminal neutrinos in long baseline experiments and SN1987a
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Particle Physics Survey: Phys.Lett.B V.592 (2004) 1-1109
- Title (1-5).
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- Content (6-8).
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- Introduction and online sources (11-28).
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- Summary tables of particle properies (31-88).
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- Constants, Units, Atomic and Nuclear Properties (91-103).
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- Standard Model and Related Topics (104-185).
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- Astrophysics and cosmology (186-234).
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- Experimental Methods and Colliders (235-274).
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- Mathematical Tools or Statistics, Monte Carlo, Group Theory (275-297).
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- Kinematics, Cross-Section Formulae, and Plots (298-320).
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- PARTICLE LISTINGS: Illustrative key and abbreviations (323-332).
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- Gauge and Higgs bosons (335-404).
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- Leptons (407-470).
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- Quarks (473-492).
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SETI, астробиология, универсальная эволюция, антропный принцип, планетология
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Теория струн
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A Supersymmetry Primer.
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- SUSY-DREES1996. Manuel Drees.
An Introduction to Supersymmetry.
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- SUSY-IVANOV2013. Igor Ivanov.
Суперсимметрия в свете данных LHC: что делать дальше?
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- SUSY-MANNHEIM2015. Philip D. Mannheim.
Living Without Supersymmetry -- the Conformal Alternative and a Dynamical Higgs Boson.
arXiv:1506.01399 [hep-ph]
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- SWAMPLAND-PALTI2019. Eran Palti.
The Swampland: Introduction and Review.
arXiv:1903.06239 [hep-th]
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SYK теория
- SYK-MALDACENA2016. Juan Maldacena, Douglas Stanford.
Comments on the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model.
Phys. Rev. D 94, 106002 (2016) [arXiv:1604.07818 [hep-th]]
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- TACH-AVELINO2010. P.P. Avelino, D. Bazeia, L. Losano, J.C.R.E. Oliveira, A.B. Pavan.
Duality linking standard and tachyon scalar field cosmologies?
arXiv:1006.2110v1 [astro-ph.CO]
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- TACH-GEROCH2010. Robert Geroch.
Faster Than Light?
arXiv:1005.1614v1 [gr-qc]
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- TACH-KREMER2008. Luis P. Chimento, Mónica Forte, Gilberto M. Kremer, Marlos O. Ribas.
Tachyonization of the $\Lambda$CDM cosmological model.
arXiv:0809.1919v2 [gr-qc]
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- TACH-WANG2009. Z. Wang.
Tachyonic equations to reduce the divergent integral of QED.
arXiv:0911.2359v1 [hep-th]
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Дополнительные временные размерности
- TD-ADAMO2015. Tim Adamo
General relativity as a two-dimensional CFT.
arXiv:1505.05679 [gr-qc]
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- TD-AMBJORN2013. J. Ambjorn, T. Budd.
Two-Dimensional Quantum Geometry.
arXiv:1310.8552 [hep-th]
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- TD-BATISTA2012. Carlos Batista, Bruno Carneiro da Cunha.
Spinors and the Weyl Tensor Classification in Six Dimensions.
J. Math. Phys. 54 (2013), 052502 (arXiv:1212.2689 [gr-qc])
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- TD-CARLIP2009. Steven Carlip.
Spontaneous Dimensional Reduction in Short-Distance Quantum Gravity?
arXiv:0909.3329v1 [gr-qc]
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- TD-CARLIP2010. Steven Carlip.
The Small Scale Structure of Spacetime [Речь идет о том, что на малых расстояниях физика (квантовое пространство-время)
становится двухмерной. Это вполне может уравнивать в правах пространство и время, восстанавливая полную их симметрию, что, правда,
в этой статье не замечено].
arXiv:1009.1136v1 [gr-qc]
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- TD-CARLIP2017. S. Carlip.
Dimension and Dimensional Reduction in Quantum Gravity.
arXiv:1705.05417 [gr-qc].
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- TD-HO2012. Chiu Man Ho, Thomas J. Weiler.
Physical and Stable Closed Timelike Curves.
arXiv:1209.3107 [gr-qc]
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- TD-LARRAQUIVEL2016. Helder Larraguivel, Gustavo V. Lopez, Juan A. Nieto
Nanbu-Goto action and qubit theory in any signature and higher dimensions.
arXiv:1603.05943 [gr-qc]
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- TD-NIETO2011. J. A. Nieto.
Canonical gravity in two time and two space dimensions.
arXiv:1107.0718v2 [gr-qc]
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- TD-PACSIC2011. Matej Pavšič.
Extra Time Like Dimensions, Superluminal Motion, and Dark Matter?
arXiv:1110.4754v1 [gr-qc]
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- TD-PIROGOV2001. Yu. F. Pirogov.
Symplectic vs pseudo-Euclidean space-time with extra dimensions.
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- TD-SEGNOR2013. Gizem Şengör, Metin Arık.
A Five Dimensional Cosmological Model With A Fifth Dimension as Fundamental as Time.
arXiv:1302.0947 [gr-qc]
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- TD-SPARLING2004. George Sparling. A primordial theory. arXiv:cond-mat/0401015 v1. (Примечание: Spin(4,4)-группа и т.д.)
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- TD-SPARLING2006. George A.J. Sparling. Spacetime is spinorial; new dimensions are timelike. arXiv:gr-qc/0610068 v1
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- TD-WANG2010. Shun-Zhi Wang.
Hexad Preons and Emergent Gravity in 3-dimensional Complex Spacetime [Есть хороший обзор дополнительных временных размерностей].
arXiv:1007.0067v1 [gr-qc]
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- TLFQX-WEINSTEIN2009. Steven Weinstein. Many Times. FQXi 'The Nature of Time' Essay Contest
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- TD-YOON2013. Jong Hyuk Yoon
Problem of time and Hamiltonian reduction in the (2+2) formalism.
arXiv:1306.2375 [gr-qc
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Time-less physics, проблема времени, стрела
- TL-AMBJORN2009. J. Ambjorn, R. Loll, W. Westra, S. Zohren
Stochastic quantization and the role of time in quantum gravity.
arXiv:0908.4224v1 [hep-th].
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- TL-ANDREKA2012. Hajnal Andréka, Judit X. Madarász, István Németi, Gergely Székely
A note on "Einstein's special relativity beyond the speed of light" by James M. Hill and Barry J. Cox.
arXiv:1211.2246 [gr-qc].
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- TL-ANDERSON2010. Edward Anderson.
The Problem of Time in Quantum Gravity.
arXiv:1009.2157v1 [gr-qc].
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- TL-ANDERSON2012. Edward Anderson.
Problem of Time in Quantum Gravity.
arXiv:1206.2403v1 [gr-qc].
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- TL-BARBOUR2013. Julian Barbour, Tim Koslowski, Flavio Mercati
A Gravitational Origin of the Arrows of Time.
arXiv:1310.5167 [gr-qc].
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- TL-BOJOWALD2016. M. M. Amaral, Martin Bojowald
A path-integral approach to the problem of time.
arXiv:1601.07477 [gr-qc].
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- TL-CARLIP2017. S. Carlip.
Dimension and Dimensional Reduction in Quantum Gravity.
arXiv:1705.05417 [gr-qc].
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- TL-CHERKAS2020. S. L. Cherkas, V. L. Kalashnikov.
Evidence of time evolution in quantum gravity.
arXiv:2003.11284 [gr-qc]
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- TL-COUMBE2015. Daniel Coumbe
What is dimensional reduction really telling us?
arXiv:1509.07665 [hep-th]
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- TL-DAVIDSON2012. Aharon Davidson, Ben Yellin.
Restoring Time Dependence into Quantum Cosmology.
arXiv:1206.0830v1 [gr-qc].
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- TL-DUBOVSKY2008. Sergei Dubovsky, Sergey Sibiryakov.
Superluminal Travel Made Possible (in two dimensions).
arXiv:0806.1534v2 [hep-th].
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- TL-DUBOVSKY2011. Sergei Dubovsky, Victor Gorbenko.
Superluminal Travel, UV/IR Mixing and Turbulence in the Lineland.
arXiv:1108.2891v1 [hep-th].
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- TL-FLETCHER2017. Samuel C. Fletcher, John Byron Manchak, Mike D. Schneider, James Owen Weatherall.
Would Two Dimensions be World Enough for Spacetime?
arXiv:1709.07438 [physics.hist-ph].
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- TL-GIRELLI2009. F. Girelli, S. Liberati, L. Sindoni. Is the notion of time really fundamental? arXiv:0903.4876v1 [gr-qc].
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- TL-HARTLE2011. James Hartle, Thomas Hertog
Arrows of Time in the Bouncing Universes of the No-boundary Quantum State.
arXiv:1104.1733v1 [hep-th]
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- TL-HARTLE2013. James B. Hartle
The Quantum Mechanical Arrows of Time.
arXiv:1301.2844 [quant-ph].
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- TL-JIN2014. Congrui Jin, Markus Lazar.
A note on Lorentz-like transformations and superluminal motion.
arXiv:1403.5988 [gr-qc].
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- TL-KIEFER2009B. Claus Kiefer Can the Arrow of Time be understood from Quantum Cosmology?. arXiv:0910.5836v1 [gr-qc] (to appear in "The Arrow of Time", ed. by L. Mersini-Houghton and R. Vaas)
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- TL-ROVELLI2019. Carlo Rovelli.
Can we travel to the past? Irreversible physics along closed timelike curves.
arXiv:1912.04702 [gr-qc].
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- TL-SHOSHANY2019. Barak Shoshany.
Lectures on Faster-than-Light Travel and Time Travel.
arXiv:1907.04178 [gr-qc].
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- TL-SMOLIN2001. Lee Smolin.
The present moment in quantum cosmology: challenges to the arguments for the elimination of time.
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- TL-FQX-ZEH2010. H. D. Zeh.
The Nature and Origin of Time-asymmetric Spacetime Structures.
arXiv:1012.4708v1 [gr-qc]
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- TL-NOORBALA2016. Mahdiyar Noorbala
SpaceTime from Hilbert Space: Decompositions of Hilbert Space as Instances of Time.
arXiv:1609.01295 [hep-th].
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- TL-ROTONDO2019. Marcello Rotondo, Yasusada Nambu.
Clock Time in Quantum Cosmology.
arXiv:1901.02767 [gr-qc]
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- TL-ZEH2010-V3. H. D. Zeh
The Nature and Origin of Time-asymmetric Spacetime Structures.
arXiv:1012.4708v3 [gr-qc].
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Time-FQX contest 2009
- TLFQX-BARBOUR2009. Julian Barbour. THE NATURE OF TIME. (First prize of the FQXi 'The Nature of Time' Essay Contest)
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- TLFQX-CALLENDER2009. Craig Callender. What Makes Time Special.
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- TLFQX-CARROLL2009. Sean M. Carroll. What if Time Really Exists?.
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- TLFQX-DREYER2009. Olaf Dreyer. Time is not the problem.
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- TLFQX-GAMBINI2009. Rodolfo Gambini, Jorge Pullin. Free will, undecidability, and the problem of time in quantum gravity.
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- TLFQX-HESTENES2009. David Hestenes. Electron time, mass and zitter.
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- TLFQX-KIEFERS2009A. Claus Kiefer. DOES TIME EXIST IN QUANTUM GRAVITY? arXiv:0909.3767v1 [gr-qc]
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Загрузить текст arXiv
- TLFQX-MARKOPOLOU2009. Fotini Markopoulou. Space does not exist, so time can. arXiv:0909.1861v1 [gr-qc]. (Third prize of the FQXi 'The Nature of Time' Essay Contest)
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- TLFQX-MERSINI2009. L.Mersini-Houghton. Notes on Time's Enigma. arXiv:0909.2330v1 [gr-qc]. (FQXi 'The Nature of Time' Essay Contest)
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- TLFQX-RICKLES2009. Dean Rickles. Time, TOEs, and UltraStructuralism.
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- TLFQX-ROVELLI2009. Carlo Rovelli. "Forget time". arXiv:0903.3832v3.
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- TLFQX-WEINSTEIN2009. Steven Weinstein. Many Times.
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Время в квантовой гравитации (геометродинамика Уилера-ДеВитта и др.)
- TQG-BILSKI2017. Jakub Bilski, Antonino Marciano.
2+1 homogeneous Loop Quantum Gravity with a scalar field clock.
arXiv:1707.00723 [gr-qc]
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- TQG-MALKIEWICZ2015. Przemyslaw Malkiewicz.
What is Dynamics in Quantum Gravity?
Class. Quantum Grav. 34 (2017) 205001 (arXiv:1505.04730 [gr-qc])
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- TQG-MALKIEWICZ2017. Przemysław Małkiewicz, Artur Miroszewski.
Internal clock formulation of quantum mechanics.
arXiv:1706.00743 [gr-qc]
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- TQG-SHESTAKOVA2018. T. P. Shestakova.
Is the Wheeler -- DeWitt equation more fundamental than the Schrödinger equation?
Int. J. Mod. Phys. D27 (2018) 1841004, arXiv:1801.01351 [gr-qc]
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- TQG-WEINSTEIN2017. Nirmalya Kajuri.
The time measurement problem in quantum cosmology.
arXiv:1705.07102 [gr-qc]
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Worm holes, кротовые норы
- WH-GONZALES2011. Pedro F. González-Díaz, Ana Alonso-Serrano
Observing other universe through ringholes and Klein-bottle holes.
arXiv:1102.3784v1 [astro-ph.CO].
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- WH-KARDASHED2006. N.S. Kardashev, I.D. Novikov, A.A. Shatskiy Astrophysics of Wormholes. Int.J.Mod.Phys.D16:909-926,2007, arXiv:astro-ph/0610441v2 .
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- WH-KRECHET2009. V. G. Krechet, D. V. Sadovnikov Spin-spin interaction in general relativity and induced geometries with nontrivial topology. Grav. Cosmol. 15 (4), 337-340 (2009), arXiv:0912.2181v1 [gr-qc] .
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- WH-NOVIKOV2007. И.Д. Новиков, Н.С. Кардашев, А.А. Шацкий
Многокомпонентная Вселенная и астрофизика кротовых нор.
УФН, Т.177 No9 С. 1017-1023 (2007) .
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- WH-NOVIKOV2018. И.Д. Новиков.
Новая концепция кротовых нор и Мультивселенная.
УФН, Т.188 No3 С. 301-310 (2007) .
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- WH-SHATSKIY2008A. A. Shatskiy, I.D. Novikov, N.S. Kardashev New analytic models of traversable wormholes. Phys.Usp.51:457-464,2008, arXiv:0810.0468v1 [gr-qc] .
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- WH-SHATSKIY2008B. А.А. Шацкий, И.Д. Новиков, Н.С. Кардашев. Динамическая модель кротовой норы и модель Мультивселенной. УФН, Т.178, No5 (2008), С. 481-488.
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